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e~Aurora (a weekly news update)
The Alaska United Methodist ConferenceFebruary 25, 2014
In This Issue
~Dave's Dibble
~Vacation Hours
~ERUMC Job Openings
~Scholarship Application
~Limitless Retreat
~SPRC Training
~Eco Palms
~ERT Training
~One Great Hour of Sharing
~Mission u Event
~UMM Retreat

ACS Print  

20/20 Vision:
Leading to God's New Horizons


Upcoming  Clergy

March 25 -
Evelyn Erbele

March 29 -
Doug Handlong

Contact Information


Dave Beckett
cell 907-250-9143 

Ministry Quicklinks

Join Our Mailing List


2013 Conference Journal
The Conference Journal is posted on our website and you can access it anytime you would like.  Download it onto your computer desktop for easy research.

David Beckett Dave's Dibble
Read my new blog post: The Nature of Experience.

You can always read previous blog posts here.

Grace Always,


Office Hours
Vacation Hours Coming Up  
Both Dave and Crystal will be traveling in the weeks to come so the office hours will change to accommodate.  Dave will be in Portland for an Area Cabinet meeting from March 3-5 and then will be on vacation until March 16.  Crystal will be on vacation from March 4-11.  Therefore, Rev. Karen Dammann will be filling in from 9 AM - Noon March 4-6 and again March 10-11.  She will be here to answer phone calls and respond to emails.
ERUMC Eagle River United Methodist Camp Job Openings
The Eagle River United Methodist Camp in Juneau, AK is looking to fill two positions: Executive Director and Camp Host.  You can find out more about each position here.  Please contact them if you are interested.
Scholarship Application

From now until March 5, 2014, United Methodist students enrolled in a degree program in the 2014-2015 academic year at an accredited college/university can complete a single on-line scholarship application at to be considered for a variety of scholarships available through the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.  Check out what our church is doing to support students' pursuit of postsecondary education!

Limitless Retreat
Young women in Alaska are invited to attend the Limitless retreat, March 21-23, 2014 at Kings Lake Camp in Wasilla.  If you are between the ages of 20 and 35, this is for you!  Come discover your power as a young woman, experience the meaning of service to others, take a break to recharge and refocus, celebrate your individual unique abilities, and meet other young United Methodist Women.  Learn more about the weekend and register here.
Registration deadline is quickly approaching: March 7, 2014!  There is a discount if you register with a friend!  There has been a lot of talk about people going but they haven't filled out the registration form yet.  Please make sure you get the form sent in!
David Beckett SPRC Online Training Dates
Dave is offering two online trainings for SPRC chairs and committee members.  Included will be a discussion of the purpose of SPRC, best practices, and how to give feedback to your pastor.  Dates are March 19 or 20 from 6:30 - 7:30 PM.  Both nights contain the same content.  The platform will be FUZE.  Contact Crystal at to register your attendance.
Eco-Palms Eco-Palms

Watch this informational video about Eco-Palm harvesting. It explains all you need to know about Eco-Palms-why we purchase them, the benefits of Eco-Palm premiums for small-farmer communities in Guatemala and Mexico, and the socially responsible harvesting techniques that protect the environment and the health of the palm.


Palm Sunday is April 13. Place your order for Eco-Palms by the March 21, 2014 deadline. Visit to learn more.

Early Response Team Training Opportunity
First United Methodist Church in Fairbanks will be hosting its first Early Response Team (ERT) training workshop from March 28, 29 & 30, 2014 and conducted by a certified UMCOR trainer. This workshop is open to anyone, statewide, interested in providing a caring Christian presence in the aftermath of disaster.  Make your plans now to attend this wonderful opportunity.

Registration cost is $35.00, which will cover training materials, background check fees and other costs involved in hosting the workshop.  Tuition assistance may be available upon request.  Childcare will, also, be provided upon request.  Assistance for those flying to Fairbanks is available for three (3) participants from remote towns/villages as well as transportation to and from the airport.

For further information and/or registration please contact Debbie Ervin ( or First United Methodist Church (
One Great Hour of Sharing, March 30

One Great Hour of Sharing helps underwrite UMCOR's cost of doing business every day.  It ensures that 100% of all other contributions you make go directly to the projects you specify, instead of covering administrative or fundraising costs.


Watch this promotional video to learn more, and click here for additional resources such as sermon starters, bulletin inserts, and posters.


One Great Hour of Sharing is March 30, but contributions to this offering can be made all year around.

UMW Mission U Events
Information is now out for you to register for the upcoming Mission U Event in Wasilla.  All are welcome to attend.  Learn about the Roma of Europe, The Call, and Leaving Home Finding Home.  Two events have already occured and have been enjoyed.  Don't miss out on these opportunities if you are able to attend!
N Information Flyer
N Registration Form
N Poster
UMM UMM to Study Jonah at Annual Retreat

United Methodist Men (UMM) from South Central Alaska will gather at the Hope Retreat Center on Saturday, April 5th for their annual retreat. The theme of the retreat will be "Jonah: Dealing with Life's Interruptions" The retreat leader will be Bob Smith, pastor of Turnagain UMC.


The retreat is scheduled from 10AM to 5PM at the Hope Retreat Center. Men will meet at St. John to carpool @ 8:30 AM. The cost will be $35.00 and will include two meals, snacks and study materials. -Men should pre-register by contacting Jim LaBau, co-president of the AK Conf UMM @ Payment can be made at the retreat.

Upcoming Events

     3-5: Area Cabinet Meeting in Portland
     4-11: Crystal on vacation
     8-16: Dave on vacation
     21-23: UMW Limitless Retreat
     27-29: AMW Retreat and Coaching
     31-April 2: Cabinet Meeting in Seattle

     4-5: Mission u Event in Wasilla
     5: Leadership Team meeting
     24-29: Crystal attending UMW Assembly

     14-18: Dave on vacation
     19-21: Cabinet Meeting in Seattle
     26: Memorial Day - Office Closed
     30-31: Annual Conference at Anchor Park UMC
If you have an article or event that you would like the rest of the conference to know about and participate in, feel free to submit them to me each week by Monday evening.  I ask that you type up what you want included and let me know how many weeks you want it published for.  Thank you!
Contact Info

Crystal Feaster
Administrative Assistant
907-333-5050 phone
907-333-2304 fax