Heart's Cry Children's Ministry
Thank you for Praying,God has moved
Adoption law PASSES
Adoption Law Passes in National Assembly

Period.  It has happened.  I am still stunned and can hardly believe it.  For 3 years we worked on this project and have been praying for 5 years for this to happen.  Praise the Lord, He is amazing and faithful.  He moved in the hearts of the legislators to get this law through the entire legislative process.  In spite of lots of unwarranted and unfounded criticism and interruptions, it is now about to become law.      

So...  As you may recall from my prior emails, the 2 big issues that were controversial and yet imperative on the road to freeing children from a life in an orphanage here in Panama:
  1. Limiting the biological family investigation to the biological parents and grandparents.  Approved!
  2. Allowing foster parents to adopt.  Approved!   
There are a ton of details that were included in this new law, which will greatly help children get into loving homes faster.  I will spare the details here, but God was in every single detail.  Thank you for interceding for the children in Panama and standing in the gap for these little ones.  There is such power in prayer.  This is proof of that fact, if ever you doubted (as we all tend to do at times!)  Miracles never cease.

It was a humbling honor to be invited as an NGO (non-profit) to be a part of the entire process, from start to finish.  If you would like to see Graciela in the 2nd debate at the national assembly, she made it on their website photos, which you can see more in the attached photos.  Just scroll down to the rows of photos and click on the top row of photos to see the full image.  But I included the best one below.  You can see our very own HCCM Representative, Graciela Mauad, in the purple dress :)   She did a fabulous job at using her legal mind for the Lord, what a privilege to work alongside her.  This was an amazing team effort for SO many individuals whom God used through every phase of this giant project, but we also want to thank you for your intercession.  You all were intricately involved in this as well!  The Panama Adoption Prayer Initiative (PAPI), i.e., the intercession of Believers, was the most important part of all the work.   The Lord moved a mountain.

national assembly   

God is so big, so strong and so mighty, there's nothing that God cannot do!

In awe of Jesus,

Misty and Matt Hedspeth  