Natures Blessings
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Full Moon Gemini Transmission
Addictions: Thirst for Spirituality
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Dear super beautiful You,

We have Full Moon in Gemini and Lunar Eclipse - Wed, Nov 28 at 6:45 am PST.


Gemini is the king of communication.
This has to do with the throat chakra.

Lately a lot of us have been doing intuitively energetic work on this chakra as it is related to truth, integrity, self expression.
I personally keep my throat chakra orgone pendant lately under my pillow as my guidance asked me to work on opening this chakra on deeper levels.
I found it really interesting that a lot of people including my soul sister Yasmine asked for the same pendant in these powerful times.

Native traditions and cultures all talk about this year being the year of heart opening and truth: no more lies, no more secretes, no more masks.
Truth is what we have been longing for so many life times and I find it fascinating that we actually start to remember who we are.

Many people who ask for my guidance remember their past lives and are determined to shed light to past lives emotions as they are carried into this current life. And when we cleanse past lives emotions we also cleanse our ancestor's karmic debts and create a vortex of positive vibes of awareness that spreads out not only in our individual environment but also in the entire world.


It seems like long time generations of "curses" end up successfully with us as we made a strong decision before we even came into this life to stop the vicious cycle of negative believes and darkness. We are so lucky to be living in these times of transformation and empowerment.
And yes it feels dark and painful at times as we are purging so much. And yes it's not easy, but when we tune into our hearts we are never afraid or alone anymore... and this is Magic!!!


Eclipses are about transformation.

So this full moon we will be working on the truth and release what is stuck in the past. Tune into your heart and throat chakra during the transmission to receive healing and help clear past emotions in order to move on to the NEW YOU.

Believe in yourself!

Be kind to yourself and set an intention to speak the truth with kindness.

Tune into the Full Moon transmission on Wed, Nov 28 at 6:45 am PST.

Looking forward to meet you in the remote circle of healing.





Solar Eclipse  









 What happened in the last Moon (New) and Solar Eclipse Transmission



It was all about solar energy. Rays of sun penetrated our circle helping us release fear and egotistical energies held in the solar plexus.

Clean solar leads to heart openness to new levels. This is a continuous process. We keep cleansing, purging, opening, learning, expanding and growing.

This is what life is about.


At some point there was darkness and negative forces trying to penetrate our large circle. And this actually mirrors what happens in real life. When we work on ego and fears there is a lot of resistance that shows up and wants stubbornly to feed our EGO.

So my reaction was to fight the darkness at first. But spirit came in with a peace prayer chant which I started out loud. It only took a few minutes and the darkness vanished immediately.

At this time a bird came right in front of me, almost touching me.
She then "parked" on the fence right behind me, staying there enjoying the light vibrations of peace chant. This is such a graceful confirmation that energy of light works miraculously as birds are considered messengers from the spirit.


There were more individual releases - at some point I felt pretty lightheaded.

Everything starts in the invisible (the Spirit world) and manifests in the physical. Moon transmissions are subtle energy channeled from the source via grandma moon, angels and spirit guides...


I strongly suggest tune into these transmissions for continuous upgrades, healing and transformation.

I am so blessed and honored to be able to share this with all.

Love and Blessings,







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Lilly ~Natures' Blessings~

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