MLI Newsletter
Vol. VI, No. 4
March 27, 2015






Northern Light: Lessons for America from Canada's Fiscal Fix


The Canadian Century 



Fearful Symmetry   






Stay in the know






In this edition...
Events: First Great Canadian Debate of 2015 coming up
Security: MLI analyses Canada's anti-terrorism law
Economy: Hage report sparks Northern Gateway debate
Justice: Newman discusses Supreme Court
Natural resources: Sovereign wealth fund paper featured by CBC
Justice: Leuprecht introduces new idea for Ontario's contraband tobacco problem
Data: Cross dissects flawed reports in the Post
Economy: Lessons learned from Japan's 'Abenomics' experiment
Other MLI news

Great Canadian Debate on income inequality coming up on March 31 

Canadians should stop worrying about income inequality: Agree or disagree?

On March 31, the first Great Canadian Debate of 2015 will be taking place in Ottawa.

Member of Parliament Chrystia Freeland will square off with George Mason professor Frank Buckley over the issue of income inequality in Canada.

The event is taking place at the Canadian War Museum.

To buy tickets, click here.

You can also listen to Freeland and Buckley get the debate started on the CBC Radio One program the 180, which airs at 11 a.m. on Sunday, March 29.

A pair of MLI authors are leading the debate on Bill C-51, a recently-introduced piece of anti-terrorism legislation that has sparked some controversy.

In a new report for MLI, security expert Scott Newark presents a detailed analysis of the bill that goes beyond the hype and hysteria. He suggests some minor improvements but says it should be a key tool in fighting the rise of Islamist terrorism.

Senior Fellow Christian Leuprecht authored an op-ed for the Globe and Mail arguing that the new bill provides a good mixture of freedom and security.

Robert Hage appeared on the CBC program the Exchange to discuss his recent MLI report, which looks at what Canada can learn from Alaska on natural resource development projects.

Hage, a former diplomat, argues that the builders of the Northern Gateway pipeline still have work to do in engaging with First Nations and other local communities to help manage the risk of oil spills.


Newman keeps the discussion going on the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court is courting trouble with a string of recent decisions that have given the Court more of an activist bent, MLI Senior Fellow Dwight Newman says in a new commentary.

Last month Newman also spoke with Maclean's for a video about the concept of judicial activism.


Greg Poelzer spoke with the CBC about his recent report detailing the success of Norway's sovereign wealth fund and how Canadian governments could learn from its example.


Writing in the Toronto Sun, Macdonald-Laurier Institute Senior Fellow Christian Leuprecht argues that it's time the government of Ontario gave First Nations the power to tax cigarettes.

Leuprecht also spoke with Global TV about why the contraband tobacco problem is bigger in Ontario than elsewhere.

Trying to hide your political agenda behind wonky numbers that have no basis in reality? Beware! Macdonald-Laurier Institute Senior Fellow Philip Cross is watching.

In recent columns for the National Post, Cross explained why a pair of recent studies are flawed interpretations of bad data.

Crowley analyses Japan's experience with Abenomics in the Globe

Writing in the Globe and Mail, Macdonald-Laurier Institute Managing Director Brian Lee Crowley writes that Japan's experience with Abenomics shows the folly of trying to treat the symptoms of economic malaise rather than the fundamental problems.

The policies of current Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, which include printing money and spending millions of dollars on infrastructure, may sound nice but they have yet to reverse the changes wrought by an aging population.


Other MLI news

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