5 years later, 132,237 people in Haiti are living in 26,412 safer homes. 

We asked Minouche Barony, one of our Team Leaders, about her experience in the 2010 Haiti earthquake, and her work with Build Change since then:



We are proud of the hard work of our staff and thankful for the support of our partners, which has enabled us to make these tremendous impacts in Haiti.




Dozens of small businesses, like Fred Elicart's, trained to make concrete blocks stronger and safer for use in construction.






350,000+ safer concrete blocks produced each month, increasing the safety of thousands of homes.




Tens of thousands of posters and booklets distributed, and hundreds of community presentations informing the public about the risk of future earthquakes and how to build safe houses.




Haiti's government now requires that NGOs collaborate with homeowners for reconstruction, rather than building large blocks of identical housing.





Haiti's Ministry of Public Works requested a guide for making damaged houses safe and strong enough to withstand a future earthquake. We produced

the guide and it is used nationwide.


Looking forward, we will continue to empower Haitians to make their communities safe from future natural disasters.


In the next year, we plan to get 3,600 more people into safer houses and hundreds of children into safe schools.