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January 31st, 2014
Headmaster Letter  


Dear Rivermont Parents and Families,


I write to you from the Independent Schools Association of the Central States (ISACS) Head of School Conference in Chicago. For those that may not know, ISACS is our accreditation organization. Every 7 years, Rivermont (like the other 452 ISACS schools) goes through an extensive accreditation process. Teams from a variety of schools visit campus and examine everything from curriculum to school operations. It is an incredibly detailed process akin to a college level accreditation. The visiting team usually is scheduled during year 3 of the 7 year cycle. During the other years (we are currently in year 1), there are studies, reports, and surveys that the school completes in preparation for the year 3 visit. You will be hearing more about ISACS, but I thought you might find it interesting how rigorous our accreditation process is, as we are the only ISACS accredited school in the Quad Cities.


Over the course of the day, in talking to other ISACS Heads of School, it is easy to see how alike we are to our ISACS neighbors, but also how we are different. One of the most visible differences, due to the tremendous work of Rivermont faculty, is our steadfast commitment to bringing the many facets of the human condition to Rivermont. Last week we had the opportunity to witness Galumpha, a comedic dance group (thank you, Gwen Pokora!) and the quarter before we enjoyed the Ladies of Lee choir. The list of performers goes on and on, from poets to singers to musicians, all lighting the fire of imagination and creativity among students and faculty. This is certainly not limited to the arts - we have chess clubs, social and community clubs, and technology and science groups like the robotics program and the new coding club.


We also have interest in the community to use our campus to host presentations and seminars. While not officially sponsored by Rivermont, tickets are usually discounted for Rivermont students and families. The next seminar, for example, is on February 6th at 6:00 p.m. in Becherer Hall, where Mr. Rob Woodhall, Director of Manufacturing at ALCOA, will discuss the revolutionary advances in the aluminum industry. While we may not be able to offer the number of presentations you could find on a college campus, sharing our facilities reinforces Rivermont's commitment as an educational partner in the Quad City community.


Lastly, before I sign off from Chicago, I would like to remind everyone of the upcoming Evening with the Headmaster this Tuesday. Thank you for your patience and understanding with the crazy weather over the past several weeks. Please stay safe this weekend.



Todd Zachary, Headmaster 

Thank You Parents' Council!
Proceeds from the Rivermont Parents' Council Scholastic Book Fair purchased over 900 new books for classroom libraries. The books arrived this week and classes are VERY excited!
Plan to Attend: Evening with the Headmaster
Calendar Pic
Tues. 2/4
Becherer Hall Auditorium
6:00-6:45 p.m. - Early & Lower School topics
7:00-8:00 p.m. - Middle & Upper School topics
All parents are welcome to attend either or both presentations. Child care will be provided in the library for both sessions.
For your convenience, Monty's Closet will be open during Evening with the Headmaster, as well. Don't miss the opportunity to stock up on Rivermont gear and show your pride!
Auction Committee Meeting
Thurs. 1/6 - 12:00 p.m.
Mansion Reading Room
We are always seeking new help in planning the Auction. The Auction will be held Saturday, May 3rd and is a large fundraiser for Rivermont - a variety of talents and tasks (large and small) go into making it a success - join us to find out how you may be able to help!
Go Lions! Support Rivermont Student-Athletes!

Tues. 2/4 - Middle School Girls BB vs. Eagle Ridge (away)
Thurs. 2/6 - Middle School Girls BB vs. Morning Star (away)
Thurs. 2/6 - Varsity Boys BB vs. Camanche (away)

Complete schedules are available on the Rivermont website calendar - click here.
Rivermont Cheerleading Clinic
Tues. 2/11
4:45-6:00 p.m.
Junior Kindergarten - 4th Grade

The 2014 Rivermont Cheerleading Clinic is open to boys and girls in Junior Kindergarten through 4th Grade. Participants will learn a cheer routine from the Varsity and Middle School Cheerleaders, then show off their skills at halftime of the Varsity Boys' Basketball game, which begins at 6:00 p.m. The $25 cost includes pizza, refreshments, and a Rivermont Cheer t-shirt. Admission to the game for participants and their families is free. 

Please return the registration form (with payment) to your classroom teacher by Monday, February 10th. A copy of the form is available on the Rivermont website calendar (scroll to Feb. 11th) - click here.
Yearbook Advertising Opportunities
To make the yearbook even more special, families may purchase a congratulatory message for their children and/or an advertisement for their business. Placing a personalized message or business advertisement not only helps fund the yearbook, it creates a lasting memory for your child and/or promotes your business to all Rivermont students and families!
Message and advertisement orders are due February 7th. Order forms and examples are available on the Rivermont website calendar (scroll to Feb. 7th) - click here. For questions, contact yearbook staff at

Don't Miss Out!
The Summer at Rivermont 2014 course catalog will be available on Rivermont's website this Saturday, February 1st.

Summer Discovery - PreSchool - 3rd Grade
Summer Academy - 4th-8th Grade

June 16th - August 1st
7 weeks of courses - register for 1 week or all 7!
Morning, afternoon, and full day options

From Dr. Seuss to Website Design - don't miss Summer at Rivermont! Courses will be offered for PreSchool through 8th Grade, including art, technology, math, science, and everything in between. Summer at Rivermont is open to the entire Quad City community.

Rivermont Snapshots:

Intellect, Character, and Creativity in action!

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The Quad Cities' Only Private College Prep School for PreSchool through 12th Grade
1821 Sunset Drive - Bettendorf, IA 52722 - (563) 359-1366