Heart's Cry Children's Ministry has continued to be a busy place, since our last update and the Lord continues to bless the work!
- In April, the 2-day Empowering to Connect Conference was a huge success with an overflow crowd excited about the new skills they learned to bring hope and healing to adoptive and foster children. This was the first time that any post-adoptive support had been shared in this manner with families in the country of Panama!! Families were literally in tears, realizing there was hope and resources available to help them and their precious children, from hard places. Please pray that this momentum will grow, that families will be strengthened, and that more foster or adoptive families will join.
- We found a larger office space, not only to accommodate additional training, but also to facilitate the entire process of certifying families to be future adoptive and foster parents. Pray that the office completion, outfitting, and occupancy will proceed quickly.
- The roof work at Casa Providencia is fully underway with progress being made in connecting the elevator shaft to the main building, on much needed wood repair, and on the installation of the rubber membrane underlayment. Pray that the rain holds off, donations are adequate and timely, and the workers are safe and diligent.
- The plumbing work at Casa Providencia has also made good progress in preparing the building for improvements and modifications for a special-needs facility. Pray for safety of the workers and more funding to complete the work.
- Volunteer church work teams are beginning to schedule trips for the summer and fall. Pray that more will schedule, that these teams will make a significant impact on completing items on the list of volunteer job opportunities, and that HCCM champions will grow from these team members.
- An extensive multi-year operational cash flow analysis has been completed for Casa Providencia and is being used with larger potential donors and to form the financial backbone of running the orphanage. Pray that this document will successfully help with both.
- Last week HCCM was visited by a dynamic pastor from Chicago, who was moved by the opportunity to not only impact the orphans of Panama, but also to impact his own church, as they serve "the least of these". Pray that he will become a champion for the orphans of Panama within his own Body and also in other churches in the greater Chicago area.
Empowering to Connect Conference Graciela Mauad & Matt & Misty Hedspeth of HCCM

Applying rubber membrane underlayment on roof
In addition to the ongoing items mentioned above, the Month of May will bring: a new intern to the HCCM staff for two months, visiting missionaries from Africa, and the visit of longtime HCCM friends and a Board member. Please pray these visits are productive, encouraging, and fun!
Thank you for your encouragement, faithful prayer, and financial support. This ministry is not possible without you.
Love & blessings,
Matt & Misty Hedspeth,
Bill & Judy Grimme, and
the Hearts Cry Childrens' Ministry team