Precision Pilates Logo
September / 10 / 2013
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Many Thanks for the Survey Results 

Well, perhaps it is nearly spring.  Maybe, just maybe, we are on our way for warmer weather.  I saw some leaf buds on the trees today, and there are more than enough pot holes in the city to promise us the summer season of road construction we are so familiar with!

I want to thank you for the more than 120 responses to the survey on potential studio location last week.  The feedback was wonderful and it confirmed all the things that I have been thinking anyway!  Although I love the Charlotte Street Arts Centre, securing more space in the building is not possible, and we have outgrown our space. So, although I have not yet found a potential new location, I can tell you what I know it will have to offer.  It will be on or near the downtown plat, with parking, changing rooms, and two spaces for classes and lessons.  Those were the things I knew I wanted, and you all confirmed it for me.

I also want to reassure you that moving the studio will NOT mean larger class sizes or less quality in teaching.  We wish to make this move to better the studio for all of us.  I need an office, the apprentices need a lunch room, and all we really really want is to provide you with the very best Pilates in eastern Canada, as we have been doing since the start!

Below I've announced the open house and detailed the Authentic Pilates Teacher Education program. 

See you all in class and thank you for your continued support! 

Cara Hazelton

Owner/Head Teacher - Precision Pilates
Director of Business and Apprenticeship - Authentic Pilates Canada

In This Issue
Important Studio Policy 
All group class packages are valid for two months from the date of the first class attended.  Packages WILL NOT be extended for any reason.

A reminder for everyone that it is studio policy to take a class off your package if you do not notify us that you will be missing a class.

Also, all private lessons cancelled without 24 hours notice are subject to a $25 fee.  Private lessons cancelled the 'day of' are charged as a full lesson.

Due to many classes and appointment times being full, if you do not cancel your space, others can not attend class.  

You can cancel via the online software, send us an email, give us a call or text our phone number. 

We do understand that sometimes there are circumstances beyond your control.  If this is the case, let us know.

Thank you! 
Annual Open House! - June 7th!
Mark your Calendar!

Many of you have been asking - so here is the big news!  We will of course be having our annual open house and sale on June 7th, 2014.  We will send out another newsletter in a couple of weeks with all the details.

The basics are this:

- up to 20% off group class packages
- free classes
- apparatus demonstrations
- book signing with Peter Fiasca!
- meet the teachers and new apprentices
- refreshments

Make sure you book off a few hours on Saturday June 7th to come in to the studio! You can only get these great sale prices during the event!!  No exceptions!!

Authentic Pilates Canada Teacher Education Program
Big Studio News!

You have probably noticed a lot more bodies in the studio lately.  The first group of apprentices are nearing the 100 hour mark on their 700 hour journey.  What does this mean for you as a client of Precision Pilates?  Many great things!

Let me explain a little!

- First, Authentic Pilates Canada, with Cara as the Director of Business and Apprenticeship, is the only Authentic Pilates Comprehensive Teacher Education program in Canada! (Wow, right?) We are teaching the next group of Pilates teachers the traditional way with a true apprenticeship that includes classroom hours, personal practice, practice teaching, and teacher observation.  This means that they are prepared and fully educated to teach all of you exactly the way you are accustomed to - with the highest educated and accomplished teachers in the region.

- The apprentices will be observing Carol, Cara and Peter teaching classes and lessons. Don't worry, they aren't watching you, they are watching us to learn what we do!

-They will be practice teaching clients once they have passed their 200 hour test (YES!  That means REALLY cheap ($30 taxes in) Private lessons starting mid-June! They need practice and YOU need lessons! Their available hours will be posted on the new schedule.

-There will be more availability on the schedule for lessons and classes in the coming months as the apprentices come into their full teaching capacity! 

If you would like to learn more about the program and some of what it involves, or if you have interest in becoming a Pilates teacher too, you can read more Here.

Summer Schedule and Pricing

Yes, finally the summer schedule is made!  It will be posted on the website by Monday, May 5th!  Just a few changes:

- Two evenings per week of classes rather than four.  This is typical for the summer schedule as many people like to enjoy their hot summer nights near the BBQ and cottage.  Tuesday and Wednesday will remain as usual.  If there is demand for more, of course we will add classes. Full evening classes will return in September.

- More noon hour classes (YES - we listen to your feedback!) We will now have three apparatus classes per week during the noon hour and five mat classes (Beginner - Intermediate) per week during the noon hour as well as two noon hours with express Precision Barre classes.  Classes are staggered for convenience.

- Saturday morning classes are STAYING on the schedule this summer!  WOOHOO!  So long as people continue to come to class on Saturday, we will keep the classes on the schedule.  Saturdays are, however, subject to change or be cancelled during long weekends etc.

- Apprentices are ON the schedule.  YES, the apprentices will be teaching some group classes.  They are excellent, and prepared to teach you. Try a class and get to know their unique teaching personalities!  They will be supervised by and/or 'team teaching' with either Carol, Cara or Peter.

- More Private lesson availability!  Due to the apprentices now teaching some group classes, Carol, Cara and Peter have more time to teach private lessons. Also, the apprentices need practice teaching hours. Therefore there will be private lessons available with them to at the apprentice rate of $30 taxes included.

Price changes:

Yes, it is that time again.  There will be a few changes to the pricing and structure for private lessons. 

- Private and semi-private lesson prices will be going up in order to bring us to the same rates as other studios in the area.  However, we also now offer Trio lessons on the reformer. There will be, as always, discounts based on bulk purchases. 

- Group classes will NOT be going up in price.

Details on exact pricing and structures will be available online and in the studio by Monday, May 12, 2014.

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