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e~Aurora (a weekly news update)
The Alaska United Methodist ConferenceJanuary 28, 2014
In This Issue
~Dave's Dibble
~New INM Coordinator
~Clergy Needed
~Mission u Event
~Human Trafficking
~Grants Available
~Limitless Retreat
~PCWR & WInter Meetings
~Scholarship Application

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20/20 Vision:
Leading to God's New Horizons


Upcoming  Clergy

Contact Information


Dave Beckett
cell 907-250-9143 

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2013 Conference Journal
The Conference Journal is posted on our website and you can access it anytime you would like.  Download it onto your computer desktop for easy research.

David Beckett Dave's Dibble
Please read my new blog post, On Leaving Alaska.

Grace Always,


Bishop Hagiya with Julia Frisbie, INM Field Coordinator and Emilie Kroen, INM Steering committee chairperson 
Episcopal Area Welcomes INM Staffer
United Methodist churches in the Greater Northwest Episcopal Area have joined forces to answer Bishop Grant Hagiya's challenge of raising at least $1 million for Imagine No Malaria by 2016.  This grassroots campaign will stretch to the far corners of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Alaska.

Wednesday Bishop Hagiya welcomed Julia Frisbie as the new Imagine No Malaria Field Coordinator for the Episcopal Area.  Julie was born and raised in Portland, growing up in the Portland First UMC congregation.  After earning her degree in International Relations from Stanford University, she moved to the east cost to work for United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) as a writer specializing in Global Health.  Today, she lives in The Dalles, Oregon where her husband, Dre Frisbie, is a United Methodist pastor.  Julia still telecommutes from UMCOR, but her primary role is now as a field coordinator for Imagine No Malaria in the Greater Northwest Area.  Funding for her 10 month project is provided in part by a grant from the Global Health Initiative of The United Methodist Church.

This year, Julia will train and resource volunteer teams in each of the area's eleven districts.  Churches can get involved by attending a training, starting a local fundraising initiative, and pledging.  Visit or like the campaign on Facebook for updates.  Julia can be reached at and she looks forward to hearing what Greater Northwest Area churches are doing for Imagine No Malaria.
Clergy Clergy Needed to Lead Churches
Girdwood Chapel United Methodist Church and St. John United Methodist Church are both looking for great clergy to lead them.  If you know of anyone who would be interested or you want to know more, look at the postings on our conference website.
UMW Mission U Event in Southeast
Information is now out for you to register for the upcoming Mission U Event in Sitka.  All are welcome to attend.  Learn about the Roma of Europe, The Call, and Leaving Home Finding Home.  Two events have already occured and have been a enjoyed.  Don't miss out on this opportunity if you are able to attend!
Information Flyer
Registration Form
Human Trafficking Awareness  
On Feb. 2, 2014, many in America will watch Super Bowl XLVIII, the largest sporting event in the United States. The Super Bowl will be held this year at MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, N.J. Big sporting or entertainment events are not proven to cause human trafficking, but such events intensify the space in which such crimes can occur.

Thousands will travel to New Jersey to take part in Super Bowl festivities. Among the travelers will be those who arrive in New Jersey by force, fraud or coercion - they will not be there freely but as victims of human trafficking. As the Super Bowl ranks second only to Thanksgiving as the day in which Americans consume the most food, some of those who are trafficked will serve food in restaurants or at catered parties. Others will clean hotel rooms or wash dishes; some will tidy nail salons, deliver dry cleaning or wash windows; and others will be trafficked as sex workers, working as "escorts" or in men-only clubs.


Learn more here about how you can become aware and help to do something about it.  Here is a bulletin insert for you to use as well.

Grants Available

The First United Methodist Church Foundation is accepting applications for grants to be used as educational benefits, scholarships, out-reach to the community and the world.  Applications should be a concise request of no more than 150 words that includes name of person and/or organization, specific request amount, why the grant is needed and how it will be used in 2014.  Submissions must be received by February 14, 2014 at the address below.  Awards will be posted in March 2014.


FUMC Foundation - Grants

725 W 9th Ave

Anchorage, AK  99501

UMW UMW Limitless Retreat
Young women in Alaska are invited to attend the Limitless retreat, March 21-23, 2014 at Kings Lake Camp in Wasilla.  If you are between the ages of 20 and 35, this is for you!  Come discover your power as a young woman, experience the meaning of service to others, take a break to recharge and refocus, celebrate your individual unique abilities, and meet other young United Methodist Women.  Learn more about the weekend and register here.
Professional Church Workers Retreat and Winter Rendezvous Meetings
The information regarding the Professional Church Workers Retreat and the Winter Rendezvous meetings is now posted on the website.  Please register for these events now!

Info for Professional Church Workers Retreat
Info for Winter Rendezvous
Registration for Winter Rendezvous/Professional Church Workers Retreat

Please contact the conference office if you are able to help house people who fly/drive in for the meetings.  We appreciate all of those who can help!
Scholarship Application

Between January 6, 2014 and March 5, 2014, United Methodist students enrolled in a degree program in the 2014-2015 academic year at an accredited college/university can complete a single on-line scholarship application at to be considered for a variety of scholarships available through the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.  Check out what our church is doing to support students' pursuit of postsecondary education!


Please share this information with all of the members of your congregations.

Upcoming Events

     30: Chugiak Church Conference

     5-7: Clergy Retreat
     7-8: Winter Rendezvous meetings @ East Anchorage UMC
     22-23: Mission u Event at UMC of Sitka
     21-23: UMW Limitless Retreat
If you have an article or event that you would like the rest of the conference to know about and participate in, feel free to submit them to me each week by Monday evening.  I ask that you type up what you want included and let me know how many weeks you want it published for.  Thank you!
Contact Info

Crystal Feaster
Administrative Assistant
907-333-5050 phone
907-333-2304 fax