#16~October 5, 2014~11 Tishrei


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תיקון ליל הושענא רבה
Tuesday, October 14th

starts @8pm in the MMY Beit Midrash 


Rejoicing and Re-juicing
By: Rabbi Yonatan Emmet  
""וְשָׂמַחְתָּ בְּחַגֶּךָ... וְהָיִיתָ אַךְ שָׂמֵח" - "You shall rejoice on your festival... and you will be completely joyous" (Deuteronomy 16:14-15). This Sukkot related Pasuk, or distorted abbreviation of two Psukim to be precise, is one we are all too familiar with. Due to over-popularization achieved through the medium of song, it has gained the status of a Sukkot icon, and no Sukkot meal is complete without the traditional few rounds of "וְשָׂמַחְתָּ בְּחַגֶּךָ... וְהָיִיתָ אַךְ שָׂמֵח"...."

Listen to MMY's Library of Shiurim about Sukkot, Hoshana Rabba and Simchat Torah 

Shurim by Rabbi Lerner

Audio Shiurim from Rabbi Lerner: 

  1.  15 minute Sicha- between Yom Kippur and Sukkot
  2. Rain, Rain, Don't Go Away - Shiur Klali


Audio Shiurim from Rabbi Twersky:

  1. The secret of Sefer Kohelet and why did Shlomo Fail?
  2. The Ghosts of Nissan and Tishrei

Audio Shiurim from Mrs. Atara Eis:
  1. Water and Willows - Halachic and Hashkafic Reflections on Hoshana Rabbah

Audio Shiurim from Mrs. Sarah Dena Katz:

  1.  Kohelet as a Vehicle for Conscious Awareness 


  Ahuva Schwartz (MMY, 5768)
(Katamon, Private Chef and 
 MMY's Programming Coordinator)
"It's been seven years since I walked the halls of MMY as a student, and while a lot has changed, a lot has remained the same. MMY may be in a different location and have some new teachers, but its core values, strong integrity, and incredible warmth are completely the same...I am currently a private chef for a family in Jerusalem where I am given the freedom to use my culinary imagination daily. I also began a blog, and an Instagram page titled The Katamon Kitchen where I share my ideas and recipes with people from all over the world." 

Breaking the Ice 
By:Joy Feinberg  
(current MMY student)

"We've been here a little over a week at MMY, and forgive me for being so clich� but it feels like I have been here for months. Already we've had to cook our own dinners, buy our own groceries, do our own laundry and behave like true adults. For some of us, it is our first real time away from home and on our own. But for all of us, it is our first concrete steps out of the more sheltered lives we've been living since childhood..." 
  ~Read More~


A New Year - New Faculty - New Energy

"At the beginning of each school year, we welcome new faculty members to the MMY family.  Each come with experienced resumes and unique talents and inevitably infuse the MMY class with lots of energy and excitement. This year we welcome 3 such teachers; Rabbi Jesse Horn, Dr. Shana Strauch Schick, Sara Malka (Poupko) Reichman..." 


"Team Achdut" and Operation Protective Edge.
A Dream Becomes Reality

"Summer vacation - anyone who works in the field of education relies on it to recharge the batteries and to prepare for the upcoming year. This past summer in Israel, vacation and recharging were certainly not to be had as all Israelis had to cope with sirens and middle of the night trips to protected rooms. Mrs. Sharon Isaacson, Assistant Director of MMY, spent her vacation creating a new project in the Bet Shemesh area...In an effort to raise the level of awareness towards a goal of unity, Mrs. Isaacson had created a group of students she nicknamed "Team Achdut".The following is the email Mrs. Isaacson sent out at the beginning of the war, explaining how "Team Achdut" was being called into action and expanding its reach. The amazing results speak for themselves..."



We are happy to announce the launch of Rabbi David Brofsky's second book - this time on Tefilla:   


הלכות תפילה: מקורות ועיונים

מאת הרב דוד ברופסקי


Hilchot Tefilla: Mekorot Ve-Iyunum   

(Mosad HaRav Kook 2014).   


Buy a copy here! 




Mazal Tov to Dr. Yoel Finkelman   


We wish Rabbi Dr. Yoel Finkelman Hatzlacha Rabba on his new job - Curator of the Judaica collection, National Library of Israel. The national library of Israel used to be known as the Jewish National and University Library, Israeli equivalent of the Library of Congress. When asked what message he would like to include in this newsletter Rabbi Finkelman responded, "You can definitely add a sentence about how much I will miss MMY"! We are very excited for Rabbi Finkelman and we look forward to his return to MMY - even if just as a "Shiur Oreach" (guest lecturer!).

Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim
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