Connections, e-Newsletter
Summer 2013

 Vol. 4, No. 2

(800) 445-8106

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Newsletter Credits


Christine Lee

Andrea Orvik
Michelle Venegas 


Kathleen Kelly
Lana Sheridan
Andrea Orvik
Tyler Stanley
Christine Lee
Michelle Venegas

Andrea Orvik

Executive Director
Kathleen A. Kelly

Board of Directors 


Herman S. Brown
Claude Everhart
Moira Fordyce
Ping Hao
Jeff Kumataka
Jacquelyn Kung
Mark Lachman
Michael Malewicz
F. Burns Vick
Debbie Wolter 



ExecLtrAssistive and Smart Technology in CaregivingKathy K black & white photo

Family Caregiver Alliance


In the April 2013 issue of the American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, a research article reviewed the conclusions of an exploratory trial in Canada studying the effects of assistive technology (or "AT") intervention on older adults with disabilities and their informal caregivers. The significance of the research is two-fold: first, it is the first experimental study to demonstrate that the provision of assistive technology decreases caregiver burden; and second, the findings have significant policy and practice implications including the likelihood that health care providers can better advocate on behalf of family caregivers and those they care for, by pushing for improved access to AT products and services that can assist family caregivers wit their daily caregiving responsibilities.

In response to these findings, we are re-posting a blog written back in 2011 by our Executive Director, Kathleen Kelly, to continue the conversation on AT and how a shared focus on this topic across the healthcare fields can help caregivers everywhere. 


2011 - As the demographics shift to reflect an aging population, innovation abounds in the area of developing new assistive technologies to make life tasks easier for an individual with disabilities or for a family caregiver. How does one find out about existing or new technologies? One answer is finding information on the Internet and a recent online survey of caregivers provides some insight into this question.



Recently the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation in the Department of Health and Human Services embarked on a project entitled, "Accelerating Adoption of Assistive Technology to Reduce Physical Strain among Family Caregivers of the Chronically Disabled Elderly Living at Home". A large title - and charge - to figure out the best ways to match assistive technologies to specific needs and then get those technologies into the hands of family caregivers to use. Some gaps in information remained after the literature search, particularly around how do family caregivers learn about and use assistive technologies. . . .


What's Next in Caregiving Technology? 


New technology can help lighten the workload of nearly 65 million caregivers in America. Technological advancements in remote monitoring, fitness games, and apps may help us live independently in our own homes longer than ever.   


9 Need-to-know Technologies for Caregivers

Looking at high tech trends in supporting caregiving: GPS safety technology, personal emergency response systems, and other safety technology.


Caregivers Have New Tools at Their Disposal as New Apps Enter the
Tech Market
New and affordable software programs are continuing to hit the app stores, providing caregivers with ways to stay organized, track medications and keep tabs on their loved ones' whereabouts. 

[Read More] 

Residential Care for the Elderly is Moving into the Digital Age   


Technology such as sleep tracking bed-sensors may help assisted living centers take better care of their residents. How can this technology be applied to every home? 

[Read More] 





I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel.

- Maya Angelou 


How to make the US a Better Place for Caregivers    


The United States lags behind almost all other industrialized countries in providing the goods, services, and incentives that make it possible for women and men to be caregivers as well as breadwinners. What people need is an entire national infrastructure of care.


Work Life Balance     


"We need to take women and men out of the picture and look at it as breadwinners and caregivers."


Princeton University professor, Anne-Marie Slaughter, discusses (in both a recent lecture and in her article "Why Women Still Can't Have It All," published in The Atlantic last year), the concept of work-family balance and how our rigid understanding of gender roles can adversely affect both men and women both at home and at work. Slaughter's comments suggest that how companies continue to assume that main breadwinners do not participate in the caregiver role, does not reflect the real world where roles are becoming increasingly mixed----pointing to same-sex couples as an example of work-life balance issues occurring outside traditional gender roles. . . . 


[Read More] 



It is easy to complain when things  

aren't going right.

Especially when we are overwhelmed  

and exhausted.

But instead of complaining  

when things go wrong,

Try praising our loved-one  

when things go right.

Chances are, our care-receiver wants  

to please us and will appreciate

the encouragement.

 I will see good in every situation.
Excerpted from "The Gift of Caregiving", Daily
inspirations, Affirmations and Tips. Author: Rebecca Sharp Colmer, EKLEKTIKA Press, Inc., Chelsea, MI 48118, Copyright 2011, 



Is Insulin a Key to Alzheimer's Disease?  


Recent studies from Harvard University and the University of Pittsburgh suggest combination therapy is the most effective treatment for all stages of Alzheimer's disease.  


Can Nerve Endings in the Tongue Help Us Treat Traumatic Brain Injury?    


The human tongue may serve as a gateway to the human brain, providing us with the opportunity to treat serious afflictions from multiple sclerosis to combat-induced brain injuries.      


You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.

-K. Gibran 



June 28 - San Francisco, CA


Young Caregivers Respite Retreat

Calling all family caregivers ages 18-35, please join us for our first Young Caregivers Respite Retreat!

The Women's Building  
3543 18th Street #8 
San Francisco, CA 
9:00 am-3:00 pm  

We'll have resources to help you navigate your caregiving responsibilities, informative activities, and expert speakers discussing a variety of topics pertinent to younger caregivers.

Please register online here. This event is only open to family caregivers ages 18-35. We regret to inform that
we are unable to accommodate professional and/or paid caregivers at this event.

Questions? Contact Education Coordinator Chris Lee at 415-434-3388, extension 317 or at [email protected]

July 15 - Fremont, CA

Ardenwood Respite Retreat 
Co-Sponsored by: The City of Fremont  
Family Caregiver Support Program

Join us on a one-day retreat designed especially for the family caregiver. Enjoy a visit to Ardenwood Historic Farm, a 19th century country estate including a beautiful mansion and elaborate Victorian gardens, a catered lunch, tips for preventing caregiver burnout and a chance to build connections through rhythm.


Ardenwood Historic Farm

34600 Ardenwood Blvd.

Fremont, CA 94555


Please register online here. Questions? Contact Education Coordinator Chris Lee at 415-434-3388, extension 317 or at [email protected] 



June 11 


11th Annual Gay Day Celebration  

This event features local performance artists, community organizations, and is a community celebration.

North Berkeley Senior Center 
1901 Hearst Ave 
Berkeley, CA 
1:00 pm-4:00 pm

For more information, call (510) 981-5190



June 12

Model for Counseling Clients Diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease

Robyn Yale, LCSW will present her model for counseling clients who have been diagnosed with early stage Alzheimer's Disease.
Open to professionals only. Please register for this workshop here. For questions please contact Jennifer Mangosong-Shankle at 800-272-3900 or [email protected]


Housing and Benefits Workshop for Persons with Disabilities and Seniors    

An introduction to searching for below market rate (BMR) rent and subsidized housing in the Alameda County & beyond.   


Livermore Multi-Service Center

3311 Pacific Avenue

Livermore, CA
10:00 am-12:00 pm   


RSVP to Alejandra at (925)371-1531 by June 10. 


June 18 


Traveling with Pain Seminar 

Hosted by the Arthritis Foundation


San Leandro Senior Center

13909 E. 14th St., San Leandro.  

6:00 pm-7:00 pm


RSVP is required; please call: 888-391-9389 extension 13 to register.  


June 19 

Public Health Emergency Preparedness 

Oakland Coliseum East Side Club 
7000 Coliseum Way 
Oakland, CA 
10:00 am-2:00 pm

Participate in preparedness activities and free trainings. There will be a special focus on seniors, persons with disabilities, individuals with access and functional needs and the organizations that serve these groups. (Hosted by the Alameda County Public Health Department


June 22 


Get Fit! Get Moving! Disability Fair 


Ed Roberts Campus

3075 Adeline Street

Berkeley, CA    

10 am-3 pm


This free event will feature mini classes offered by BORP and Axis Dance Co. Please RSPV by June 14 online here.     


June 26    


Presentation and Consultations on Immigration Law


Fremont Family Resource Center 

39155 Liberty Street

Millennium Room A120 

Fremont, CA


The International Institute of the Bay Area will be holding a monthly general immigration clinic. The clinic will include a presentation followed by individual consultations with licensed attorneys and accredited representatives for $30 on immigration related matters. For more information, call (510) 451-2846 x301.


July 1    


10th Annual Alameda CTC Senior and Disabled Mobility Workshop!   

Come learn about current and emerging tools for keeping seniors and people with disabilities mobile and independent throughout their lives.


Ed Roberts Campus

3075 Adeline Street

Berkeley, CA   

(Ashby BART Station)  

10:00 am-3:00 pm


August 7   


12th Annual Healthy Aging Health Fair  

Sponsored by the Alameda County Commission on Aging


Chabot College Grand Court 
25555 Hesperian Boulevard 
Hayward, CA 
10:00 am-2:30 pm
For more information, contact Delbert Walker at 510-577-3532 or [email protected], or Amy Holloway at 510-577-3540   
Caregiving InformationFCA ANNOUNCEMENTS


Participate in an Important Caregiving Study


The folks at the Center on Aging at the University of Minnesota asked if we could help spread the word about an important new study gathering input through an online questionnaire for caregivers of persons with dementia. The results from this questionnaire will help identify areas for service needs and key referrals for the caregiver and the person with dementia. Potentially this could link to service databases in regions or statewide if available. When the tool is completed, it will be available for broad scale use. Your participation is critical in order for the tool to work most effectively.

We are providing input here at FCA; we hope you will too!- Kathleen Kelly, Executive Director

[Go to Study/Questionnaire details]

Application for 2013 Rosalinde Gilbert Innovations in Alzheimer's Disease Caregiving Legacy Awards - Now Available!

With continuing support from The Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Foundation, Family Caregiver Alliance is pleased to oversee the annual Caregiving Legacy Awards program now in its sixth year. The program stimulates innovation in the field of Alzheimer's disease caregiving by recognizing and rewarding those efforts which lead the way in addressing the needs of Alzheimer's disease caregivers.

Deadline to apply is August 16, 2013.

FCA will be happy to provide you with names and contact infFor more information, please call Edrena Harrison at 415-434-3388, extension 334 or visit FCA's



Natasha Stewart   Natasha Stewart headshot

Program Assistant at Family Caregiver Alliance   


We would like to welcome Natasha Stewart to the FCA family! As a Program Assistant, Natasha is responsible for managing reports that track all of FCA's services, helping support our Family Consultants and staff stay on track for goals.  


As a former caregiver, Natasha finds this work both rewarding and challenging: "My family received home hospice services, and it helped so much. I'm lucky to be working for FCA. I get to help people provide great services to caregivers."  


Natasha joins us from Los Angeles where she recently received her BS in Business Administration with a specialty in Systems and Operations Management from California State University, Northridge. She grew up in Berkeley, so she is glad to be back living and working in the Bay Area. As a scooter enthusiast, one of her favorite pastimes is going for group rides through the lovely Northern California landscape.




Alzheimer's Association 24/7 Helpline


The Alzheimer's Association Helpline, 800-272-3900, provides reliable information and support to people with memory loss, caregivers, health care professionals and all others in need of assistance. Trained and knowledgeable staff members answer questions and concerns regarding memory loss, dementia and Alzheimer's, medications and other treatment options, general information about aging and brain health as well as guide individuals on how to provide quality care and find the best care from professionals. Callers can also seek help with legal, financial and living-arrangement decisions in addition to referrals to local community programs, services and ongoing support.  


The Helpline also features confidential care consultation provided by master's level clinicians who can help with decision-making support, crisis assistance and education. A translation service can accommodate calls in 170 languages and dialects. 

Avoid Readmissions Through Collaboration Program


Have you or a family member experienced a re-hospitalization shortly after leaving the hospital? Interested in sharing your story and advising our group on strategies to prevent re-hospitalizations?


The purpose of the Patient Advisory Council is to support the Avoid Readmissions Through Collaboration (ARC) Program on how healthcare providers can better serve patients and their families. Members of the patient advisory council will receive a $50 stipend for each council meeting attended in person. Contact Lisa: 617-388-5192 [email protected]


Stanford GEC Presents: Webinar Series on Dementia Topics


In collaboration with the American Geriatrics Society, California Area Health Education Centers (AHECs), and the Community Health Partnership, the Stanford GEC will be presenting a series of webinars on dementia topics during 2013.

Topics include the new recommendations of the DSM-V diagnostic criteria for dementia; evidence based interventions for persons with dementia and their caregivers; recognizing and differentiating depression, delirium and dementia; ethical issues in Alzheimer's diagnosis; pain control and medications in patients with dementia; and end of life care for dementia patients. There is a $10 fee for each webinar, and it is $25 for CME and CEU credits. For more information and to register

UCSF Exercise and Caregiver Health Study


UCSF and Dr. Eli Puterman are examining the relationship between physical activity, health, and aging among men and women who are caregiving for a family member with Alzheimer's Disease and/or Dementia. Share your caregiving experience to help develop a specialized exercise program for caregivers. Completing this brief, anonymous, 10-minute survey will aid this study.

Questions? Contact Samantha Schilf at 415-476-3818 or at [email protected]

heart-shaped money-box with ribbon

A quarterly thank you to our donors and supporters . . .

We would like to take a moment to extend a warm thank you to the many generous supporters who make the work we do possible through thoughtful donations to Family Caregiver Alliance.

For over 30 years, Family Caregiver Alliance has offered programs to support and sustain the important work of families and friends caring for loved ones with chronic, disabling health conditions. FCA offers programs at national, state and local levels. The National Center on Caregiving was established at FCA in 2001 to advance the development of high-quality, cost-effective services and policies nationwide. A wealth of caregiving advice, resource listings, newsletters, fact sheets, research reports, policy updates and discussion groups are available free on the FCA website. Visit or call (800) 445-8106 for more information.


� 2013 Family Caregiver Alliance. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this newsletter may be reproduced without the express permission of Family Caregiver Alliance.



FCC NCC Weblogo - Teal  


785 Market Street, Ste. 750, San Francisco, CA 94103 | 415.434.3388