GreenCircle Certified, LLC 

 Assuring Accountability in

Today's Evolving Market

Looking Forward to 2013...

As the New Year approaches, GreenCircle is excited about the green products of the future. Consumer demand for environmentally responsible products continues to grow, and forward-thinking companies are answering the call. GreenCircle will continue to assure accountability in today's evolving market and aims to certify the most sustainable products on the planet.

GreenCircle Certifications Offered:

Carbon Footprint Reduction


Closed Loop Product


Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Optimized


Recyclable Material


Recycled Content


Renewable Energy Use


Renewable Resource Content 


Sustainable Manufacturing Operations


Certified Environmental Facts  



For Details on Our Certifications Click Here

GreenBuild Success


After a successful Greenbuild in San Francisco, GreenCircle is happy to report that product transparency and corporate responsibility are in the industry forefront. Show attendees conveyed expectations of greener products and increased product reporting. Manufacturers were promoting the environmental aspects of their products - and a clear advantage was realized by those with independent third-party certifications.


GreenCircle's Certified Environmental Facts™ (CEF) Multi-Attribute Certification generated excitement at the GreenCircle booth. Manufacturers, industry organizations and consumers alike identified GreenCircle's CEF as the solution to the longstanding issue of sustainable product transparency. GreenCircle is proud to offer its comprehensive certification which will aid manufacturers in promoting the sustainable aspects of their products and assure manufacturer accountability.



Multi-Attribute Certification


GreenCircle's Certified Environmental Facts™ (CEF) Multi-Attribute Certification is the answer to the rising demand for comprehensive, clear sustainability information. Much like a nutrition label, the CEF certification details all necessary environmental information in a straightforward manner. The label includes product attributes and key manufacturing impact reductions, providing consumers with a comprehensive view of the product's overall sustainability. Products with the CEF mark can be easily compared to other products to identify the most sustainable option and help consumers make more educated purchasing decisions.
(click to enlarge)

Benefits of Multi-Attribute Certification:

  • Distinguish Your Brand: Today's educated consumers have become much more selective, and third-party certification can help distinguish your brand as a sustainable option.
  • Connect with Customers: The CEF label was designed with simplicity in mind. The information is easy to understand so you can connect with your customers.
  • ROI: Return on investment through increased sales in today's discerning market.
  • Demonstrate Brand Integrity: GreenCircle has always certified per plant, per product. This is the most accurate way to reflect the sustainability of a product and assure accountability.
  • Green Marketing: 56% of consumers don't believe that the companies they purchase from will tell the truth about their green products.� Third-party validation creates a level of consumer trust that has been lacking in the green marketplace.
For more information on our Multi-Attribute Certification, click here.

The GreenCircle Team wishes our clients and associates a Happy Holiday Season and a prosperous New Year!