Belleherst Productions thanks you for beng with us on the Journey in 2012
Dear Fellow Travelers, we want to say thank you for your support, encouragement, advise, and provisions.We couldn't have finished this journey without you.
I wouldmaintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder. ~G.K. Chesterton |
Director's Note
As I walk forward each year, I usually start in the fog of conflicting impressions. My vision and 'wish list' is quite defined. On the contrasting side of the perceptual equation stands the paucity of resources available to me. This necessitates a continual walking, step by step, in faith, through the blowing sands of everyday life, remembering that I have said to God, I will go. This, of course, was Rebekah's response to Laban and her mother when Abraham's servant came to find a bride for Isaac. Having found Rebekah, he requested that she leave with him immediately in order to bring her to her destiny. Rebekah did not know, nor had she ever seen Isaac. She traveled through the desert sands on a camel, in faith, until the vision became a reality and she spied Isaac a long way off in the field. She then came down off the camel and bowed herself to the ground. I look back at the end of 2012 and bowed down in gratitude for the leading which has brought me to a destiny in 2012 which was only a conflicted vision at the beginning of the year.
Teach me the way I should go, for to you, I lift up my soul. Psalms 143:8
Any foray into the desert, brief or lengthy, should be predicated on information of where the wells are. Without water the life-sustaining resources of the body are very limited.
LORD, you are the hope of Israel; all who forsake you will be put to shame. Those who turn aside from you will be written in the dust, because they have forsaken the LORD, the spring of living water
. Jer_17:13(ISV)
The one who believes in me, as the Scripture has said, will have rivers of living water flowing from his heart."
Joh_7:38 (ISV)
In 2012, Belleherst's artistic director, Kathleen Ann Thompson recalls the urgency to drink deeply from the well of living water.
It was more intense than any other year which I can remember. Witnessing the moral decay of our culture and rubbing shoulders with the tragic lives of my students and associates whose lives were playing out that decay was either going to drive me to prayer and The Word, or to an agonizing frustration, cynicism and doubt. Through prayer, I understood that this was a problem of the spirit, not of politics and economics. I needed to change the 'terms of engagement' in my life and face down the spiritual enemies in myself and the world. I went to the great WELL and drank in order to become a fountain able to provide an encouragement, a lead, an inspiration, a challenge or a guided tour to others looking for water in the desert.
From the pulpits of churches, at post-performance forums, in the training studios and through a blog Belleherst offered water for the journey and the most eager drinker of them all was Kathleen.
Maria/Kathleen-Croatia |
Cieszka/Kathleen-Poland. |
Maria translating Kathleen |
'Well' Topics
"Be Ye Light" Latvia, Germany
"Purity is to Will One Thing" -Croatia, Poland, Germany
"The Faith of Endurance" - U.S., Poland, German
"Moment to Moment with the Presence of Jesus" - Croatia, Germany
"Abandon the Outcome - Faith" - Latvia, German
"The True Story of your Value vs.Accreditation"- Germany, Croatia, Latvia
"Hearing the vision of God" - Latvia, Croatia
"The Dwelling Place of God -US" - Latvia, Germany |
One of the Polish school's precious grandchildren waiting her turn. |
Those, who are Christ-bearers, understand they are not really at home here, on this earth. Life feels more like a journey into an ever-changing landscape, in which we are searching for an inn to rest our heads. Belleherst took The Truth expressed in varied dramatic genres to many different landscapes and entered the tents of a variety of groups of travellers.
By faith he made his home in the promised land like a stranger, living in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who also inherited the same promise, Heb.11.9(ISV)
Instead, you are to live in tents all your lives, so you will enjoy a long life in the land where you reside." Jer_35:7 (ISV) |
Kerzen im Fenster |
Tents of 2012
Candles in the Window ~ drama
An international photographer's studio ~ FLORIDA
The Book of Ruth ~ musical drama
The Pieta |
A Fransican monestary ~ CROATIA
Purity is to Will One Thing ~ dance drama
A military assembly ~ CROATIA
"Accreditation in God" ~ lecture
Secular art institutes ~ LATIVIA
"Masks Alive" ~ master seminar
"Breath in Motion" ~ master class
Resident theatres ~ LATVIA, U.K., POLAND
Where is Fancy Bred. |
"Secrets of Rhythm on the Stage" ~ master seminar
Where is Fancy Bred ~ choral drama
...And Sarah was 90 Years Old ~ movement drama
Spring Again ~ musical mime
European Student Evangelism Conference - IFES Europe ~ GYOR, HUNGARY
The Pieta * ~ movement drama
* A Belleherst production performed by networking partner Teoteatr- Krakov PL
Gott Lachte...ohne Witz ~ commedia dell'Arte
Der Ich Bin Geber* ~ children'smusical with puppets.
Gott Lachte...ohne Witz |
*Belleherst production performed by our German networking partner
Agnes von Below and Bettina Kr�uter
The King of the World ~ children's musical mime
"The Gift of Voice" ~ master seminar
Purity is to Will One Thing ~ dance drama
Upside Down ~ theatrical street drama
The I AM Giver |
| Purity is to Will OneThing |
The Journey ~ FIRES
A fire is a comforting companion to a long night in the desert. It can provide warmth, light and protection. It was a pillar of fire which accompanied the Israelites across the desert on their flight from Egypt. Belleherst came alongside hundreds of students this year as a fire which seeks to provide careful mentoring, a light to guide them into the Truth and a compassionate, intimate relationship where they can transparently question and openly discuss.
You led them during the day by a pillar of cloud, and by a pillar of fire at night to provide light for them on the path they took.Neh_9:12(ISV)
And of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire.Heb_1:7(KJV)
The Fires of 2012
The Polish Christian Studio for Movement Theatre
Candlelight evenings - Individual mentoring is always a consistent and high priority
at the Polish school. However, this year, we established a very special evening event
on the student's single free night - a candlelight evening. At this very intimate gathering
the students had an opportunity to ask and discuss questions
Candle light evening at Polish School |
which are important to their lives. Questions about faith,
marriage, the place of art in our culture, sex and health were all
subjects on which the 'ministers of fire' attempted to cast light and
guide them toward the trust and warm in the compassionate love
of Christ.
Prayer project
Belleherst led a 24 week international prayer effort to break
through the barriers which stand resistant to students being able to open to the revelation of Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit. The prayer group was comprised of 47 prayer partners from five different countries. This is Belleherst second such project.
The Kuldigas Arts Studio for Movement Theatre
New Master seminars changed the curriculum format of the Kuldigas school.The seminars made it possible for more students to participate in the school. They were very well attended, populated with a high quality student. Also, satelite seminars in larger cities like Riga and Jegelva gave us the opportunity to work with students, directors and teachers from the Arts College and various theatres.
Malachim Dance Ministry
Belleherst's long-time ministerial partner, Malachim ministers healing and support through
worship in dance and pageantry. Kathleen regularly trains this beautiful team and spirtually
mentors them. |
Kathleen/student -a diploma hug |
I'll put a piece of bread before you so you can eat and have strength to go on your way." 1Sa_28:22(ISV
After a long day's travel, one settles in a tent to share bread and be strengthened by the intimacy of one another's presence. The Lord's presence was symbolized by the Bread placed on the altar. To eat the Bread of the Lord's presence is to have the life-giving encounter with The Life-Giver. One thrust of Belleherst's Journey was to have the tent time to share the bread - the presence of the Lord between us. Belleherst's Chamber Art Action takes The Truth into small home environments in order to have this time of intimacy. Chamber-size performances with conversations and meaningful exchange of ideas post-performance remains a very strengthening part of the journey. Belleherst also sat down to share the Bread with other travellers leading major journeys of their own by doing collaborative work with them and supporting them.
.... the golden altar, the tables for the Bread of the Presence,2Ch.4:19 (ISV)
I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats this bread, he will live forever. And the bread I will give for the life of the world is my flesh." Joh_6:51
The Bread of 2012
...And Sarah was 90 Years Old |
Spring Again |
The Book of Ruth |
Krakov, Poland Belleherst, in partnership with Teoteatr, presented to KLIKA Catholic Association of
Handicaped People and Their Friends
... And Sarah was 90 Years Old
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
...And Sarah was 90 Years Old
The Book of Ruth
Spring Again
Spotlight Studio
Belleherst is collaborating with musical director, Gary Peinke, of Spotlight
Studio in Konstanz, Germany in the Latvian Purple Line Theatre's new musical
production, The Journey to There. Gary has written the original score for this
production and is training the singers. Belleherst has had a long association
with this talented director and is so appreciativeof his talent, spiritual
centeredness and time given to Belleherst.
Word of God Campaign
Belleherst is supporting a Polish initiated campaign to make The Word of God visible
all over the city of Katowice. This campaign was the inspiration of a graduate student
of our Polish school which is a consistent encouraging influence for entrepreneuring.
We are very proud of this student's initiative and are devoted to supporting this campaign.
We hope many will want to support this effort. The campaign is solely supported by
small private donations. They have plans to expand the number of billboards as God
provides the resources.
If you wish to donate to this campaign, please send the funds to Belleherst. All funds
in their entirety will be given to the Word of God Campaign.
The billboard has no other text on it, other than the scripture:
These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.
Where is Fancy Bred
Belleherst was priviledged this year to network with the A440 Choir and their artistic
director, Patricia Gavigin, in the U.K.. Belleherst came on board to work with costumes
and to choreograph the choral drama, Where is Fancy Bred, written and directed by
Patricia Gavigin. Kathleen also performed four dances in the music piece and appreciated
working creatively with her long-time friend, spiritual confidant and artistic collegue
Where is Fancy Bred |
The Journey ~ OASIS Ahead
An oasis in the desert is a much anticipated promise of thirst-quenching
Midsummer Night's Dream for Young People
. |
water, an opulent shelter and a place of meeting many different people gathering for a period of mutual fellowship. 2013 holds out promises for
Belleherst to visit several anticipated oases.
Oases in 2012
New Website
Belleherst is so pleased to announce their new website on Feb. 1st. This is
an answer to a long-desired plan to have a user-friendly, informative and interactive website
which accurately described the broad scope of Bellherst activities. We want to thank our
fabulous Polish friends who made this possible and the outstanding webmaster who created
it. Visit it after Feb. 1st and give us your feedback. It is found under its original domain.
New Productions
Journey to There
Belleherst is producing an original musical drama adapted from the Christian classic, Hind's
Feet on High Places written by Hannah Hurnard. In partnership with Latvian's Purple Line
Theatre this inspiring musical will carry the incredible message of God's true destiny for our
life into an entertaining theatrical genre which will reach an enormous pool of people.
Musicals are not a well known genre in Latvia and Belleherst hopes to open a door to bring
other musicals like Godspell. An original score was written for this production by Gary
Peinke of Spotlight Studio. We want to extend our deep gratitude for the fabulous gift of his
expertise, spiritual strength, talent and time we he has given to this project.
Midsummer Night's Dream for Young People
In August The Polish School for Movement Theatre will premiere the Polish version of this
highly successful production which has all ready won many accolades in Latvia. The
production will be performed in connection with a forum for school teenagers on the
subject of why love is so confusing in our world. A new crop of professionally-minded
actors will certainly blossom from this intense year of production work.
Dressing the Queen
(The Regina Monologue)
Kathleen, Belleherst's artistic director, will produce a new solo production which has
been three years in the conceiving. This very artistic show which unveils the true nature
of our Father God and the true destiny of our relationship with Christ is expressed through
movement-induced images and unique costume work, all set to the inspiring Goldberg
Variations of Johann Sebastian Bach. The show will premiere in the spring and is ideal for
Chamber Art Action.
A Resident Theatre
After 23 years of working in Europe, Eastern Europe and Russia and touring productions
on my back, in trunks, on trains, in buses and never seeing the same audience twice,
I am trembling before the realistic expectation that our first resident theatre may be
ours in Latvia in 2013. A space has been provided and some initial labor donated for
the project. We must pray for the rest of the provisions: funds for lights and sound,
stage rigging and curtains. We plan to begin to acquire a local audience in this area
of Lativia and create a 'Well" where people can come with their families and
children to a safe place of entertainment, inspiration and ennoblement. Dreams
can come true in God.
The Richest of God's blessings to you,
Kathleen Ann Thompson, Artistic Director
Belleherst Productions |
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