Natures Blessings
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Full Moon Transmission - Taurus
Addictions: Thirst for Spirituality
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Happy Solar Eclipse/Scorpio New Moon!


Wow! All I can say is wow!


We are in Mercury Retrograde, there is so much going on in all dimensions that makes my mind and heart go WOW!!!


Tomorrow Tuesday Nov 13 we have a solar eclipse with New Moon in Scorpio - it occurs at 2:08 pm PST. Like all eclipses this one is about massive transformation.


Did you feel all the intensity and energies amplifying again lately? A combo of negative with burst of amazing positive energies?



Scorpio - brings amazing positive energy that radiates light in our own darkness.

This Moon is super powerful energizer.

We'll be working on releasing releasing and releasing some more.


Tap into the Moon transmission energies to energize your aura with positive thoughts and vibes Tuesday November 13 at 2:08 pm PDT.



In these times of awakening it's very important to know how to deal with eclipses.


Here is the reminder:



Solar Eclipse




PREGNANCY REBIRTH - evolution of consciousness


I usually don't like to share my intimate life on such deep levels, but Spirit asked me to do so as it is crucial these times. By sharing this I hope many of you will understand and benefit from this information so you can stay sane as energies are super mind blowing powerful.



The entire summer, I could swear I was pregnant.


All the messages from Spirit, all the symptoms of pregnancies were present: vomiting, nausea, putting on weight, bloating, cravings etc...

Since lasts solar eclipse and Venus transit all these high energetic happenings on our planet caused me to be pregnant but not on the physical level. It is beyond crazy, I know... Don't even ask me what I have been through...


Many of us feel like we want to leave the body to go home... It is such a powerful amount of light that is being received by our bodies which cleanses the pain body and that can be perceived as suffering.



Old energies are now being transformed into new energies. It hurts at times if we resist. Our physical bodies are also transforming and best thing to do allow the transformation into higher dimensions.



Read more about these rebirth energies and how to deal with them.





What happened in the last Full (Taurus) Moon Transmission...


...and the truth shall set us free...


Read here the message received from the Spirit of the Elders



Safe and peaceful New Moon Everyone.


Moon Blessings,




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Lilly ~Natures' Blessings~

(702) 256 1960