BCN Newsletter: 05 November 2012


To the Better Care Network,


We would like to share with you some upcoming staffing transitions here at the BCN Secretariat.  Kathleen Riordan, current Project Coordinator of the Better Care Network, will be leaving BCN as of November 7, 2012.  The Better Care Network team wants to thank her for her tremendous contributions to BCN and the sector at large and wish her farewell.


During this time of transition BCN wants to ensure that those of our members and friends who outreach to BCN for technical support and requests for assistance continue to receive support without interruption. 


We remain available, as always, to colleagues around the world in providing comprehensive and current support to promote and deliver better care for children.  Should you require assistance, have questions or need further information, we encourage you to contact the Secretariat through [email protected] and directly by contacting BCN Senior Coordinator, Severine Chevrel at [email protected]


All the best,

The BCN Secretariat


Street Children
Ethical Pirnciples in Collecting Data
Family Assessment Tool
Job Posting
General Information


 Retrak's "The Situation of Street Girls in Kampala and Addis Ababa"  

In their recent summary research paper, Retrak highlights the situation of girls living on the streets in Kampala, Uganda and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and provides recommendations for necessary development programs. The research focused on gaining a deeper understanding of the situation for girls on the streets of these two cities and guiding Retrak and other street children practitioners on the methods and programs that would best meet their needs.

The paper concluded that despite their sizable representation in the overall population of street children in the cities examined (25%), girls are more readily neglected in service provision due to gender discrimination deeply rooted in countries. The authors urge for scaling up of services and building of new facilities specifically for street girls. Capacity building of staff and assessment of income generating activities were recommended solutions as well.

To read the full report, please visit:


Ethical Principles, Dilemmas and Risks in Collecting Data on Violence against Children: A Review of Available Literature  

The literature review, "Ethical Principles, Dilemmas and Risks in Collecting Data on Violence against Children" aims to capture current thinking around ethical issues and provide empirical support to guide recommendations for ethical research practice and decision-making in collecting data on violence against children (VAC). The review examines documentation that is of specific relevance to research ethics in collecting data on VAC. It provides an overview of documentation on ethical guidance, ethical codes of countries and professional bodies along with a review of published literature, specifically on consent, protection from harm, privacy and confidentiality, and payment of research participants.

The findings identify the gaps in documentation and research, pointing to the need for further research to gain understanding of ethical issues involved. The literature review recommends a stronger framework for ethical research practice on VAC and an ongoing investment in continued discussion and extension of knowledge through research.

To read the full report, please visit:


National Family Preservation Network (NFPN)'s

 New International Assessment Tool

The National Family Preservation Network (NFPN) recently released its family assessment tool designed for use in Least Developed Countries (LDC). The tool aims to:

  1.  Help a variety of workers serving families in least developed countries
  2. Use standard international definitions to assess the state of family well-being
  3. Identify and prioritize needs of families and services to assist them
  4.  Track improvement of family well-being
  5. Assist NGOs to identify unmet needs of families at the community level, develop services to meet these needs, and track improvements
  6. Provide a source of comprehensive data for international organizations, policy makers, and funders that assist least developed countries. 

The tool can be purchased or downloaded online via and for technical assistance, contact Priscilla Martens at [email protected]


On Wednesday 14th November at 3pm (London time) Home: The Child Recovery and Reintegration Network ( is hosting its third webinar. 

The webinar is entitled "Alternative care and safe accommodation: what are we learning about alternative care for children generally and what does 'safe accommodation' for trafficked children look like? "

During the webinar there will be two presentations from:

  • Emily Delap: Senior Policy Advisor at Family for Every Child
  • Dr Lucie Shuker: Research Fellow in the International Centre for the Study of Sexually Exploited and Trafficked Young People at the University of Bedfordshire.

The webinar follows on from the development of a working paper "What do we think we know about ... safe accommodation and alternative care for children affected by sexual exploitation and related trafficking?" This working paper is part of a series of papers developed for summarizing the key themes and findings related to different areas of aftercare for children affected by exploitation.

To access the webinar please email [email protected] 

See for details of future webinars and to access and comment on the working papers.


"Training of Children and Young People in Alternative Care" project- young people from 7 countries working together for a week @ Sofia, Bulgaria

The International Foster Care Organization (IFCO) announces that Bulgaria's three major youth organizations, For our Children Foundation, IFCO, and Power4Youth came together for a 7-day event on October 18-24, 2012 to help youth participants interact with peers, NGO representatives and policy makers. This event is designed for thirty young people and youth leaders who will be trained in presentation skills, basic facilitation skills, group dynamics and activities through the theme of Children in Alternative Care. IFCO hopes to help youth and their leaders build skills they can bring back to their communities to lead and facilitate peer events, support civil societies, and empower youth who are in alternative care.

To learn more about IFCO and their activities, visit


FICE Congress 2013 - Ways Towards Inclusion - A Challenge for All of Us

Bern, Switzerland, 8-12 October 2013


FICE International will hold its next international Congress in Berne, Switzerland, from 8 to 12 October, 2013. Since FICE was founded in 1948, 46 FICE Congresses throughout the world have brought together front-line experts in providing care and support for children without and outside the family. The FICE Congresses are aimed at people involved in out-of family care for children and youths and the enforcement of children's rights, These include professionals in practice, research, teaching, as well as interested attendants from the fields of education, culture, politics, and business.



Program Associate, International Children's Rights and International Children's Education Program at Wellspring Advisors


Wellspring Advisors is seeking qualified candidates for the Program Associate for their international Children's Rights Team. The position is responsible for coordinating programmatic and administrative tasks for the team and is expected to conduct and synthesize research on relevant issues, organizations, and events of the program. Candidates must be familiar with and committed to international children and youth rights and development issues, and have excellent English language writing, editing, and proofreading skills. For further application information, please visit


General Information


The newsletter participants, currently 3,119 in total, are working on issues related to the care and support of vulnerable children across Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Americas.  The purpose of the newsletter is to enable members to exchange information on matters of mutual concern. If you would like to share a document, raise a specific issue, or reach out in any other way to the Network, please send the information to us at [email protected].  In the interest of keeping messages consolidated, we will manage announcements on the newsletter and send out a few messages each month.


We would like to involve as many people as possible who are concerned with better care issues in the Network. Please advise anyone who would like to be added to the newsletter to send us a message at [email protected]  with "newsletter request" in the subject line. Alternatively, visit the homepage of the Better Care Network website, and click on the upper right box where it says "click here to sign up for our email announcements".