Connections, e-Newsletter
Spring 2013

 Vol. 4, No. 1

(800) 445-8106

Table of Contents 


Letter from our Executive Director

Managing the Caregiving Juggling Act 

Lead Article Topics 


-Long-term Care Rate Hike Stuns Retirees


  -Dementia: Exhaustion, Anger of Caregiving Get a Name  


- Caregiving For Parents: What it Can Cost


-Why Doesn't Anyone Appreciate What I Do?


- Income Composition, Income Trends, and Income Shortfalls of Older Households   

- How Participation in Sports Influences the Experience of Aging  


- Yoga For Caregivers:  


- Meditation May Lower Depression, Improve Brain Functioning in Dementia Caregivers      

FCA Presentations & Workshops 


- Understanding Dementia Workshop  


- Latino Forum 


- It Takes Two: Understanding Dementia  


Community Health Fairs/Special Events
- What About Me? Self-Care for Caregivers

- The Elephant in the Room: Difficult Talks We All Should Have

- Senior & Disability Advocacy Class

- Caring for An Aging Loved One Conference

- The Art of Aging Gracefully Resource Fair

-13th Annual California Senior Injury Prevention Conference

-20th Asian American Heritage Festival

- Alameda County Meals on Wheels Raffle

- Low Vision Examinations

- Cal Clinical Instrument Comparison Study 

- New Tip Sheets for Dementia


- Updated Fact Sheets


- Soon to be updated FS 



- Tiffany Pippen-



- Caregiver input needed for FCA website redesign


Donor Thank Yous 


New Donate Now Btn 2011

Quick Links


Caregiver Tool: State-by-State Help 


Family Care Navigator

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FCA's new Channel: CAREGIVERdotORG

Newsletter Credits


Christine Lee

Michelle Venegas 


Kathleen Kelly
Lana Sheridan
Tyler Stanley
Christine Lee
Michelle Venegas

Executive Director
Kathleen A. Kelly

Board of Directors 


Herman S. Brown
Claude Everhart
Moira Fordyce
Ping Hao
Jeff Kumataka
Jacquelyn Kung
Mark Lachman
Michael Malewicz
F. Burns Vick
Debbie Wolter 



ExecLtrManaging the Caregiving Juggling Act

 Key Recommendations on Family Caregivers (as presented at the 2013 Women's Policy Summit)
Kathy K black & white photo


Blog entry by Kathleen Kelly,  

Executive Director,  

Family Caregiver Alliance



In California, there are over 5.88 million family caregivers providing unpaid care to a loved one. These family caregivers---unpaid relatives, partners and friends---form the largest long-term care workforce in the country. In California alone, it is estimated that family caregivers provide $47 billion dollars of unpaid annual care services.


3.2103 Graphic for KKs blog Today's family caregiver is part social worker, part nurse, part financial manager, part household handy-person and all wife, partner, daughter, daughter-in-law, sister or grandchild. As a society we are living longer with more complicated chronic conditions and as a result, today's caregiving is well beyond Activities of Daily Living (ADL's) and Independent Activities of Daily Living (IADL's). Almost half (46%) of family caregivers perform medical tasks normally associated as "nurse delegated" functions, typically with little training from health and social service systems.


Well over half (56%) of the 5.88 million family caregivers in California are part of the Baby Boomer generation, between the ages of 45 and 64. For these mostly adult children, caregiving is a juggling act among their careers, families, and parents. Almost two-thirds (64%) are holding down full-time (55%) or part-time (9%) employment, in addition to providing an average of 15 to 20 hours a week of assistance to an older adult.


Three-quarters of California caregivers are women---meaning there are roughly 4.4 million women in California trying to successfully manage this juggling act. These women are more likely to step out of the workforce to provide care. Providing this care is not without costs, as family caregivers suffer significant physical, mental and financial consequences due to the toll of caregiving. . . .




Long-term Care Rate Hike Stuns Retirees


Retired San Francisco math teacher shocked to find an increase in her long-term care insurance premium ----an 85 percent increase. Thousands of others are affected by this.  


Dementia: Exhaustion, Anger of Caregiving Get a Name


Do you take care of someone in your family with a chronic medical illness or dementia? Have you felt depression, anger or guilt? Has your health deteriorated since taking on the responsibility of caregiving?


The medical community has labeled it "caregiver syndrome." What is it, and which populations are most vulnerable.



Caregiving For Parents: What it Can Cost   


Men and women who take time off or quit work to care for a loved one lose a large amount in lifetime wages, and the costs of health care have been on the rise. Baby Boomers who undertake the responsibility today face particular challenges that can amplify that financial burden.   . 



Why Doesn't Anyone Appreciate What I Do?  


As a caregiver, it's easy to feel under-appreciated----or not appreciated at all. Here are some tips for maintaining balance as a caregiver. It is important to: Put things in perspective, stick up for yourself, and seek the support you need.  




The secret of many a man's success in the world resides in his insight into the moods of men and his tact in dealing with them.

- J. G. Holland


Income Composition, Income Trends, and Income Shortfalls of Older Households

  •  Social Security remains the primary source of income for all age groups above 65.  
  • For households that had members ages 65-69 in 2001, the share of household income derived from Social Security rose from 47 percent in 2001 to nearly 60 percent in 2009.
  • Income from pensions and annuities is the second-largest source of income for older households.   

[Read More]     


How Participation in Sports Influences the Experience of Aging

Participation in sports may provide a positive outlet in the way of increasing physical capabilities, providing valuable social networks, and providing a sense of identity for aging adults. This study addresses how sports participation can challenge assumptions about older adulthood. 


[Read More] 


Elders Excercising  


Everything that happens to us leaves some trace behind; everything contributes imperceptibly to make us what we are.

-Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe




Yoga For Caregivers: Meditation May Lower Depression, Improve Brain Functioning in Dementia Caregivers 


Researchers at UCLA have found that meditation from yoga may help lower depression in caregivers, and may also improve cognitive functioning. In addition, meditation is associated with a decrease in cellular aging. Yoga has also been shown to alleviate a multitude of health problems, including back pain and high blood pressure.  



Mindfulness Meditation: How it Works in the Brain    


Mindfulness meditation works by enabling a person to have better control over brain processing of pain and emotions. The practice may be successful in helping with a range of conditions, from depression to pain. Mindfulness meditation may play a role in controlling cortical alpha rhythms, which have been shown in studies to effect what senses our bodies and minds pay attention to. 


The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit.

-Nelson Henderson




April 6, 2013   

  "There Must Be a Better Way Than This"

Understanding Dementia Behavior & Tips for Communicating - Marin County    

 This workshop is all about stress management for caregivers: an introduction to dementia and memory problems, nutrition, and healthy lifestyles for Caregivers.

A late April session of the same workshop topic for San Francisco County is being planned.

You can find details for this workshop or register online here. Please contact Christine Lee, FCA's Education Coordinator for more information: (415) 434-3388, extension 317 or  read the class description on our website.



April 6, 2013 


Latino Forum Workshop - San Francisco County 


This is a free event offered in Spanish, by Family Caregiver Alliance, Alzheimer's Association, and On Lok Lifeways: HEALTH for FAMILY CAREGIVERS. Class information is available in Spanish on our website.   

Topics of the workshop include: 
  • Introduction to Dementia and memory problems
  • Nutrition and healthy lifestyle and the caregiver
  • Stress management and the caregiver   

April 6, 8:30 am-12:30 pm  


On Lok Lifeways

225 30th Street, 2nd floor

San Francisco, CA 


Light breakfast refreshments will be offered. For more information and to register call either:

Lois Escobar (415) 434-3388 extension 319,

Ernesto Hidalgo (650) 623-3135,   

or Hilda Uribe-Escobar (415) 292-8307



April 23 & 30 and May 7 & 14, 2013

"It Takes Two" Understanding Dementia Behavior (4-Class Series) - Contra Costa County It Takes 2 logo

It Takes Two is a FREE, 4-week class (one day each week) to help the caregiver of someone with memory loss better understand and communicate with their family member by learning more about their ability to understand and communicate. Caregivers will learn new ways to respond to troubling behavior, and feel more confident and positive about their caregiving role. Come prepared for good company, laughter, information and communication.

A May session of the same workshop topic for San Mateo County is being planned.

You can find details for this workshop or register online  here. Please contact Christine Lee, FCA's Education Coordinator for more information: (415) 434-3388, extension 317 or read the class description on our website. 





March 21

"The Elephant In The Room: Difficult Talks We All
Should Have"
This program is centered around sensitive conversations that need to take place to promote independence and quality of life as we age. We will discuss how to have the "difficult" conversations with ourselves, our children and spouses regarding real and imagined challenges we may encounter in later years.

Topics include:

  • Keeping or selling the family home?
  • What about re-marriage and blended families?
  • Future health considerations
  • When it's time to stop driving

Thursday, March 24th 

2:00 pm-4:00 pm

The Sequoias at 1400 Geary Blvd.
San Francisco, CA 


Please visit Northern California Presbyterian Homes & Services's (NCPHS) website for more information.

March 27


What About Me? Self-Care for Caregivers

Hosted by Senior Focus in Burlingame 


The focus is on SELF CARE. It addresses the caregiver's emotional, physical, and spiritual needs. The class acknowledges the void that often exists in self-care because of the intense demands of the caregiving role. The emphasis on self-care will result in the delivery of improved and reliable dependent care. This course is not for professional caregivers.


Senior Focus
1720 El Camino Real, #10

10:00 am-1:00 pm
Burlingame, CA


Call (650) 696-3660, or visit the Sutter Health, Mills-Peninsula Health Services website, for more details about dates and times.   



April 2, 9, 16, 23

Senior and Disability Advocacy Class

Come learn about community resources and programs in San Francisco, offer feedback to agency representatives, and practice advocacy skills! Open to all, but seniors and people with disabilities from the OMI neighborhood are encouraged to attend. Presented by Senior and Disability University and Survival School.  


I.T. Bookman Community Center
446 Randolph Street
San Francisco, 94132

Tuesdays, 9:30 am-12:30 pm

Please RSVP by April 1st
Sarah Jarmon or Pi Ra at (415) 546-1333


April 13


Caring For An Aging Loved One Conference 

The Aging Services Collaborative of Santa Clara County will be holding the 4th Annual Caregivers Count Conference in Santa Clara. Please see their website for more information.  


Learn about a wide range of businesses and organizations, at the JCCSF's Art of Aging Gracefully Resource Fair. Engage with local businesses and organizations, and gain valuable resources to help you stay healthy and energized. Enjoy presentations from UCSF Medical Center professionals on healthy living, and take advantage of sample classes, health screenings, chair massages, giveaways and much more!  


April 13th, 9:00 am-4:00 pm


Network Meeting Center  

5201 Great America Parkway, Santa Clara



April 25


The Art of Aging Gracefully Resource Fair

Come enjoy an afternoon of free food, fun and information on the Affordable Care Act and additional community resources!


Please bring any unused or expired prescription drugs. In partnership with the DEA office and National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day, we will be safely disposing of all medications.


Speakers: 9:30 am-2:45 pm

Resource Fair: 10:00 am-2:00 pm


Location: Jewish Community Center of San Francisco

3200 California Street (at Presidio Avenue)


To learn more about the event please see their website, or register, please call (415) 292-1200



May 9 

13th Annual California Senior Injury Prevention Conference


Courtyard Marriott Hotel

UC Davis Medical Center  

Sacramento. CA    

9:00 am- 3:00 pm  


For more information contact Miriam Rabinovitz (510) 481-4190



May 19


20th Asian American Heritage Festival 


Twentieth Annual Event Celebrates Asian American Heritage and Older Americans Month with Free Shows and Music.


Hayward City Hall Plaza

Watkins and B Street Festival

Hayward, CA

10:00 am-5:00pm  



Alameda County Meals on Wheels Raffle
Alameda County's Meals on Wheels is raffling off two tickets to anywhere Southwest Airlines flies. The drawing will be held May 1, 2013. Tickets are  $10/each or 6 tickets/$50. All proceeds go to feeding homebound seniors. For more information please see their website.



Low Vision Examinations

The Lions Center for the Blind & UC Berkeley School of Optometry are now offering Low Vision Examinations at the Lions Center office (address below).


What is a low vision Exam?

A low vision exam is a comprehensive eye exam by an Ophthalmologist specializing in low vision. Exams are designed to evaluate your functional vision and limitations. The doctor will prescribe aids or training that will improve your ability to see and help you adjust to vision loss.


How do I know if this clinic is right for me?

If the best vision you can attain with glasses or contacts is limited by disease or injury and is inhibiting you from performing typical everyday tasks or activities, such as reading, then this clinic might be of assistance. If you are unsure, ask your eye doctor if a Low Vision Examination could be of help.


Lions Center Office  

2115 Broadway 

Oakland, CA


Appointments are available on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 1:00 pm, 2:30 pm.

For questions and registration please call (510) 450-1580 extension 221



Cal Clinical Instrument Comparison Study

The Center for Eye Disease & Development at the School of Optometry at UC Berkeley invites you to participate in a study to assess the accuracy and efficiency of a new clinical instrument designed for measuring the optical quality of the eye, which affects how well you see and is influenced by intraocular lens implants. Those with intraocular lenses implanted after cataract surgery welcome!


Requirements: Any type of intraocular lens in one or both eyes; Available for 1 visit

Compensation: $20 for approximately one hour measurement session.


Please contact our faculty research team:

Maria Liu: [email protected]

(510) 642-7917


Caregiving InformationCAREGIVING INFORMATION  


We've Updated Our Online Resources!


Please utilize our new and revised Frequently Asked Questions and Tip Sheets for caregivers. 


NEW: Dementia-Focused Tip Sheets  

Caregiver Tip Sheets for Dementia-focused issues:

Recently Updated: Fact Sheets

Updates coming soon for . . .

  • Hiring In-Home Help
  • Home Away from Home: Relocating Your Parents

Tiffany Pippen, MSW

Family Consultant at Family Caregiver Alliance   


We are proud to introduce our newest Family Consultant staff member to the FCA family!  



Originally from Seattle, Washington, Tiffany Pippen earned her B.A. degree in Sociology from Washington State University, and her MSW in Social Work from California State University, East Bay. Prior to working for Family Caregiver Alliance, Tiffany worked for New Bridge Foundation as an Admissions Counselor, as a Student Advisor for the College Internship Program, and as a Child Welfare Worker for Alameda County Children and Family Services. She is registered with the Board of Behavioral Sciences, and is working towards obtaining her clinical license.


Mrs. Pippen was initially attracted to working for FCA because personally, she understands how challenging the role of a caregiver can be. Her favorite activities at FCA are ones with the face-to-face contact: "I really enjoy meeting families and facilitating workshops. I find the process of assisting families and helping them navigate the available resources very rewarding." In her free time, she enjoys hiking with her husband and dog Charlie, traveling, reading, and most recently-knitting.


Caregiving InformationSURVEY FEEDBACK

Attention Caregivers: Your Input is Needed!

How can we make our website more functional and convenient for you, the family caregiver?


We are updating our website to better serve our clients! This is your chance to help improve one of the best caregiving resources created by one of the oldest nation-wide caregiver-focused organizations. Please take a few minutes to complete our website redesign survey. Thank you!  


heart-shaped money-box with ribbon

A quarterly thank you to our donors and supporters . . .

We would like to take a moment to extend a warm thank you to the many generous supporters who make the work we do possible through thoughtful donations to Family Caregiver Alliance.

For over 30 years, Family Caregiver Alliance has offered programs to support and sustain the important work of families and friends caring for loved ones with chronic, disabling health conditions. FCA offers programs at national, state and local levels. The National Center on Caregiving was established at FCA in 2001 to advance the development of high-quality, cost-effective services and policies nationwide. A wealth of caregiving advice, resource listings, newsletters, fact sheets, research reports, policy updates and discussion groups are available free on the FCA website. Visit or call (800) 445-8106 for more information.


� 2012 Family Caregiver Alliance. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this newsletter may be reproduced without the express permission of Family Caregiver Alliance.



FCC NCC Weblogo - Teal  


785 Market Street, Ste. 750, San Francisco, CA 94103 | 415.434.3388