CCA Has Sponsored Two Important Bills 
We need YOUR help to get the word out to your Assembly Member. 
It's grassroots action time...
Let's Get Physical! 
Are you tired and frustrated by not being allowed to practice your full scope of practice? Have you been denied by your school district/s to perform a simple pre-athletic sports physical?  

AB 1992, authored by Assembly Member Brian Jones, will add doctors of chiropractic and other qualified providers to the Education Code in order for these providers to be allowed to perform pre-athletic sports physicals across the state and thus, resolve the confusion of which providers may or may not perform these physicals.

Status: AB 1992 will be heard and voted upon in the Assembly Business & Professions Committee on April 26, 2016 and in the Assembly Arts, Entertainment, Sports, Tourism and Internet Committee on May 3, 2016.

Improve Options For Injured Workers! 
We know the impact of the 2004 Workers' Compensation reforms continue to negatively affect your practice and the health of your injured worker patients. With the elimination of doctors of chiropractic as primary treating physicians after the 24-visit cap, there has been an alarming and documented increase in opioid use and surgery among injured workers. 

AB 2407, authored by Assembly Member Rocky Chavez, will require injured workers with back injuries to be assessed and provided a conservative treatment plan to include chiropractic manipulation and other non-invasive care modalities prior to surgery.
Status: AB 2407 will be heard and voted upon in the Assembly Insurance Committee on April 20, 2016.

 California Chiropractic Association
1451 River Park Drive, Suite 230
Sacramento, CA 95815
916.648.2727| calchirogov.org

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