CNU Monthly Review 

January 2013

Featured Stories

2013 Member-led Board Elections Accepting Candidate Submissions


Launched on January 17th, CNU began member-led elections to fill three (3) seats on the Board of Directors. Using an online submission and voting process, all CNU members are invited to participate in both the submission and voting process. All current CNU members who have not already served four consecutive terms on the Board are eligible to apply for candidacy. Candidate profiles will appear on mid-March and voting will run through June 1st, with winners announced at CNU 21.


Are you ready to directly shape the voice of CNU and take a leadership role in removing the obstacles to urbanism? Answer the Call!

  • Call for Applicants Opens: Thursday, January 17
  • Call for Applicants Closes: Thursday, February 16
  • Online Voting Opens:  Monday, March 11
  • On-site Voting Opens: Wednesday, May 29
  • Voting Closes: Saturday, June 1 @ noon
  • Winners Announced at CNU 21: Saturday, June 1, 2013  

 Submissions and Voting>> 

SixtyNine Seventy Urban Design Competition 


Earlier this month, SixtyNine Seventy launched an urban design competition, entitled The Spaces Between, in downtown Salt Lake City. The competition welcomes designers and teams from across the globe to envision an active, useful repurposing of two city blocks in downtown SLC. A top prize Jury Award of $40,000 and People's Choice award of $40,000 are up for grabs. SLC is the proud home of CNU 21: Living Community. Design submissions will be on display throughout the city and online for the duration of the Congress.



@ CNU 21 : 202 SmartCode Preview

2013 is finally here...and soon so will CNU 21! 
So Here's A Sneak Peek:
202 Preview from Placemakers and 202 Speaker Hazel Borys.
202E Smart Code Calibration
202E Smart Code Calibration

CNU Accreditation (CNU-A) Course Begins February 12, 2013


In collaboration with the University of Miami, School of Architecture, CNU will offer three opportunities in 2013 to achieve CNU-Accreditation. Developed in partnership with the University, the CNU-Accreditation (CNU-A) program uses an online exam developed by leading new urbanist experts to recognize the talent within the New Urbanist movement for creating walkable, sustainable places. The University of Miami offers a self-paced online course, titled The Principles and Practice of New Urbanism, to help professionals prepare for the accreditation exam (though the course is not required to take the exam).  


Registration for the next online class and exam begins February 12 and runs through March 5, 2013. 


Read More>>

Target Corporation Offers Prize Money for 2013 CNU Charter Awards


The 2013 Charter Awards are proudly presented by Target Corporation. An ideal partner for CNU, Target recognizes the market trends for urbanism, most visibly in their CityTarget initiative. Target will offer $5000 to one Grand Prize Winner and $3000 to one Academic Prize Winner at this year's awards. The company's support complements its ongoing efforts to building strong, safe, and healthy communities across the country, including its longstanding commitment of giving 5% of company profits back to communities, more than $4 million annually.

The Charter Awards Deadline is January 30th. 
Don't miss this opportunity.


Read More>>

LIVE! from SLC: CNU 21 Plenary Preview with Sarah Susanka


Sarah Susanka will be delivering a Plenary keynote at CNU 21: Living Community. Join us for a special Fireside Chat preview between Susanka and CNU's CEO & President John Norquist. This chat is to be conducted in front of a live studio audience in the home city of CNU 21, Salt Lake City on February 12th @ 3:00pm. Sign up now to listen and join us live! 


Sign up>>

CNU Offering Transportation Planning Workshops In February

On February 7th and 8th, CNU will be offering two separate training sessions on the principles and practice of urban street design for transportation professionals and decision-makers from around the Chicago area. The workshops will highlight CNU's Designing Walkable Urban Thoroughfares: A Context Sensitive Approach and feature nationally recognized experts in urban street design. 


CNU is partnering with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) and the Illinois Department of Transportation (DOT) to put on the workshops.



CNU 21 Open Innovation Now Accepting Submission

This Is THE Chance for Members and Non-Members to Share Cutting-Edge Ideas in Urbanism


CNU has reserved an entire track at CNU 21: Living Community for new ideas and fresh faces to present unique ideas on the cutting edge of urbanist innovation. The 2nd Annual Open Innovation track showcases brand new theories of urbanism, from ideas still in the formation stage all the way through completed projects ready for critique. Curators can supply as many ideas and concepts as time allows.


Proposals are being accepted on a rolling basis, with a final deadline on February 3


Learn More>> 

Placemakers' Nathan Norris Moving On To New Opportunities


Earlier this month, founding Principal of Placemakers, LLC and long-time CNU member Nathan Norris joined the Lafayette, LA Downtown Development Authority as CEO. Despite his departure, Placemakers' managing principal Hazel Borys vows Norris' invaluable work will continue, stating, "Lafayette now gets to leverage Nathan's experience, while PlaceMakers continues to build upon his many contributions."



Sell Your Book at the CNU 21 Bookstore

Our annual Congress is the leading venue for New Urbanist education, collaboration, and networking. Have you written contributions supporting the principles of the New Urbanism? Published research on the latest initiatives which shape the design of our communities? If you would like to see your book, or the work of another author, sold at CNU 21: Living Community, please submit your titles here>>
We will do our best to have your requested book made available at CNU 21 in Salt Lake City.

Plenary Sessions Announced for CNU 21: Living Community 


Join renowned author Richard Louv on Wednesday evening as he kicks off CNU 21 with his Plenary, "Nature & Urbanism." On Friday, Sarah Susanka will share her "Not So Big" philosophy of residential architecture with Congress attendees and provide the tools and language necessary for us all to better understand the space we inhabit. Saturday morning, a host of plenary speakers from across the the West will make the case for adapting New Urbanism in the car-entrenched culture of "the West" in their talk "Urbanism and the New West."



Calling All Planners and Architects: Request for Proposals in Austin, TX

In the near future, Capital Metro (Austin Public Transit) intends to issue a Request For Proposal (RFP) for a transit-oriented master development of approximately 11 acres in Austin, locally known as the Saltillo property. The intent for this property is to realize the development of a high-quality, world class multi-use project that responds to the City's Regulating Plan, one that maximizes its long-term value.
Further details will be available soon @ Get a jumpstart on your proposal today.

Featured Member

Since pushing forth the "Dream San Marcos" initiative in 2011, The City of San Marcos, Texas has embraced CNU principles in order to afford their residents a more sustainable, visually-interesting and human-scaled city, promoting densities that are crucial to future growth.


Understanding that their development model going forward was unsustainable (like so many similar communities across Texas), the City of San Marcos adopted tenets of the CNU Charter for an update to their 1996 comprehensive plan. Looking toward the future, the City of San Marcos has chosen the sustainable path.


Learn more about the City of San Marcos here>>

Stay in Touch 


Have you moved or changed your contact information? Email your old and new information to [email protected]. Members can also log in at to update account information.

If you have questions about CNU activities, please contact our office at [email protected] or 312-551-7300.

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About the Congress for the New Urbanism


The Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU) is the leading organization promoting regions, cities and towns built around walkable, mixed-use neighborhoods. Learn more.