MLI Newsletter
Vol. VI, No. 8
June 29, 2015






Northern Light: Lessons for America from Canada's Fiscal Fix


The Canadian Century 



Fearful Symmetry   






Stay in the know






In this edition...
Law: Dwight Newman debunks conventional wisdom on Aboriginal legal rights
Senate: Time for change in the Upper Chamber, says Crowley
Events: Strengthening intellectual property to achieve our trade goals
Aboriginal affairs: Coates tells CTV what's holding back First Nations
Events: Alex Epstein explains to Ottawa audience why he (heart)s fossil fuels
MLI news: Mourning the loss of Robert Knox
Inside Policy: Is income inequality the issue of our times?
Magna Carta: Celebrating one of freedom's foundational documents
Other MLI news

Dwight Newman offers reality check with new paper on Aboriginal court decisions 

Conventional wisdom says Aboriginal groups are in the midst of a legal winning streak. The problem? That narrative doesn't match up with reality.

Macdonald-Laurier Institute Senior Fellow Dwight Newman released a new paper in June warning that Aboriginal groups risk overplaying their hand following a string of recent court decisions expanding their legal rights.

The paper earned coverage in the National Post and the Vancouver Sun. Newman also authored a column for the Globe and Mail.


Another month, another round of allegations of misspending in the Senate.

MLI's Brian Lee Crowley says it's time for a fix. In June, he took to airwaves and opinion pages across the country to make his case for reforming the Upper Chamber.

Crowley appeared on CBC TV's Power and Politics and CBC Radio One's Metro Morning in Toronto. He also authored a column for the National Post calling for the federal government to propose a referendum on Senate reform.

A strong intellectual property regime helps improve trade and innovation. But Canada has for years lagged behind.

On June 11, MLI and Dawson Strategic brought together a panel of experts to discuss how strengthening intellectual property can help Canada achieve its trade goals.

Coates discusses problems facing Aboriginal communities on CTV News Channel

What is it going to take to make Aboriginal Canada as prosperous as the rest of the country? Better education and more economic development opportunities, MLI Senior Fellow Ken Coates said in an interview with CTV News Channel.

Author Alex Epstein offered an impassioned defence of the value of fossil fuels in a Macdonald-Laurier Institute event held Tuesday, June 23 in Ottawa.


We at MLI were saddened to learn of Robert Knox's death on June 5, 2015. He was a great friend and a true champion of economic freedom for Canadians in his work with MLI. 

Income inequality is a favourite issue for Canadian politicians. But is the disparity between the well-off and the not-so-well-off really the issue of our times?

A team of leading thinkers takes the issue on in the June 2015 issue of Inside Policy.

Drawing on his article for the issue, regular contributor Stanley Hartt authored a column for iPolitics calling for across-the-board tax breaks, among other policy ideas for a Conservative party in need of a new image. 


Crowley celebrates the Magna Carta's birthday in the Ottawa Citizen

Put your party hats on - the Magna Carta is 800 years old! 

Other MLI news

The Great Canadian Debates are returning for another season


Want to know what Great Canadian Debates patrons have been enjoying these last four years?

By popular demand, the Great Canadian Debates series will return in the fall with a new line-up of hot topics and notable personalities.Past debaters have been David Frum, Sheila Copps, and Andrew Coyne, just to name a few.  

While we are keeping all the details of our 2015-2016 series under wraps for now, you can be sure that this popular series will deliver more exciting entertainment full of persuasive arguments and pertinent questions from the audience.

See what everyone is talking about and check out the highlights from past seasons.

Want to help and be part of this quickly trending event? For sponsorship opportunities contact Patricia Bouchard at (613) 482-8327 x104 or [email protected].


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The Macdonald-Laurier Institute is the only non-partisan, independent national public policy think tank in Ottawa focusing on the full range of issues that fall under the jurisdiction of the federal government. It initiates and conducts research identifying current and emerging economic and public policy issues facing Canadians.

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