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e~Aurora (a weekly news update)
The Alaska United Methodist ConferenceSeptember 2, 2014
In This Issue
~Superintendent's Blog
~Welcome Baby!
~Fall Rendezvous
~Racia/Social Justice Award
~A Place at the Table
~Green Dot
~Shepherd's Care Forum
~Harriett Jane Olson
~Food Drive
~Campus Ministry
~Music Director Needed
~YAR 2014

ACS Print  

20/20 Vision:
Leading to God's New Horizons


Upcoming  Clergy

September 17 -
John Campbell

October 8 -
Tori Hicks

October 18 -
Dan Wilcox

Contact Information


Supt. Carlo Rapanut 
cell 907-854-8340  

Ministry Quicklinks

Join Our Mailing List

2013 Conference Journal
The Conference Journal is posted on our website and you can access it anytime you would like.  Download it onto your computer desktop for easy research.

Reflections of a Running Reverend
My new blog for this week is Studying the Map .  If you ever miss a week, you can read my previous blogs here.
Welcome Baby!
Pastor Jenny Smith, Aaron and Isabella welcomed Wesley Robert Smith into the world on Monday, September 1 at 8:10am! He weighs 9 lbs 2 oz and is 21.5 inches tall. All are doing well and enjoying getting to know each other. They thank you for your love, support and prayers!
Time to Register for Meetings
Fall Rendezvous meetings are quickly approaching.  If you are a part of a committee, please make sure you read the general information letter and fill out the registration form.

If you are able to house incoming members, please let us know.  Thank you in advance!
UMW Racial/Social Justice Award

Do you know someone or a group who have gone above and beyond the call of duty in the area of social/racial justice? The United Methodist Women are looking for nominations for their annual social & racial justice award! Nomination forms are available on the Alaska UMW website!  Completed nominations can be emailed to

A Place at the Table
Everyone in the Anchorage area is invited to a free dinner at First UMC on September 7th at 5:30 p.m. They will be having a taco bar with all of the fixin's! Lets get together as a community of Anchorage to support each other and have a great time of fellowship and food!
Free Training by Green Dot
Green Dot Anchorage is hosting a FREE Bystander Training on Monday, September 15 from 10-3pm.  It will be held at the BP Energy Center.  Please RSVP to Kristin at
Shepherd's Care Forum

Alaska has the highest rate of Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault in the U.S. 1 out of 2 Alaskan women suffer from DV/Sexual Assault and 1 out of 6 boys suffer from sexual abuse in their lifetime. It was reported that "74% of American faith leaders surveyed underestimated the level of sexual and domestic violence experience within their congregation, leading to infrequent discussion of the issue from the pulpit as well as a lack of appropriate support for victims."


On September 19th from 9:30-4:00 pm, the Church of Anchorage is convening a gathering called the "Shepherd's Care Forum." This forum is for all clergy, ministry staff and leaders in the faith community. There is no charge for this event and lunch is provided at no cost. The venue is the State of Alaska Crime Lab located at 4805 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. The forum will be held in the facility classroom and seating is limited. For those who request it, a tour of the new, state of the art, facility will be available at the end of our session. Please register by September 12th by calling 907-258-1165 to let us know if you will be attending and if you would like a tour of the Crime Lab.

#GivingTuesday provided the world with the opportunity to give back by uniting. On December 3, 2013, United Methodists around the world united to support mission and ministries they believe in, through The Advance. Over 880 projects and missionaries received a financial boost that brought them closer to their mission goals. Nearly 11,000 donors in 34 countries gave more than 16,300 gifts.Global Ministries will participate in #GivingTuesday for the second time on December 2, 2014! While the details for the event will be finalized during our October 2014 Board Meeting, you can begin to spread awareness about the event and your project.
You Are Invited!
You are invited to join the Alaska United Methodist Women for lunch on Saturday, September 27th where they will host special guest, Harriett Jane Olson, CEO of UMW Inc.  Ms. Olson will be the special guest speaker during the Annual Gathering of UMW during that weekend.  If you can't make it for the entire weekend but would like to hear Harriet speak, please RSVP to to attend the lunch.  The cost for the lunch is $15 and will be held at noon at St. John UMC.
Food for the Needy Feeding Our Neighbors Food Drive

September is Hunger Awareness Month and the Interfaith Action Group is sponsoring a September 13 Food Drive and Community BBQ event for all faith communities.  The door-to-door collection will be from 10-12pm and from 12-2pm you can drop the food off and enjoy the BBQ at Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church (855 E. 20th Ave). The Interfaith Action Group emerged out of the Rasmuson Foundation faith leader gathering earlier this year. For more information about this group or to join the food drive, contact Nora at

UAA Campus Ministry
The campus coordinator, Karen Dammann, is asking that churches send her their list of college students that are attending Alaska Colleges/Universities as well as outside of Alaska.  Please send her the students name, email, and phone number.  Karen's email is
Music Music Director Needed

Anchor Park UMC, with a multi-cultural congregation who loves their music, is seeking a Director of Music Ministry. The position requires approximately 10 hrs per week. Primary responsibilities include directing the adult volunteer choir (September - May), arranging for special music (year-round), and directing the handbell choir. Salary will be dependent on experience. For information, please contact Pastor Doug Handlong at 277-0152 or send an email expressing interest to

20s and 30s
Young Adult Retreat Coming October 24-25

All young adults in their 20s & 30s are invited out to Birchwood Camp in Chugiak for a retreat weekend. It's a good mix of downtime to relax and some scheduled time with fun things to do together. Pumpkin carving, bonfires, worship, discussions, great food, hot chocolate, a scavenger hunt, hiking and more. We're excited to welcome our Superintendent, Rev. Carlo A. Rapanut, to facilitate our worship & discussion on Saturday morning & evening! He'll work with us on themes in the book, "You Lost Me." It's a look at why many young adults don't connect with the church and where we go from here.

Childcare is provided during the worship & discussion portions. This year, we're offering a Saturday only option. Come out just for the day on Saturday if you'd prefer not to spend the night. More info at and registration at

Upcoming Events

     8-10: Carlo attending the Greater Northwest Cabinet retreat in Portland
     11-13: Melissa Engle attending the United Methodist Global AIDS Fund Conference
     14: Carlo preaching at St. John UMC
     18: Carlo visiting UMC of Sitka
     19: Carlo visiting First UMC Ketchikan
     19-20: Lay School of Theology at St. John UMC
     20-21: Carlo visiting Aldersgate UMC, Douglas Community UMC, and Northern Light United
     26-28: United Methodist Women Annual Gathering at St. John UMC
     30-Oct 1: New Clergy Orientation

     1-3: Professional Church Workers Retreat at Birchwood Camp
     3-4: Fall Rendezvous meetings
     24-25: Young Adult Retreat at Birchwood Camp

     27: Thanksgiving - Office Closed
If you have an article or event that you would like the rest of the conference to know about and participate in, feel free to submit them to me each week by Monday evening.  I ask that you type up what you want included and let me know how many weeks you want it published for.  Thank you!
Contact Info

Crystal Feaster
Administrative Assistant
907-333-5050 phone
907-333-2304 fax