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Serving Rockingham, Strafford

&  Southern York Counties


August 2014

Last night Cross Roads House sheltered 

93 people including 10 families with 22 children.


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Immediate Needs
Baby Wipes

Diapers: Size 3, 5, & 6

Gas Cards ($5-$10)
Men's underwear (all sizes)

Men's deodorant

Nail Clippers

Pantry Needs
Meat (Chicken, Beef, Fish, etc.)
Pasta Sauce
Baking Mixes (Cake, Brownies, etc.)

Sandwich bags

Deli meat

Snack packs (Chips, Granola Bars, Crackers, etc.)
Case Managers help open new doors

Crissy on her last day at Cross Roads House.

When Crissy arrived at Cross Roads House she was pregnant and had a three-year-old son. She had lost her job and her apartment. Crissy knew it would not be easy to find a job or a place to live. She had been convicted of a felony and had spent time in jail. When Crissy arrived she began seeing a case manager weekly. Her case manager helped her to fill out housing applications and get the documentation she would need to find employment and housing. "I didn't know my birth certificate wasn't an original. Cross Roads helped me get birth certificates and Social Security cards for me and my boys. I even got a new ID because mine was expired." 


When Crissy was declined public housing, she met with her case manager, Jessica, who helped her to navigate the appeals process. "With my criminal record [Public Housing] kept denying me. But I kept trying."


"Crissy has changed," Crissy's case manager Jessica shared. "Her kids are her life now and she wanted to find a good home for them. I talked to Crissy about appealing the housing board's decision and I supported her. She really did all the hard work."


Crissy was granted a final appeal hearing and Jessica attended as a supporter. "Crissy made all the changes she needed to. She turned her life around. I was happy to speak on her behalf," said Jessica.


Last month, Crissy's appeal was granted and she was able to move into an apartment with her boys. She is looking towards the future, and she truly appreciates all the help she got from her case manager, "Cross Roads House has helped me out a lot. I have a house - that's awesome."


Help our kids with "Back to School" items   

It's "Back to School" time and our young residents could use some help to start the school year off on the right foot. At this time, there are nine school-aged children residing at the shelter. 

Items most in need include: 
  • Staples and Walmart gift cards (for school supplies and clothes)
  • Poster board
  • Markers
  • Grocery gift cards for lunch box ingredients
  • Snack packs (chips, crackers, cookies, etc.)
  • Juice boxes
Donations can be dropped off at any time at our front desk, 600 Lafayette Road, Portsmouth, NH 03801. 
Timberland Employee Sample Sale raises more than $20,000

Cross Roads House would like to extend a very special thank you to everyone involved in making the Timberland Employee Sample Sale such a huge success. We are thrilled to announce that the sale raised $20,060 for Cross Roads House. Pictured above (left-right) are Martha Stone and Jessica Parker of Cross Roads House and Jill Holt and Kim Marsh of Timberland. Pictured below are some of the many wonderful Cross Roads House volunteers who helped to make the sale a success!

Are you following Chris and Josh on their 2,000 mile journey?

Let's help Pedal for Power's 
fundraising initiative to go viral!

Chris and Josh are biking the West Coast and accepting pledge-per-mile donations which will be used to install a solar panel electric system at Cross Roads House. Check out the inspiring stories and photos from their 2,000 mile bike adventure along the West Coast on their Facebook page: Pedal for Power, 2,000 Miles for Solar and then share the pictures and stories with your friends and encourage them to make a pledge. Chris and Josh still need lots of pledges to help them meet their fundraising goal. A penny per mile is only $20! 

Pledges can be made on their webpage:

Thank you AirZone Portsmouth   

Cross Roads House would like to thank AirZone in Portsmouth for donating proceeds from their opening day, July 26th, to the shelter. We are very grateful that AirZone was able to raise much needed fundis to help the children who are staying at Cross Roads House. AirZone is an indoor inflatable play space, located in Portsmouth and Exeter.

Volunteer Orientation - August 14, 2014  


Interested in volunteering at Cross Roads House?


Seven nights a week, our volunteers prepare and serve dinner to our residents.


Find out how you can become a volunteer by attending Volunteer Orientation on Thursday, August 14, or Thursday, September 4, from 5:30-6:30 pm at the shelter. Orientation includes a shelter tour, an overview of kitchen operations, and volunteer expectations. 


If you have any questions about volunteering or about our orientation program, e-mail JoAnn Rohde at

or call 603-436-2218 ext. 107. Pre-registration for orientation is not required. 


Please Note:  Volunteers must be over 18 and out of high school to volunteer at the shelter   


Click this link for driving directions and parking instructions. 

Cross Roads House
600 Lafayette Road, Portsmouth, NH 03801
Ph  603.436.2218  Fax  603.430.9217