MLI launches "From A Mandate For Change To A Plan To Govern" series
The Justin Trudeau Liberals swept to power on a promise of "real change" - and the Macdonald-Laurier Institute is here to help them deliver it.
MLI has launched From A Mandate For Change To A Plan To Govern, a series of papers by new Senior Fellow Sean Speer and various expert co-authors aimed at helping the new Liberal government achieve its electoral promises.
Jim Balsillie is wrong to call wolf over the intellectual property provisions of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and Richard Owens explains why in a new paper.
Perry Bellegarde, the Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, recognized the important thought leadership of MLI Senior Fellow Ken Coates in helping to foster Aboriginal progress.
In December Coates authored a paper for MLI on what needs to be done for Aboriginals to get better-skilled jobs in the resource economy.
MLI authors provide thought leadership on recent terrorist attacks
Macdonald-Laurier Institute authors helped bring order to the chaos behind a series of terrorist attacks in November.
Senior Fellow Christian Leuprecht authored an op-ed for the Globe and Mail on why we aren't giving those on the front-lines in the battle with terrorism the right tools. He also wrote an op-ed for the Sun on why Canada can't afford to be complacent.
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The Macdonald-Laurier Institute is the only non-partisan, independent national public policy think tank in Ottawa focusing on the full range of issues that fall under the jurisdiction of the federal government. It initiates and conducts research identifying current and emerging economic and public policy issues facing Canadians.