December 11,  2013
Strive to be more
Dear Parents, 

We look forward to you joining us for the Nativity play, On our way to Bethlehem, on December 16, 2013 at 6:30pm in the Cathedral.  The students have been practicing hard to share this joyous prayer with you.  

Please note that some students will be singing in the main aisle and the side aisles for the finale.  We ask that everyone remain in their seats during this performance so that the students can take their appropriate places in the aisles and be seen by their guests. 

We encourage you to unite with us in song as the students perform the finale.  

Happy Advent and God Bless, 

The Teachers of St. Thomas More Cathedral School
Congratulations to 
Mr. and Mrs. Burke!

Welcome Caden Hallinan Burke

Our newest member of the STM family! 

Caden is the son of Mrs. Taylor Burke, STM teacher of K-19.
Saturday, December 14th, 9am - 12 noon

Barnes & Noble Seven Corners

6260 Seven corners Center Fall Church, VA 22044


Come hear the STM Choir sing holiday carols at 10:00

Come listen to a story read by STM teachers from 9:30 to 10:30

Mrs. Winstanley, Mrs. Coleman, Mrs. Bauer, Mrs. Stocker, Mrs. Rozzi

Every purchase helps support our library!


Can't attend our book fair in person? Use the internet!

Visit BN.COM/bookfairs to support us online from 12/14/13 -12/21/13

By entering Bookfair ID 11201613 at check out.

Send out our online address to all your friends and relatives.

A percentage of your purchases will benefit our library

2014 National Education Contest 
Sponsored by the Catholic Daughters of Americas


For students in grades 4 - 8.


Contest Theme: 
"Jesus loves us, How do we spread that love?" 
"How do I promote peace in the world?"

Categories - Essay, Poetry, Art
 See the attached flyer for more information.  
CubeSat Writing Contest

STM is hosting a writing contest and students are invited to share their thoughts about the STM Mission Possible CubeSat program.  Students are asked to write about what they have learned so far in the STM project.  The entry should include a memory of any of the major events or even what they hope to learn in the future.  The entry can be up to 300 words.  

Due Date: Thursday, December 12, 2013.

Any student who submits an entry will be entered into a drawing for a $25.00 gift card. 

Blessing of a Manger 


Lord, bless all who look upon this manger; may it remind us of the humble birth of Jesus, and raise up our thoughts to him, who is God-with-us and Savior of all, and who lives and reigns for ever and ever.



This Friday's Pizza Lunch is benefiting 3rd Grade. Please help us by volunteering between 11:00 and 1:15.  The kids love to see their parents at pizza lunch.  Also, we need items for the market table, so please send in non-food items and healthy snacks (no nuts please!) on Friday.


Thank you!


Laurie Purpuro

Giving Tree 
Each year the student council helps families in need in the area but organizing the giving tree.  This year's recipients are from the Refugee Center.   The Giving Tree is a Christmas tree with paper ornaments that list item or items, such as pajamas, school supplies, backpack on the ornament.  Pick up an paper ornament and fulfill the wish.   Please bring unwrapped gifts to Mrs. Wilson's room, room 7.   Thank you for your help.
Toy Drive 
The 8th grade Girl Scouts are sponsoring a toy drive for neighborhood children, ages 0-13.  Donations will not be accepted through December 16, 2013.  They are asking for new, unwrapped toys. Boxes for the toy collection are set up around the school by the gym, clinic, in the cafeteria, and by the door Mrs. Quaadman's  office.  

Can you foster us? 




STM's Girl Scout Cadette Troop 14 is assisting the Animal Welfare League of Arlington ( to find TEMPORARY homes for their small animals during their upcoming renovation.  They have hamsters, bunnies, gerbils, birds, and more!  Foster homes are needed January through early/mid-April.  This is a great opportunity for kids to try out the responsibilities of pet ownership!    


If interested, please contact:

STM's Cadette Troop 14 at: or Foster Coordinator, Ramon Villatoro at (703) 931-9241, 



CYO Basketball Weekend Recap


A number of CYO basketball games were canceled on Sunday due to the bad weather, but our teams that played games on Saturday represented the Royals well! 


The Game Recaps are as follows:


The 6th Grade boys team came back from behind to beat St. Leo's 32-28 in their first game. 


The 5th grade girls' team won 10 - 0 over St. Mary (White) and the 5th grade boys' team won 24-8 !


The 3rd Grade Boys (Blue Team) team started the year off with at 14 to 5 win over All Saints! 


This weekend's games are as follows:


The 8th Grade Boys team plays All Saints (White Team) at 2pm at St. Francis in Triangle VA


The 6th Grade Boys team play on Saturday at 10:50a against St Raymond's at St Charles School in Arlington.


The 5th Grade Girls play Sunday at 1pm at St. Agnes


The 3rd Grade Boys (Blue team) plays Sunday, December 15th and the White Team plays at 4 pm vs. Corpus Christi, both teams play at St Ann's.



For other STM CYO results as well as game times and locations, or to get direction to area gyms, you can check the Northern VA CYO basketball website.


Come out and support Royals Basketball!





The Office of College Counseling

Paul VI Catholic High School

Invites you to





  • How to prepare in Grades 7 and 8 for a college prep high school curriculum
  • What to consider considering the right college "fit"
  •  How colleges review applications
  • What financial assistance and scholarship funds are available


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

7:15 - 8:45 p.m.


Paul VI Catholic High School

Heet Auditorium

10675 Fairfax Blvd.

Fairfax, VA 22030


For more information, contact Mrs. Battle, PVI's College and Career Specialist, at or 703 352-0925.

Issue: 15
In This Issue
Nativity Play
STM's Newest Family Member
Barnes and Noble Book Fair
2014 National Education Contest
CubeSat Writing Contest
Blessing of a Manger
Pizza Lunch - This Friday
Student Council - Giving Tree
Toy Drive
Can you foster us?
Royals Basketball
Paul VI Office of College Counseling
Upcoming Events

December 14, 2013
Barnes and Noble Bookfair

December 16, 2013
All School Nativity Play
6:30 pm Cathedral

Click here for the full December Calendar

Don't forget to check out the PTO Blast on Fridays for exciting events going in at the school! 
STM connects us!