Natures Blessings
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In This Issue
Angels of Protection Download Meditation
Pisces and Mercury Retrograde
Virgo Full Moon Transmission
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Sweet friend!


We are in the sign of the Magical Pisces!


Today is my birthday and I have a gift for you!!!

It is a powerful download meditation absolutely f*ree:

"Sacred Space with 4 Angels of Protection"

You can always call upon them to assist you on your journey. Their energy is very radiant, vibrant and nurturing.

Enjoy their blessings...

Download the meditation here:




Angels Protection 


Enjoy it!


Pisces and Mercury Retrograde

Everything is about Pisces right now! Even Venus is in Pisces, Mercury Retrograde is in Pisces. We have both energies: (magic, bliss, intuition) and (confusion, manipulation, deception).


Mercury retrograde periods began on February 23rd and ends March 17th.

Although it might seem difficult and crazy at times know that Spirit works for your best interest.

Dig deep within and choose wisely!


Slow down!


Keep your mind clear! Pisces is all about intuition and psychic energy.

Let the magic flow through you...




Full Moon Transmission - Virgo


Virgo Full Moon transmission will take place on Feb 25, 2013 at 12:26 pm Pacific Time zone.


Make sure you tune in...


I will be creating a ball of healing, peace and awareness energy during the transmission so you can access the energy of the transmission for the next 24 hours...

Just call it in and connect with it via your intention.


Enjoy it!


Lilly Natures Blessings




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Lilly ~Natures' Blessings~

(702) 256 1960