Table of Contents
| Letter from the Director
- Your Support Makes a Big Difference!
Lead Article Topics
- Caregivers of US Veterans Bear Scars of War
- 4 Strategies for Caregivers
- Five Avoidable Caregiver Mistakes
-Tips For Caregivers During The Holidays and Beyond
- Quote: on "Imagination"
- Ingredients for a Joyful Season and Peaceful New Year
- Free Alzheimer's Training For Family Caregivers
- Caregiver College
Community Health Fairs/Special Events
- Caring for Those You o Care About
- Webinar Information
- FCA's Fact sheets
- Caregiver Bill of Rights
Donor Thank Yous
Newsletter Credits
Editors Paige Harvey Michelle Venegas
Contributors Kathleen Kelly Lana Sheridan Tyler Stanley Paige Harvey Michelle Venegas
Executive Director Kathleen A. Kelly
Board of Directors
Directors Herman S. Brown Claude Everhart Moira Fordyce Ping Hao Jeff Kumataka Jacquelyn Kung Mark Lachman Michael Malewicz F. Burns Vick Debbie Wolter
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Your Support Makes a Big Difference!

By Kathleen Kelly, Executive Director, Family Caregiver Alliance
"Of everyone I contacted, Family Caregiver Alliance was the most helpful. I really appreciate and count on the support you provide." - a caregiving daughter
Dear Friend,
Recently we here at Family Caregiver Alliance had a reason to celebrate an incredible statistic: we have been in over 10,000 homes of caregiving families over the years. And each time, we consider it a privilege to be invited in, sit down and talk about care needs, planning decisions and provide the practical advice, services and support that is needed throughout each family's caregiving journey.
In the past year, we have served over 3,000 caregiving families with tailored information, care planning, counseling, training, respite, legal consultation, caregiver retreats, weekend "camps for caring" and peer groups. Over a million caregivers and professionals use our website,, for information, to sign up for an online support group or download or email our consumer fact sheets and policy briefs.
It is your support that we depend on and that keeps the doors open at FCA. Your gift, no matter what amount, makes a difference. You might be surprised at how much we can do with even a modest gift. Here are some examples of how we make use of the funds we receive:
- $40 allows us to send tailored information packets to 10 caregivers
- $50 allows us to respond to two family caregivers who contact us for information
- $100 underwrites 4 families to attend a caregiver skills building class
- $500 provides assistance to a caregiver to attend a caregiver retreat
- $1000 provides funding for an online support group with over 800 participants
- $1500 sends an adult with Alzheimer's to a weekend camp and respite for the family
So please include FCA in your giving this season. Every contribution counts. We have more homes to visit, more families to support.
No one should have to go it alone as a caregiver. You need a partner. Family Caregiver Alliance is there for you.
Ping Hao Kathleen Kelly
President, Board of Directors Executive Director
- To donate online, go to to find our "Donate Now" button
- To donate by phone, call toll free (800) 445-8106 or contact Lana Sheridan at (415) 434-3388 Ext. 326
- To donate by mail, please make checks payable to Family Caregiver Alliance and mail to the address shown above
- And for information about including FCA in your will or trust please contact Leah Eskenazi at ext. 330
Thank you!
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Caregivers of U.S. Veterans Bear Scars of War
Veteran Caleb Vines returned to his wife in 2007 after two deployments in Iraq. Since then his wife, Brannan Vines, has been his sole caregiver. Not only does Caleb have PTSD, he has injuries from improvised explosive device blasts.
[Read about the program Brannan created...]
4 Strategies for Caregivers
Caring for someone is one of the most emotionally draining and physically exhausting tasks that one can take on. In order for a caregiver to provide support for the individual they care for, they must first care for themselves.
Five Avoidable Caregiver Mistakes AARP has released an article that talks about the five mistakes that caregivers can easily avoid. AARP interviewed Rob Chamberlin, a financial planner in Irvine, about the top five mistakes he sees caregivers make about their parent's finances, care, and legal decisions.
Tips For Caregivers During The Holidays And Beyond The holidays are supposed to be filled with joy, family, and cheer. However, the holidays can also bring stress and anxiety for most caregivers as they deal with traveling family and the pressure to make an appearance at all events. Here are some tips for you during the holidays...
Imagination. . .
Imagination not only helps to increase our happiness, it also helps us to achieve what we want out of life. Reactivate those childlike centers in our minds.
Harnessing our imagination and our skills of observation can help us to reclaim this lost way of seeing.
We should allow ourselves a little time to daydream and wander.
I am happy because I imagine it so.
Excerpted from "The Gift of Caregiving", Daily inspirations, Affirmations and Tips. Author Rebecca Sharp Colmer, EKLEKTIKA Press, Inc., Chelsea, MI 48118, Copyright 2011, ISBN: 978-0-9823250-2-55
Ingredients For A Joyful Season And Peaceful New Year
Two teaspoons self-care During this season of increased invitations and commitments, do something nice for yourself-a massage, a manicure, a cup of tea, a long hot bath.
[Find the rest of the ingredients here] Free Alzheimer's Training for Family Caregivers
Free Alzheimer's training is being offered to you! Topics will include Alzheimer's Disease & Other Dementias, Capture Life's Journey, Techniques to Handle Challenging Behaviors, and Activities to Encourage Engagement. To get more information on these classes please visit the link below. [Free training information] |
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(For information on or to register for any event below, call FCA's Education Coordinator at 800-445-8106)Winter 2012 Webinar: "Moving Beyond the Leakages: Practical Strategies to Manage Incontinence" Webinar participants will learn tips and strategies centered around incontinence care: - Understand the challenges and issues related to caring for an older adult with urinary incontinence
- Learn practical tips to manage urinary incontinence
- Identify strategies to promote toileting safety, reduce risk of falls, and care for skin
- Learn strategies to manage stress
Speaker: Nicole Davis, MSN, ANP-BC, GNP-BC Location Date/Time Your home computer December 13, 2012
"Caregiver College" If you help care for someone frail, disabled, with a chronic illness or cognitive impairment, then it's back to school for you! Our popular day-long program for learning and sharing is free to all, with the following topics presented: - Caregiver Self-Care - Behavioral Issues - Nutrition - Bathing/Grooming/Hygiene/Dressing - Incontinence/Toileting, Dental Care - Transferring Skills Location Date/Time Walnut Creek January 19, 2013 Eldercare Services 8:15 A.M. - 2:30 P.M. View details here
Winter Events
Caring for Those You Care About
This weekly workshop series is presented by Seniors At Home. Each session is devoted to a different aspect of caring for someone while still caring for yourself. You are invited to attend any or all of the sessions.
Workshops will take place on
Thursdays, beginning November 15,
7:00 - 9:00 pm, at:
Peninsula Temple Sholom Room 11
1665 Sebastian Drive Burlingame
Light snacks provided.
Preregistration is required:
Please call 650-697-2266.
December 6
Coping with Difficult Diseases
* Caring for someone with cancer
* Catching your breath-dealing with heart and lung disease
* Dementia and forgetfulness
December 13
Care and Compassion at the End of Life
* Quality of life-something different for each of us
* Palliative care and hospice-What do they mean? When is it time?
* Providing comfort-emotionally, physically, spiritually
* Are you willing to say goodbye?
* Creating sacred memories
* Jewish perspectives on death, dying, and bereavement
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At Family Caregiver Alliance we are dedicated to doing everything we can to make sure that you, the caregiver, receive relevant, updated information. Thus we are offering webinars, online educational sessions, during which you will be able to get information and even ask questions! Recently, on November 8th, we hosted a webinar titled Seasons of Care. Click below for our archived webinars.
Family Caregiver Webinars
Fact Sheets:
Do you ever find yourself aimlessly searching the internet for tips and facts for both you and the loved one for whom you care? Often times the results of internet searches can leave you with more questions and concerns then you had before. Before you turn to a search engine, take a look at our many fact sheets. They range in topics from "Caregiving and Depression" to "Dementia and Driving" and so many more! We have also recently added Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean translations of our most popular fact sheets! Please check our website frequently for more updated fact sheets.
Fact Sheets
Caregiver Support: The Caregiver Bill Of Rights For this, and the next two issues, we will be listing the last 4 rights that you have as a caregiver caring for your loved one. **Please see the Summer and Fall 2012 issues for rights 1-4** Caregiver Bill Of Rights
5. I have the right... to reject any attempts by my relative (either conscious or unconscious) to manipulate me through guilt and/or depression..
6. I have the right... to receive consideration, affection, forgiveness, and acceptance from my loved one for what I do, for as long as I offer these qualities in return.
GIFTS FROM THE HEART |  A quarterly thank you to our donors and supporters . . .
In every edition of Connections, we take a moment to extend a warm thank you to the many generous supporters who make the work we do possible through thoughtful donations to Family Caregiver Alliance.
For over 30 years, Family Caregiver Alliance has offered programs to support and sustain the important work of families and friends caring for loved ones with chronic, disabling health conditions. FCA offers programs at national, state and local levels. The National Center on Caregiving was established at FCA in 2001 to advance the development of high-quality, cost-effective services and policies nationwide. A wealth of caregiving advice, resource listings, newsletters, fact sheets, research reports, policy updates and discussion groups are available free on the FCA website. Visit or call (800) 445-8106 for more information.
© 2012 Family Caregiver Alliance. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this newsletter may be reproduced without the express permission of Family Caregiver Alliance.

785 Market Street, Ste. 750, San Francisco, CA 94103 | 415.434.3388