Behavior Tips for Back to School
Staying in the Swing of School Routines
The CNNH Behavior Team works with families, school districts and community providers to evaluate and treat children with behavior concerns. They work closely with the Interdisciplinary Team of experts of CNNH to address a variety of neurological concerns. They bring the following tips for families to manage the busy Autumn days!
As October begins and school continues, remember this behavior tip: Consistency is key! 
  • Getting your child into a daily routine may help boost energy and overall motivation. Each night, helping your child pick out an outfit and even pack a lunch for the next day may help reduce the morning rush!
  • Bedtime should be consistent each night as well as the time your child wakes in the morning to ensure an adequate amount of sleep. 
  • Also, when your child comes home from school and/or after school activities, it may be helpful to have "homework time." Homework should be completed in a quiet area, without distractions such as the television or other siblings. Homework time should include short breaks every 15-20 minutes; a timer may be used to help you and your child keep track of time. 
Remember consistency is key and with these tips, your child can succeed!

For more information, visit the Behavior Services page of our website.