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Serving Rockingham, Strafford

&  Southern York Counties


August 2015

Last night Cross Roads House provided shelter to  

80 individuals, including 10 families with 17 children.


Quick Links

You can reach us at 

Immediate Needs
Walmart and gas gift cards

Adult full-sized back packs

Bike helmets (adult and child)

Bike locks 
Baby monitors (new or used in good condition)

Baby wipes
Diapers sizes 2, 3, 4, & 5

Travel size personal care items
Batteries sizes AA & AAA
Pantry Needs
Pasta sauce
Baking mixes (cake, brownies, etc.)
Snack packs (chips, granola bars, crackers, etc.)
Moving Forward Together
Lou and Fran on their last day at Cross Roads House.
Fran and Lou arrived at Cross Roads House on New Year's Eve. Fran recalls, "My mother moved into assisted living and was selling the house we were living in. [Lou] didn't have a job. My [part time] job didn't cover anything for an apartment for rent." Fran was working part time in a school cafeteria and Lou had been doing IT consulting since he was laid off from his full time job in 2008. Lou remembers, "I got laid off in 2008 from an IT job and immediately started looking again. I had a couple nibbles here and there, none of which turned out."
Fran and Lou found that they could both stay at the shelter, but they would not be staying together in one room. The shelter has separate sleeping quarters for single men, single women, and families with children. They both knew this separation would be very difficult. Fran recounts, "This is the hardest thing besides losing a child that a married couple could go through. They're homeless. They have no place to call their own and be together. That has been the hardest part of this entire thing - being separated. Maybe being married for 31 years means that we've gone through a lot so we're strong enough to survive this, but it's still the toughest thing."
Lou remembers that there was one staff member who was particularly helpful on their very first night in the shelter. "It was very hard that first night, but [CRH Director of Operations] Dan was like, don't worry about it. You'll be safe. You may not be together, but you're not going to have to worry about anything."
In February, Lou got a job. "That was the greatest feeling in the world to finally be officially working after seven years. The morale boost that you get after you have been unemployed for so long to be able to go back to full time is quite something. It's exhilarating." 
Once both Lou and Fran were working, they were eligible to move to the shelter's men's and women's transitional programs. The transitional program offers residents more private living quarters with a common living space and kitchenette. Even though they were no longer asked to assist with chores in the main area of the shelter, Fran says she insisted on helping. "When we went to Phase Two and they said you don't have to do chores any more [I said] 'Yes I do.' I'm fed, I have a bed, and I'm warm. You know, if that's the little I can do to give back, then I'm going to do it."
Fran believes that continuing to participate in meetings for the Order of the Eastern Star, a branch of the Free Masons, helped her through some rough times. "In an insane world where everything had been tossed upside down, that was structure. I knew what I was doing; I knew where I was going. And I knew that if I went in the room and they saw I needed it, I got a hug." 
Fran also states that helping with her organization's philanthropic project helped her greatly. "This year we are supporting Veteran's Count and I've helped two people [at the shelter] through that. Seeing what good I'm doing through my organization makes me feel even better."
In July, Fran and Lou moved out of the shelter and into their own apartment. Lou says his goal is to keep his job and get additional IT training and certification. They would also like to find a full time job for Fran.
Fran and Lou are both appreciative of the support they received at Cross Roads House. Fran relates, "Sometimes when you're going through this, your life has been turned upside down so you don't know which way to turn. Just being able to have a bed, being able to sleep, getting food, and knowing that you're safe, it makes you feel a little better about yourself."
Fulfill a child's "Back to School" wish list 

t's "Back to School" time and our young residents could use some help to start the school year off on the right foot. 
This year we have children ranging in age from 6-15 years old, each with very specific back to school lists. You can help us ensure each individual's needs are met prior to entering school by "adopting" a resident child and fulfilling their back to school wish list. 

Please contact Jessica Parker at (603)436-2218 or if you are interested in helping a child get the tools and supplies they will need to have a successful school year.

Volunteer Orientation - August 13, 2015  


Interested in volunteering at Cross Roads House?


Seven nights a week, our volunteers prepare and serve dinner to our residents.


Find out how you can become a volunteer by attending Volunteer Orientation on Thursday, August 13, or Thursday, September 10, from 5:30-6:30 pm at the shelter. Orientation includes a shelter tour, an overview of kitchen operations, and volunteer expectations. 


If you have any questions about volunteering or about our orientation program, e-mail JoAnn Rohde at or call 603-436-2218 ext. 107. Pre-registration for orientation is not required. 


Please Note:  Volunteers must be over 18 and out of high school to volunteer at the shelter   


Click this link for driving directions and parking instructions. 

Thank you!!

Thank you to former CRH Board member Andy Fleisher (1993 - 1997) for designating funds from the NH CIBOR Commercial Real Estate Deal of the Year Award to Cross Roads House.


Thank you to Bob's Clam Hut, for donating $500 collected from customers in lieu of tipping. Bob's ongoing support of Cross Roads House is greatly appreciated.


Thank you to Friends Forever Camp for baking delicious desserts for our residents.


Thank you to The Portsmouth Brewery for donating gift cards for our residents.

Cross Roads House
600 Lafayette Road, Portsmouth, NH 03801
Ph  603.436.2218  Fax  603.430.9217