Bobbi's Story: A young woman finally discovers the diagnosis she has been searching CNNH
A Word From Our President, CEO & Founder, Dr. Mark Mintz


Bobbi D.


I invite you to watch the inspiring story of Bobbi D., newly posted on our website (click here to see the video). She has persevered through years of trials and tribulations with grace, and has emerged a true champion. There are many lessons to be learned from Bobbi's story. 



The journey that led Bobbi to CNNH...

In this age of rapid changes in our health care system, with fragmentation of care and weakened physician-patient relationships, the fundamental rule of listening to patients can be neglected. Bobbi experienced this over the years, which led to missed opportunities, misdiagnosis, ineffective therapies, and poor clinical outcomes. 


After 10 years of frustration and disability, Bobbi learned about CNNH. Bobbi was initially evaluated by a CNNH neurologist (Dr. Chadehumbe, and subsequently Drs. Barabas and Mintz), who listened to Bobbi and trusted Bobbi's intrinsic sense that her issues were biological and not psychiatric. This spurred a quest to find a cause for Bobbi's condition, and a treatable metabolic-genetic disorder was found. Bobbi's long diagnostic journey came to an end, and her path towards recovery and redemption began.


The CNNH philosophy that made a difference to Bobbi...

At CNNH, it is our model of care to understand the biological causes and contributors of neurological and neurobehavioral diseases and disorders. We are not satisfied with general and non-specific diagnostic labels, but rather explore for biological "phenotypes": observable characteristics and traits associated with a biological/genetic mechanism or cause. Too often physicians and other health care providers treat to suppress symptoms without understanding what generates such symptoms. 


The CNNH model is an "inside-out" approach: determining the underlying biological/neurological/neuropsychological causes and contributors of presenting symptoms and complaints, so that treatments can be targeted and focused on mechanisms, not purely symptoms. This is particularly true for patients labeled with non-specific diagnoses like anxiety, ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, and Autism Spectrum Disorders: all these diagnoses can be assigned without regard to their biological causes. Many neurological diseases and brain disorders can present with non-specific and ubiquitous behavioral and developmental symptoms and signs that define these diagnoses. Yet, these disorders often are caused by an array of identifiable neurobiological mechanisms and findings, such as abnormal electrical changes of the brain, genetic variations and mutations, hormonal influences, electrolyte ("salt") disturbances, neuropsychological changes, environmental toxins, and much more. 


The CNNH clinical model is to perform comprehensive neurological, neurophysiological, neuropsychiatric, and neuropsychological assessments and evaluations, producing a biological phenotype and clinical profile, from which effective therapeutic strategies can be developed that are focused not only on externalizing symptoms, but also internalized mechanisms. But, our first step is always to listen to our patients and their families!


Thanks to Bobbi!

We applaud Bobbi's courage and her willingness to share her story so that others may benefit. We praise all our patients and their families who must face complex tasks and struggles on a daily basis. It is why CNNH was created, and is the basis of our ongoing vision and mission. It is from their bravery and perseverance that we draw our motivation and strength to meet these challenges and obstacles together.