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e~Aurora (a weekly news update)
The Alaska United Methodist ConferenceJune 3, 2014
In This Issue
~Dave's Dibble
~Bishop's Blog
~May Apportionment Report
~Thank You!
~In Memorium
~HIV/AIDS Conference
~Rummage Sale

ACS Print  

20/20 Vision:
Leading to God's New Horizons


Upcoming  Clergy

June 8 -
Jim Doepken

June 27 -
Teri Erbele

Contact Information


Dave Beckett
cell 907-250-9143 

Ministry Quicklinks

Join Our Mailing List


2013 Conference Journal
The Conference Journal is posted on our website and you can access it anytime you would like.  Download it onto your computer desktop for easy research.

David Beckett Dave's Dibble
My house is busy with packers right now so I don't have a new blog this week, however you can always read previous blog posts here.

Grace Always,


Bishop Grant Hagiya Bishop's Blog
Bishop Hagiya has written a new post for his blog.  He talks about the future of our denomination and being in Unity.  You can read it here: Seeking the Unity of the Whole Church.
Money May Apportionment Report
The May apportionment report has been posted to the conference website for viewing.  You can look at it here.  How is your church doing?
Thank You!
Thank you to everyone that made this year's annual conference a success!  Thank you to the groups that prepared meals, provided child care, provided their home for people to stay, and for people who provided transportation.  A big thank you to Anchor Park for being great hosts.  There were always snacks out and the facility was kept clean and everyone seemed to have a great time.  We raised over $7,000 for Imagine No Malaria during conference!
Farewell Farewell for Kirimi Ikiugu
Kirimi Ikiugu from New Day Alaska will be returning to Kenya to reunite with his family.  He is having a farewell celebration this Saturday, June 7, at Anchor Park from 5-7 PM.  It also happens to be his birthday.  He wants to dedicate his birthday to the Youth Mission in Kenya.  He would like you to consider giving a gift to aid in the establishment of a Youth Empowerment Center in Meru, Kenya.  The objective of YEC is to train and educate the youth on leadership and career development, especially those from low income areas.
In Memory Former Alaskan Pastor Passes

Reverend Lester L. Moore, May 9, 1926-May 15, 2014

"Please be in celebration as I will have fought the good fight, run the race and finished  the course with Joy."--Lester Moore


These words were on program cover of Celebration of Life & Resurrection service for Rev Lester L Moore on  Friday May 23, 2014 at Collegiate UMC & Wesley Foundation, Ames Iowa.  He  was their senior pastor  1972-1983.  His first position as a local pastor was 1946-49 while he was a college student at Iowa's Simpson College. All of his pastorates were in Iowa until his retirement in 1991,  except for the years 1950-53 as a student pastor while at Boston Seminary; and during his sabbatical leave 1965-66  the family lived in Washington D.C. where he served as administrative assistant to Iowa congressman John Hanson. 


He served interim positions after his 1991 retirement in Willow AK (1993), 

Dubuque, Iowa (1995) and First UMC Anchorage (Jan-June 1996)

He led adult groups on marvelous trips to Alaska  (summers  1999 and 2003) hosted by friends he'd made during his time there.


His wife Ruth passed away in 1990. He married Rosemary Reed in 2003, who died Dec. 2013.  He is survived by four children;  seven grandchildren; three siblings; multitudes of nieces and nephews.  


Condolence messages for the family may be sent to:

Jane Moore Clark, 9216 40 1/2 Ave. N

New Hope, MN  55427
Health Screening HIV & AIDS Conference
Currently the Alaska Conference does not have a coordinator for the United Methodist Global Aids Fund but there is an opportunity for someone interested in this to attend a "Countdown to Zero: Just Save One" conference in Denver, September 11-13, 2014.  You can either contact the conference office or visit to learn more.  The registration deadline is August 15th.  There are scholarships available.  If you are interested in becoming the coordinator for the conference, please let the office know!
Yard Sale Rummage Sale
June 14th, 2014 in the Gym of First United Methodist Church on 9th Ave.


9am to 1pm / 12pm-1pm (bag sale)


Money raised will go to the Local Ministry account, ie. Hungry Tummies, Brother Francis sandwich making, etc.


We'll also be serving complimentary coffee, cookies and lemonade with donations for Imagine No Malaria.


We will be taking donations of clothes, household items, shoes, baby stuff, etc, (please no big items) the week prior to sale, June 8-13; call First Church office at 272-2112 for drop off times.

Upcoming Events

     11-15: Dave attending Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference
     20-22: Carlo attending Pacific Northwest Annual Conference

     1: Carlo begins his Superintendency
If you have an article or event that you would like the rest of the conference to know about and participate in, feel free to submit them to me each week by Monday evening.  I ask that you type up what you want included and let me know how many weeks you want it published for.  Thank you!
Contact Info

Crystal Feaster
Administrative Assistant
907-333-5050 phone
907-333-2304 fax