Dear Friends,


Take a moment to uplift your posture and expand out into the room. Invite noble, awesome and shiny qualities to permeate the space around you and bring the smiling face of someone you love into focus - enjoy a long exhale.


I am looking forward to returning to South Africa in March. It is wonderful to have the new book out and available for people to explore. Embodiment is beginning to take its place in the world of leadership development. I am delighted that LE is offering tools and practices to support the wisdom, compassion and power needed to meet our personal and global challenges.


I look forward to learning together and deepening our capacity to spread the principles that empower people to live to their potential.


Many blessings,



We would like to share with you a photo of Wendy Palmer, Karen White and their students celebrating graduation from the Leadership Embodiment Teacher Training in South Africa. 

The Leadership Embodiment practice continues to grow all over the world.  Please see below for the courses taking place in South Africa during the next four months.

For the most up-to-date information on our teachings or to sign up for any of the South Africa courses, visit Karen White's website

Upcoming Courses & Retreat
Cape Town  
with Karen White & Lisa Hansford

Dates: 23 & 24 January 2014
Where: Cape Town, South Africa
For more information: The Human Connection
with Karen White & Julia Bonadei-Thorns 

Dates: 5 & 6 February 2014
Where: Johannesburg, South Africa
For more information: The Human Connection
Wendy in South Africa  

Dates: 14 - 17 March 2014
Where: McGregor, South Africa
For more information: The Human Connection
Leadership Embodiment
How the Way We Sit and Stand Can Change the Way We Think and Speak
by Wendy Palmer and Janet Crawford is now available!

Leadership Embodiment Book

Wendy's third book brings us up to date with her always developing work, sharing her latest insights and wisdom as well as the powerful techniques she has developed over recent years. It's focused on enabling us to access the immense resources of the body's natural intelligence, increasing our leadership presence and impact. 


The book has been written with Janet Crawford, a scientist working with organizations to apply neuroscience and behavioural disciplines to leadership development. If you are looking for a rigorous scientific framework for embodiment work you will enjoy the clear, careful explanations of the role of biology, evolution, neuroscience and change in leadership.

The printed book or the Kindle version can be ordered at Amazon.