Many thanks to the eight residents who volunteered to serve on the Town's Boards & Commissions - Council will consider applications at tonight's Regular Council Meeting.   We are pleased to report water services for the island have been normalized and the irrigation ban has been lifted (see below).  Meanwhile, please visit the Town's website for additional news and events.

                                          Town of Sullivan's Island  

E-Newsletter                                        August 19, 2014

      Vol. 6, Issue 16  

In This Issue
School Safety & Traffic
Services Schedules
Library Activity
Hurricane Preparedness
Water Services Normalized
Upcoming Council Meetings
Town Projects - Update
Labor Day Holiday Notes
Quick Links
School Safety & Traffic Notes
back-school-bus.jpg The 2014-2015 Charleston County school year began yesterday and Sullivan's Island Elementary School is back on the island!

School means children congregating roadside for the bus and changes in traffic patterns drive children to school. Thank you for using extra caution and slower speeds when navigating the streets during the high bus collection and drop-off periods:

Mornings - starting around 6:15-8:00am

Afternoons - starting around 2:45-4:30pm

Click here for bus schedule and other CCSD information

Thank you for your support in keeping our children safe!
Summer Schedules
Dog clip
May 1-Sept 30
Dogs on Beach:
Off-leash: 5AM-10AM
Off-beach: 10AM-6PM
On-leash: 6PM-5AM


All dogs need permits and need to wear their collar and permit tag at all times on the Island. Permits are available at Town Hall (2050 Middle Street) M-F, 8AM-5PM. 

Click for Application  

Garbage collection truck    

Summer collection for household garbage (2x/week) underway until week after Labor Day (Sept 6th).

Poe Library
Join your neighbors at one of the activities planned at Poe Library. August Poe Library Activities
Hurricane Season-Preparation
Hurricane Hugo Photo We are in the "heart" of the hurricane season for the Charleston area.

Hurricane season runs June 1st through November 30th 

In between end of summer vacations and preparing for the school year, please remember to establish your family plan for hurricane preparation and post-event recovery.

Click here for Town resources to assist you with your plans. 

Sign up for our
Emergency/Public Safety Alert System (Free!)

Nixle Icon

Alerts managed by SI Police Department

Water Services Normalized: Irrigation Ban Lifted 
teardrop_icon.gif Article Subheading
The water main serving Sullivan's Island & Isle of Palms back is in service and the water supply back to normal; Island lifts outdoor watering restrictions. 

Charleston Water System has completed initial repairs to the 20-inch water main that crosses the Harbor to serve Sullivan's Island and Isle of Palms.  As a result, the outdoor watering restriction issued last Thursday to both islands has been cancelled. The outdoor watering ban was a precautionary measure to ensure the Isle of Palms could temporarily supply water for both islands while Charleston Water System repaired the pipe. Both island will begin turning on dedicated irrigation meters as soon as possible.

The leak was stopped on Sunday when divers installed a large clamp around the pipe.  The line was put back into service late Monday after tests confirmed water quality meets all regulatory requirements.Charleston Water System plans to install another specially-made clamp to provide additional reinforcement and protection for the underwater pipe.  This work will not affect water service to the islands.  The cause of the leak is unknown.

Please call Town Hall if you have any questions:  
(843) 883-3198.
Upcoming Council Meetings
Town Council and Committees of Council have scheduled the following meetings in August and September.  All meetings will be held at Town Hall, 2050-B Middle Street unless otherwise noted:

Council & Committees of Council Meetings

(6:00PM) Tuesday, August 19, 2014 Regular Session

(9:00AM) Saturday, August 23, 2014 Special Session

(6:00PM) Monday, September 8, 2014 Workshop *
(*special date due to holiday; Agenda:TBA)

(6:00PM)  Tuesday, September 16, 2014 Regular Session
 (Agenda: TBA)

Committees of Council

(9:00AM)  Thursday, August 21, 2014 Water & Sewer Committee of Council (Agenda: Click)

(9:00AM) Friday, August 29, 2014 Land Use & Natural
    Resources Committee of Council (Agenda: Click)
Town Projects - Update
Status of various ongoing Town Projects:  

                 Real Estate Sale
Town Offers Five (5) Lots for Purchase
The lot at 3020 I'On Avenue was discussed at the August 4, 2014 Special Council Meeting (Click-Agenda)

AVAILABLE:  2618 Raven Drive for $849,500 (Click for Information - Link)
AVAILABLE:  2624 Raven Drive for $849,500 (Click for Information - Link)

AVAILABLE:  3019 Middle for $738,500 (Click for Information - Link)

AVAILABLE:  3025 Middle for $738,500 (Click for Information - Link) 

AVAILABLE:  3020 I'On for $738,500 (Click for Information- Link)
Contact Tim Reese with Dunes Properties of Charleston, Inc. for more information:  Tim's cell (843)906-1861 or email at
Labor Day Holiday Notes
sand-toys-shells.jpgTown Hall offices closed for holiday on Monday, September 1, 2014.  All offices re-open for regular business at 8:00AM on Tuesday, September 2, 2014.

All essential services and departments will remain fully staffed

Emergencies:  9-1-1
County non-emergency: (843) 743-7200
Police Administration:  (843) 883-3931
Fire Administration:  (843) 883-9944  

Island-wide household garbage:  Wednesday (Sept 3rd) & Saturday (Sept 6th) *

Recycling/Yard/Bulk Debris:  Thursday (Sept 4th)

Please remember all trash must be placed in roll-out carts.
On the date of collection, roll-out carts should be placed curbside by 7:00AM and removed by 7:00PM.

* Beginning September 8th-Winter schedule begins with once/week island-wide garbage collection (Tuesdays).
SI Logo -watermark

Click on a meeting below for more information. All meetings are held at Town Hall, 2050-B Middle Street, unless otherwise noted.  

Regular Council
6:00PM Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Water & Sewer Committee of Council
9:00AM Thursday, August 21, 2014

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Design Review Board
6:00PM Wednesday, August 20, 2014
          September applications due Friday, August 22, 2014

Special Council 
9:00AM Saturday, August 23, 2014

Tree Commission
5:00PM Monday, August 25, 2014
          September applications due Friday, August 29, 2014

Land Use & Natural Resources Committee of Council
9:00AM Friday, August 29, 2014
We hope you have enjoyed this issue of the Official Town of Sullivan's Island E-Newsletter. Please contact Lisa Darrow, Asst to Administrator, with your feedback and suggestions at (843)883-5744 or email her at Please visit the Town's website often for updates and information:
Town of Sullivan's Island

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