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August 2014
In This Issue
Strategic People Measurement
Learn How to Apply Training Development Reporting Principles in Your Organization
Workshop on Evidence-based Management
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Strategic People Measurement

As the importance of human capital management continues to grow as a differentiator between high and low performing firms, there is both the opportunity and necessity for the HR function to become more strategic.

The process of becoming more strategic requires asking better questions, deploying clever analytics, and just as important, being able to articulate how HR creates value.  The graphic below is the framework we use to help guide HR functions as they seek to become more strategic.

While the specifics, of course, vary from firm to firm, the framework is sufficiently general to serve as a powerful foundation and starting point, no matter what your firm's size or industry.

So what do you think?  Is this a framework that could work for your firm?  Let us know - we'd love to hear from you!

Learn How to Apply Training Development Reporting Principles in Your Organization

Want to learn how to report human capital for your organization?  We'd recommend you check out the Center for Talent Reporting's October 20-22, 2014, workshop on just this topic - it's two and a half days of high impact learning designed for anyone who wants to improve measurement, reporting, and management of human capital. Click here to download a PDF for more details.

Workshop on Evidence-based Management

Our colleague, David Creelman, is running a workshop on evidence-based management with Carnegie Mellon's Denise Rousseau.  The workshop is aimed at HR VPs & Directors who are frustrated with the lack of rigor in decision making. The focus will be on applying "evidence-based practice" which brings a framework to using analytics and adds other tools for using evidence to inform decisions.  For more information, contact David Creelman at 

About McBassi & Company

McBassi is a human capital analytics firm that helps organizations improve their performance through more effective management and development of people.  We have proprietary research-based measurement methods, the analytic know-how, and a proven track record in serving as a catalyst for change and generating win-win results.

You can download a brochure describing McBassi and our services, or visit us on the web.


We can be contacted toll-free at 866.345.5730 or


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