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   CNU Monthly 
     February | 2013     

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16 Guided Tours Available @ CNU 21 | 
Bike, Hike, and Discover SLC

Experience one or more of the 16 guided tours at

CNU 21: Living Community, which give comprehensive, personal looks at SLC's historic progress and legacy. Mountain bike Park City slopes, stroll though New Urbanist developments, or simply explore a myriad of locations in and around SLC, all along the stunning Wasatch Front. 


Tours cost between $20 to $50 for CNU members.


Several tours focus on Salt Lake City's widely lauded New Urbanist community, Daybreak. In "Daybreak: Developing Sustainable Open Space Infrastructure in The West", participants casually bike through the community, witnessing firsthand how Rio Tinto transformed a prior mining site into a landscape ecosystem framework.


In "Park City Mountain Biking Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Up the Mountain We Go!" participants join experienced guides on a mountain bike tour through world-class ski resorts, learning about the challenges of preserving open space, view sheds, and wildlife corridors. And in "Live Life Like an Olympian!" participants take an affordable housing tour after exploring the Skis & Olympic Games museum and taking the ride of a lifetime down the Comet Bobsled.


Numerous other tours will highlight the charm and social capital of SLC. From the grand and vibrant street grid intersections to the Central Business District at The City Creek to the arts and foodie paradise of the crowdsourced Granary District; this year's guided tours are essential for attendees who want more from the host city. Sign up, and we promise you'll experience more.


Guided Tours>> 

Highways to Boulevards Video Contest | $500 First Prize


Urban enthusiasts, aspiring filmmakers, and citizen activists: we want you to describe the impact urban highways have on your community and share with us alternatives you envision for the space.
Send us a short video (3 minutes max) on an urban highway in your area, one that visualizes and describes your ideal for a Freeway-without-a-Future. Many successful examples can be found, from Seoul's Cheonggyecheon to San Francisco's Central Freeway.
  Perhaps your city is finally down to teardown!

 First Prize: $500 Visa gift card
 Second Prize, People's Choice Awards: $250 Visa gift card 




CNU Accreditation (CNU-A) Spring Deadline March 5


Developed as a standard of professional excellence in the design of the built environment, the CNU-Accreditation program elevates the practice of the principles of New Urbanism.


In collaboration with the University of Miami, School of Architecture, CNU will offer three opportunities in 2013 to achieve CNU-Accreditation. The University of Miami offers a self-paced online course, titled The Principles and Practice of New Urbanism, to help professionals prepare for the accreditation exam. The course has been recently revised to reflect the depth of New Urbanist contributions to street planning and design. 


Spring registration for online class and exam ends March 5, 2013Read More>>

Freeways-Without-A-Future | NOLA Inches Closer to Historic Redevelopment


Earlier this month, the City of Niagara, NY announced it will be tearing down much of the Robert Moses Parkway and at last giving residents a sterling view of the Niagara Gorge.

As CNU applauds this victory, we continue to advocate for urban freeway removal.
This month in New Orleans, more than 130 gathered to hear teardown advocate Peter Park speak on tools and opportunities for New Orleans citizens as the City continues to execute its Livable Claiborne Communities study. Park stressed the importance of community vision and showed examples of redevelopment projects across the nation that harnessed community input to enact transformative change. 
CNU members, Tulane University students and historic preservation professor John Stubbs and members of the Claiborne Corridor Improvement Coalition  toured Claiborne Avenue. Dwayne Boudreaux (pictured), owner of the iconic and historic Circle Foods, gave the group an inside look at the store, which has remained closed since Hurricane Katrina. Boudreaux recalled the important role the store played in not only providing grocery and dry goods to the Trem� neighborhood, but also serving as a social focal point along Claiborne.
Between the historic community assets and more recent efforts to claim the land under the freeway, the Livable Claiborne Communities study is a tremendous opportunity to revitalize the corridor and showcase the rich cultural identity of the neighborhood.  


Read More>>


DEADLINE to Apply | February 28, 5pm Central

CNU is seeking to fill three (3) seats on the Board of Directors. Member-elected Board members serve two (2) year terms. Elected representatives have full voting rights and are held to the same level of expectation as internally selected candidates.

There is still time to apply! Call for Candidates ends February 28, 2013.

Online voting begins March 11, 2013.  Read More>>


New Details on CNU 21 Call for New Urban Research | 6 Winning Projects
After an incredible amount of submissions for New Urban Research, we selected six outstanding papers because of their academic quality and relevant subject matter to CNU 21: Living Community.
Our papers this year focus on the topic of Tactical Urbanism, a growing strategy to launch small projects that can have big impacts in communities across the world. Each of the winning entries - from bike share systems to pop-up parks to slum intervention strategies - explores the appropriation of cities, the current change in the culture of planning, and the intrusions caused by projects with small life spans.

Our winning entries will be presented in two breakout sessions at CNU 21. Audience members will have the chance to hear the unique perspectives each of our winning authors has contributed to New Urban scholarly work.


Learn More>> 

Sell Your Book @ CNU 21 Bookstore

Have you written contributions supporting the principles of the New Urbanism? Published research on the latest initiatives which shape the design of our communities? 
If you would like to see your book sold at CNU 21: Living Communitysubmit your titles>>

Charter Awards Jury Convenes In Chicago


The 2013 Charter Awards Jury Weekend (February 21-23) kicked off in style with a welcome reception Thursday night at the Chicago Architecture Foundation. The Charter Awards Jury convened in Chicago, at the Blake Hotel, to privately deliberate and judge almost 100 Charter Awards submissions in 3 categories: Region, Neighborhood, and Block. All submissions were judged based on their adherence to the principles of New Urbanism.  

2013 Jury includes: Doug Farr (chair), Colleen Carey, Chris Coos, Mike Lydon, Jason McLennan, Shelley Poticha, Vanessa September, Rick Bernhardt, Vivian Fei Tsen.


Winning projects will be presented at CNU Charter Awards, held during CNU 21, Thursday, May 30 @ 5:30.


Read More>>

Learn & Live the "Not So Big" Lifestyle
In case you missed it LIVE! from Salt Lake City, listen to Plenary Speaker Sarah Susanka chat with CNU's John Norquist about the parallels between her "Not So Big" architecture philosophy and New Urbanism.  Podcast>> 

And if you're unfamiliar with Sarah or her work, discover why she's a rarity in the field of architecture, and take a video tour of her "Not So Big" showhouse in Libertyville, IL.  Read More>>
Featured Members 

Residential housing builders Broad Homes, based in Changsha, Hunan, China, joined the CNU in January. The company's building model uses precast reinforced concrete structures, which enable simple on-site construction, shortened construction times, and vastly improved building quality. 
Broad Homes construction practices greatly reduces carbon emission and energy use, making them a leader in sustainable design, safety, and cost efficiency in China. We welcome Broad Homes as the first Chinese group member of The Congress for the New Urbanism and an ally in the application of new urbanist principles in China.    Learn More>>
In recent years, The City of Mississauga in Ontario, Canada - the country's 6th largest and fastest growing city, perched along beautiful Lake Ontario - has led a renaissance in downtown development and new urbanist planning, focusing density toward a central core and adding amenities such as public squares and cultural venues.

One of the longest serving Mayors in the country, Hazel McCallion, made the conscious shift toward new urbanist principles and LEED certification for new buildings as a way to create sustained and smart growth for a city many considered "too suburban" yet naturally beautiful, with more than 480 parks and a major trial networks.   Learn More>>


Stay in Touch


Have you moved or changed your contact information? Email your old and new information to [email protected]. Members can also log in at to update account information.


If you have questions about CNU activities, please contact our office at [email protected] or 312-551-7300.

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About the Congress for the New Urbanism


The Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU) is the leading organization promoting regions, cities and towns built around walkable, mixed-use neighborhoods.   Learn more>>