BCN Newsletter: 21 September 2012


To the Better Care Network,


Welcome to the latest edition of the BCN Newsletter! 


In this edition, you'll find the latest research and resources on alternative care and related programming and policy guidance.  In particular, this newsletter includes assessments, guidance and program evaluations on the following issues:


  • Youth Aging Out of Care;
  • Family Strengthening and the Prevention of Family Separation;
  • Program Guidance for Implementing Gender into Care programs ;
  • Sibling Caringscapes and Adolescent Well-being;
  • Job Postings, Conferences and much more..



The Better Care Network Secretariat  
Youth Aging Out of Care
Preventing Family Separation
Integrating Gender in Care
Sibling Caringscapes
Job Posting
General Information

New Resource:

The Transitions Initiative: Youth Aging Out of Alternative Care  

Longitudinal research has shown that, of all the identifiable groups in society, young people who have been in care are the most likely to experience poor outcomes in adult life. Upon exit, they are often forced to begin the transition into adulthood without the proper resources or knowledge of their environment and face immense challenges and risks including vulnerability to homelessness, human trafficking, sexual and labor exploitation, depression, and recruitment by gangs or militant groups.


In light of these challenges IOFA conducted a needs assessment in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia that focused on identifying the strengths, needs, and risks of orphaned and vulnerable adolescents who are transitioning to independence. The data collected aims to establish a comprehensive support system for youth aging out of care and to build awareness around the issues that this vulnerable population confronts.


To read the full report at:


Preventing the separation of children from their familie

 in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Hope and Homes for Children has been implementing ACTIVE Family Support Program in Sarajevo Canton which consists of two elements: the prevention of separation of children from their parents as the primary focus, and the reintegration of separated children from institutions back into their biological families.

Key learning and significant outcomes:

  • The model was successful in preventing the separation of children from their families in 98% of cases
  • 88% of families maintained their progress in the year following the end of our support, highlighting the effectiveness of the time-bound approach
  • 82% of children left institutions and were successfully reintegrated into their biological families; 14% left large institutions to live with foster families
  • The program also demonstrated a significant return on investment.  Every Euro invested provided a return of €9.33
  • Its estimated that 32% of the children would have been placed in an institution had they not accessed ACTIVE Family Support.

Read more at:


Integrating Gender in Care and Support of Vulnerable Children: A Guide for Program Designers and Implementers.

This guide provides step-by-step guidance and recommendations on how to identify and address gender-related issues that negatively affect vulnerable boys and girls in the local program context. It is intended to be a practical tool for staff involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of care and support programs for vulnerable children.


The guide will help program staff to:

  • conduct a gender analysis to identify the gender norms and behaviors that harm vulnerable boys, girls and their caregivers
  • carry out a planning process to design the strategies, objectives and activities that address issues raised in the gender analysis
  • identify appropriate indicators, methods and tools to monitor and evaluate gender-related outcomes and impact of interventions and activities for vulnerable children. 

To read the full report, visit:

New Journal Article:

Sibling caringscapes: Time-space practices of caring within youth-headed households in Tanzania and Uganda

This paper investigates the time-space practices of young people caring for their siblings in youthheaded households affected by AIDS in Tanzania and Uganda and finds that young people's lifecourse transitions are shaped to a large extent by their caring responsibilities, resulting in some young people remaining in a liminal position for considerable periods, unable to make 'successful' transitions to adulthood or experiencing detrimental effects on young people's health, education, future employment prospects and mobility. Despite structural constraints, however, young people are able to exercise some autonomy over their caring pathways and lifecourse transitions. The research sheds light on the ways that individuals embody the practices, routines and rhythms of everyday life and exercise agency within highly restricted broader landscapes of care.


Read the full study at:



UNICEF and Better Care Network Seek Consultant to Conduct

 African Country Profiles on Child Care Reform

Exchange of information between and among countries on positive care initiatives could inform and reinforce current country-level reform efforts and encourage and inform others. As an initial step, it is proposed that a consultant prepare for UNICEF and the Better Care Network (BCN) profiles of current reform efforts in four African countries. These profiles are to be prepared with the aim of sharing them among the countries concerned and with other countries in the region to facilitate information exchange on implementing care reform.


To learn more about this opportunity with BCN, visit:


Child Fund International Seeks Director of Education and Child Protection

ChildFund International is seeking a Director, Education and Child Protection within the Program Development Division.  The Director is a member of the Senior Management Team that plays an influential role in setting the direction, pace and culture of the Division operating under a new structure and new leadership.  The Director fulfills technical leadership, representation and business development functions.  This position offers the opportunity to make an impact on divisional strategy and vision for where children's programming goes within the organization.  The Director will develop a learning agenda, refine a program theory of change and develop new partnerships.

To see qualifications and to apply, please visit the ChildFund International career page at


Promoting the Rights of Children in Alternative Care across Europe


Eurochild's Annual Conference 2012, co-hosted by the National Network for Children (Bulgaria)

Eurochild - a European network of organisations promoting the rights and welfare of children in Europe - takes the opportunity of its 9th Annual Conference to look at how the rights of children growing up in care or at risk of being taken into care can be best protected and promoted. At a time of unprecedented strain on public finances - and on the child protection system - how can we ensure the best interest of the child is at the heart of all decision-making regarding children's care?

General Information


The newsletter participants are working on issues related to the care and support of vulnerable children across Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Americas.  The purpose of the newsletter is to enable members to exchange information on matters of mutual concern. If you would like to share a document, raise a specific issue, or reach out in any other way to the Network, please send the information to us at [email protected].  In the interest of keeping messages consolidated, we will manage announcements on the newsletter and send out a few messages each month.


We would like to involve as many people as possible who are concerned with better care issues in the Network. Please advise anyone who would like to be added to the listserve to send us a message at [email protected]  with "lnewsletter request" in the subject line. Alternatively, visit the homepage of the Better Care Network website, and click on the upper right box where it says "click here to sign up for our email announcements".