Profitability in Sustainable Strategies

In this Issue:

  • Waste Diversion Delivers Quick Paybacks
  • Philadelphia Leading the Charge for Sustainable Cities
  • TEDx Talk - Closing the Loop: Manufacturing a Viable Future
  • Upcoming Industry Leading Events
  • Leveraging LEED

Waste Diversion Delivers Quick Paybacks


The transition to a sustainable economy is creating some challenges, but also providing significant opportunities to organizations in many industries. As the global economy expands and demand for goods rises, competition continues to grow, and corporations are looking for innovative ways to improve operations and increase profit margins. One of the simplest, but often untapped, opportunities for financial savings and environmental impact reductions is waste minimization. Waste equates to lost resources and lost profits, and reducing all forms of waste is critical to an effective and sustainable business strategy.

Each organization is unique, and there is no "standard solution" to reducing waste. SSC's expert team utilizes decades of experience across a multitude of industries to provide clients with specific waste diversion solutions. Specializing in industrial facilities, SSC has the expertise and proven approach to increase efficiency and reduce waste for any operation.
SSC has released educational material on waste diversion to deliver value and get you started on reducing waste and growing your bottom line. Earlier this month, Jim Mellentine, Corporate Sustainability Manager, presented a webinar titled The Path to Zero Waste - Reduce Impacts, Save Money, Get Certified. This webinar provides you with vital information on how to reduce waste from your facility, and avoid sending waste to landfill, by implementing a comprehensive waste reduction program. By following the link, you can view this webinar on-demand.

To learn more about waste diversion strategies or to have your specific questions answered, contact Jim Mellentine at 610-569-1047 or


Philadelphia Leading the Charge

for Sustainable Cities


The City of Philadelphia has been making strides to become the nation's greenest large city through programs like building energy disclosure, green retrofits, and waste management. One project at the forefront is the Philadelphia Navy Yard. This 1,200 acre mixed-use facility is home to large corporations including Urban Outfitters and GlaxoSmithKline, as well as roughly 300 other businesses that collectively employ 10,000 people. Utilizing a comprehensive master plan for the site, the Navy Yard is becoming a hub for sustainable innovation by integrating exciting technologies including a microgrid that connects all buildings on the site in order to share renewable energy and protect from blackouts.

Project teams working on the Navy Yard have completed some cutting-edge energy research programs including a net-zero-energy demonstration home, GridSTAR. As a member of the GridSTAR project team, SSC was excited to bring our extensive green building knowledge and design experience to this LEED for Homes project. A key component of the Philadelphia Navy Yard, it is a demonstration of 'smart grid' technologies including solar power, demand response, and DC-grid. Learn more about the Philadelphia Navy Yard here.


TEDx Talk - Closing the Loop: Manufacturing a Viable Future

Tad Radzinski, President of SSC, presented a TEDx Talk through Villanova University on November 22nd. TED Talks are a series of prepared presentations focused on "ideas worth spreading" and are designed to stimulate inspiration and learning and to incite growth. Tad's recent TEDx Talk examined the problems with our current manufacturing and economic system. It was developed to inspire and demonstrate the value of a closed-loop system in addressing rising concerns of population growth, consumption explosion, and resource scarcity. The video of this TEDx Talk was recently released, and can be viewed here!



Don't Miss One of Our Upcoming Events


Join us for our upcoming seminar and webinars. With industry leading information these events will equip you and your organization to further your sustainability goals.

See what others are saying about our programs:


"[The] webinar was fantastic; real-world and relevant information that was presented in a straightforward, easy to follow manner. Tad's a compelling speaker, as he's informative AND entertaining; he de-mystifies the path to sustainability from a business perspective, and shows how incorporating this ethic directly benefits the bottom line. I'll be a regular viewer of this content from now on."  - Michael S. Di Tizio, Compliance and Standards Specialist, Canon Solutions America



Corporate Responsibility Revolution - Strategy to Success


Date: May 7, 2014

Time: 8:00am -5:30pm

Presenter: Tad Radzinski


Take your skill set to the next level and become a sustainability leader in your organization. Tad Radzinski, recognized industry expert, will lead an interactive full-day seminar, which will provide a roadmap to develop and implement an effective Corporate Responsibility plan that supports a successful business strategy. You and other forward-thinking participants will walk away with actionable information and practical strategies to advance your own sustainability goals through responsible business practices. You don't want to miss this interactive learning and networking event!


Upcoming Webinars:
From Strategy to Success - Ensuring Effective 
Sustainability Program Implementation
Date: February 25, 2014 
Time: 12:00 pm EST 
Presenter: Tad Radzinski 


Even a well-designed Corporate Responsibility program can fail without effective implementation. There are many factors that affect the outcome of sustainability initiatives, and properly managing these factors will lead to optimal performance and return on investment. This webinar will address these factors and how to ensure successful implementation of your Corporate Responsibility program.


Register here, now! 

Beyond LEED - Green Building Standards and 

Regulations Changing a Marketplace


Date: March 6, 2014

Time: 2:00 pm EST

Presenter: Tad Radzinski


Green building rating systems and standards are increasingly becoming an integral part of today's market. Beyond the well-known LEED rating system, other codes and standards (e.g., the NGBS, IgCC, CALGreen, Green Globes, Living Building Challenge, and Passive House) are all shaping the green building marketplace. As these standards evolve and continue to gain momentum, they are often becoming mandatory practice in new construction. This webinar will examine these green building programs and the opportunities they provide. The presentation will also address the direction in which the green building market, as a whole, is heading, as well as the implications this can have for you, your portfolio, or your organization.


Vision to Value - The Profit in Corporate Responsibility


Date: March 25

Time: 12:00 pm EST

Presenter: Tad Radzinski


The success of a Corporate Responsibility plan must be measured at the triple bottom line - examining social, environmental, and economic gains. In order to support a long-term business strategy, sustainability initiatives need to provide cost savings or generate revenue. Monetizing sustainability ensures continued management support and drives responsible growth. Optimizing and quantifying the financial benefits of Corporate Responsibility can be challenging. This valuable webinar will provide insight on measuring the benefits of your Corporate Responsibility program and discuss strategies for maximizing return on sustainability investments.


Critical Crash Course on Corporate Responsibility


Date: April 29, 2014

Time: 12:00 pm EST

Presenter: Tad Radzinski


A valuable opportunity to learn the process of developing and implementing an effective Corporate Responsibility program, this crash course builds upon 30 years of industry insight and proven practices. Building upon months of in-depth coverage of key sustainability topics, this informative webinar answers critical questions and addresses fundamental challenges faced most often in the current business landscape.






The SSC Team

Issue: 17

Contact Us


155 Railroad Plaza 

Suite 203

Royersford, PA 19468

Phone:  610 - 569 - 1047


Leveraging LEED - James Campbell Company Arbor Lake Centre

James Campbell Company LLC (JCC) recently earned LEED certification of its ArborLake Centre property, furthering its commitment to environmental excellence. Following the LEED certification at ArborLake Centre, JCC has released a green marketing campaign highlighting this achievement and the benefits LEED certified properties offer to their tenants. These benefits include productivity gains, operating cost reductions, employee health and safety, improved stakeholder relations, and recruitment and retention. As the green building consultant on the ArborLake project, SSC utilized our years of expertise with the LEED rating system to help ensure an efficient certification process that met the project's goals. To learn more about ArborLake Centre, you can view the one-sheet JCC released here. To find out more about our LEED services, visit our website  or contact Jeremy Kuhre at Jeremy@sustainableso


As part of our commitment to advancing sustainability and our belief that education is the first step to creating positive change, SSC released an offering of educational videos and webinars in 2013. These videos and webinar recordings are available online for on-demand viewing and can be found here.

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The SSC Team
Sustainable Solutions Corporation