Legal Resources for Labor and Employment Law




The largest law firm in eastern Connecticut.


Serving the community for over 70 years with a wide range of legal services.



labor group shot

Pictured above (left to right), top row: Attorneys Michael Carey, Matthew Shafner, Eileen Duggan,
Hinda Kimmel, Bryan Fiengo and Eric Callahan.  Bottom row:  Paralegal Mary Wyatt,
Legal Assistant Lora Murphy and Paralegal Judith Flemming.
  Health Insurance


Under the 2010 Affordable Care Act, beginning October 1, 2013, employers subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) must provide all current employees, regardless of their full or part time status, with a written notice about the private Health Insurance Marketplace (also known as the Exchange).  The Exchange is a new marketplace that offers health insurance and coverage options to individuals, families and small employers - a "one-stop shopping" to find and compare private health insurance options.  The Department of Labor (DOL) has issued model notices and has updated its COBRA notices for employers to use to notify employees of health coverage options that are available through the Exchange. 
An employer subject to the FLSA generally means an employer that employs one or more employees who is engaged in, or produces goods for interstate commerce.  For most companies a test of not less than $500,000 in annual dollar volume of business also applies. The FLSA also specifically covers, hospitals, institutions primarily engaged in the care of the sick, the aged, mentally ill, or disabled who reside on the premises; schools for children who are mentally or physically disabled or gifted;  preschools, elementary, and secondary schools and institutions of higher education; and federal, state, and local government agencies.
Beginning January 1, 2014, individuals and employees of small businesses (businesses with 50 or fewer workers) will have access to affordable coverage through the Exchange.   Small businesses that choose to purchase or subsidize worker coverage can do it the way they are now - buying a small group policy or they can shop the Exchange for new options.  

Of note, on July 2, 2013, the Treasury announced a one-year delay, until 2015, in the employer mandate under the Affordable Care Act requiring employers with more than 50 full-time workers to offer affordable health insurance coverage for their workers or pay penalties.   The postponement does not affect other central provisions in the law, in particular the establishment of Exchanges.

Employers should begin preparations for drafting and distributing the required Exchange notice.  Please let us know if we can be of assistance. 

This newsletter is intended to provide general information only. It is not intended as legal advice or as a solution to an individual problem. You are encouraged to consult with appropriate legal counsel prior to relying on this document in whole or in part.

*PLEASE NOTE:  This newsletter is not meant to be a comprehensive summary of the entire health care reform bill passed in 2010 as the bill in its entirety is over 2,000 pages. Rather, the purpose of this newsletter is to highlight certain provisions that dramatically change the way employers will look at health care over the next 5 to 10 years. 

Should you wish to discuss in more detail any part of the Health Care Reform bill, its impact on your organization, or how best to  its implement the mandated changes, please do not hesitate to contact one the attorneys in the Labor Department at Suisman Shapiro.

This newsletter is intended to provide general information only. It is not intended as legal advice or as a solution to an individual problem. You are encouraged to consult with appropriate legal counsel prior to relying on this document in whole or in part.

Visit our website at
 or call
  (860) 442-4416     
Attorney Spotlight
  Hinda Kimmel  
Attorney Hinda Kimmel 

Attorney Kimmel practices in the Suisman Shapiro Labor, Employment, Municipal and Educational Law Department and is a Director of the firm.  She earned her Bachelors Degree from Mills College and her Masters Degree in Special Education from California State University.  In 1994, after receiving her Juris Doctor (magna cum laude) from New England School of Law, Ms. Kimmel joined the firm of Suisman Shapiro.  She is a member of the Connecticut and New London County Bar Association.

Attorney Kimmel regularly consults with municipal and private employers on discriminatory employment practices, and advises on or conducts internal investigations of alleged discrimination or employee misconduct, including sexual harassment investigations.  She frequently defends employers in discrimination actions before the Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities.  Ms. Kimmel often consults with employers on the development and implementation of policies and procedures, and prepares or revises employee handbooks.

Attorney Kimmel is a former special education teacher who has applied her past and current expertise to counsel clients in the areas of elementary and secondary student rights, access to services and discriminatory practices.
Ms. Kimmel may be reached at her direct extension, (860) 271-2237, or via email at

About Our Law Firm


Since Charles Suisman, Max Shapiro and Louis Wool established themselves as skilled eastern Connecticut attorneys in the 1930's and collaborated in the 1950's to form our firm, we have been protecting the interests of average citizens. As our firm has grown, our attorneys have continued to offer innovative, effective solutions for legal problems. Residents and businesses in Connecticut have responded - Suisman Shapiro is now the largest law firm in eastern Connecticut.
Even when Mr. Suisman was joined by partners Max Shapiro and Louis Wool in the 1950's, a general practice attorney could still handle most matters capably. Since then the law has changed. In order to offer comprehensive and effective counsel for today's more complex legal environment, each of our attorneys now focuses on specific practice areas.
Suisman Shapiro continues its tradition of giving back to southeastern Connecticut and participates in many community programs such as scholarships, fundraisers, sponsorships and donations.
 The Suisman Shapiro offices are located at 2 Union Plaza, just down the street from the Courthouse in New London, CT  06320