Newsletter Credits
Editors Christine Lee Andrea Orvik Michelle Venegas
Contributors Kathleen Kelly Lana Sheridan Andrea Orvik Tyler Stanley Christine Lee Michelle Venegas
Graphics/Production Andrea Orvik
Executive Director Kathleen A. Kelly
Board of Directors
Directors Herman S. Brown Claude Everhart Moira Fordyce Ping Hao Jeff Kumataka Jacquelyn Kung Mark Lachman Michael Malewicz F. Burns Vick Debbie Wolter
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Supporting One of Our Own
Family Caregiver Alliance
FCA staff member, Lois Escobar is undergoing treatment for cancer. At this time, she needs the help and generosity of her friends, family, colleagues and supporters.
Lois Escobar is a giver. She has been a Family Consultant for over 20 years at Family Caregiver Alliance. In that time she has helped countless struggling families navigate the challenging journey of being a family caregiver. This journey is often fraught with conflicting emotions, financial concerns and numerous questions without easy answers. Lois has been there for so many caregivers providing support, guidance, and answers when they needed help the most.
Lois is not only a giver to her caregiving clients and families but she is a giver to FCA. She is quick to offer a helping hand, share her years of experience or offer a listening ear to her work colleagues. Now it is our turn, all of our turns, to give back to Lois.
You can help by making a monetary contribution to Lois and her family either through this website or by mailing/handing your contribution to Michelle Venegas, Director of Programs at FCA (785 Market Street, Ste. 750, San Francisco, CA 94103). Make checks out to FCAIn the memo line please put, "For Lois Escobar's fight against cancer. Your contributions will cover Lois's medical and out of pocket expenses.

Family Caregiver Alliance thanks you so much for your support.
If you wish to contribute to her fundraiser, please donate here.
- Kathy Kelly
Executive Director, FCA
FCA Family Consultant,
Lois Escobar
Why You Should Remodel to 'Age in Place' Now
Aging in place is about creating a home so beautiful, comfortable and expressive of your personality that you never want to leave. We can't fight aging, but we can take steps to make our house the place we want it to be.
Never get tired of doing little things for others. For sometimes, these little things occupy the biggest part of their heart.
- Ida Azhuri
Employers Must Do More to Support Caregiving Workers
Most US employers seem to be uninformed of the nation's caregiving realities. Nearly 73 percent of the 65 million people who provide care for a family member or friend work either part-time or full-time. What must employers do to support caregiving workers?
PBS' Powerful Assisted Living Exposé
Approximately 750,000 Americans reside in an assisted living facility. These are facilities that offer housing alternatives for older adults who may need help with activities of daily living (ADLs) ----personal care activities such as bathing, grooming and eating ----but who do not require the intensive medical and nursing care that would be provided in a nursing home.
The PBS show, Frontline, hosts a powerful exposé, Life and Death in Assisted Living, which reveals the stories of some families' experiences with assisted living facilities in this country. The special show premiered Tuesday, July 30, and is available now to watch online.
[Read the article]
Some days there won't be a song in your heart. Sing it anyway.
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Fall/Winter - Marin County, Alameda County, and Contra Costa County
Taking Care of SoMEone Else
This informational and motivational class will help you re-energize and take better care of yourself as you care for your family member. Our Family Consultants, who will host this class, will share their insights on how to ask for help, ways to reduce stress, guilt and anger, and how to set goals and solve problems. Pre-registration is required for this free workshop.
Classes will be held in the late-Fall and Winter months in Marin County, Fremont, San Leandro, and Walnut Creek. More details regarding the classes will be sent in the upcoming months.
Questions? Contact our Education Coordinator at 415-434-3388, extension 317.
August 22, September 26, October 24, and November 14
Fall Caregiver Classes at
Avenidas Rose Kleiner Center
Taking Care of YOU!
Thursday, August 22, 7:00 pm
Dolores Gallagher Thompson, PhD, ABPP
Director, Stanford Geriatric Education Center
How to Increase Balance & Decrease Falls
Thursday, September 26, 7:00 pm
Ellen Corman, MRA
Tamar Semerjian, PhD
Stress Reduction Techniques
Thursday, October 24, 7:00 pm
Vickie Chang, PhD
Ginger Scheer Oros, LMFT
Janice Ososke
Understanding Family Dynamics
Thursday, November 14, 7:00 pm
Vivian Silva, MSW
Christina Irving, LCSW
Avenidas Rose Kleiner Center
270 Escuela Avenue, Mountain View
Free parking and light refreshments.
RSVP to (650) 289-5499 or
September 21
San Francisco Walk to End Alzheimer's Come walk for the cause!
All FCA Staff and family will be walking for the cause on September 21st. To support Team FCA, DONATE HERE.
290 Channel Street San Francisco, CA 94158
Registration Opens 8:00am | Walk Begins 9:30am
For more information, click here.
November 17 Third Annual Art of Financial Wellbeing Resource Fair Workshops topics for this event include: Medicare, Social Security, The Affordable Care Act, Legal Issues.
The Jewish Community Center of San Francisco 3200 California Street San Francisco, CA
Advance registration requested, please call (415) 292-1200. For more information, contact Shiva Schultz at or (415) 292-1260, or visit their website here. |
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Three New FCA Caregiver Tip-Sheets Now Online!
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LGBT Caregiver Study
Caring for Partners Study is interested in speaking with LGBT people whose partners have been critically ill. Through the study, they hope to learn ways to improve care and reduce discrimination for the LGBT population and their partners in health settings.
Additional information about the study is available here, and on their Facebook page
GIFTS FROM THE HEART |  A quarterly thank you to our donors and supporters . . .
We would like to take a moment to extend a warm thank you to the many generous supporters who make the work we do possible through thoughtful donations to Family Caregiver Alliance.
For over 30 years, Family Caregiver Alliance has offered programs to support and sustain the important work of families and friends caring for loved ones with chronic, disabling health conditions. FCA offers programs at national, state and local levels. The National Center on Caregiving was established at FCA in 2001 to advance the development of high-quality, cost-effective services and policies nationwide. A wealth of caregiving advice, resource listings, newsletters, fact sheets, research reports, policy updates and discussion groups are available free on the FCA website. Visit or call (800) 445-8106 for more information.
© 2013 Family Caregiver Alliance. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this newsletter may be reproduced without the express permission of Family Caregiver Alliance.
785 Market Street, Ste. 750, San Francisco, CA 94103 | 415.434.3388