Table of Contents
| Letter from the Director
AARP Launches 3 Year Ad Council Campaign on Family Caregiving
Lead Article Topics
- Light, Sound, & Other Environmental Factors Influence Quality of Life in Dementia
- Survey: Caregiving Issues a Top Concern for Seniors
- Davie Teacher-Turned-Caregiver Creates Award-Winning Book
- Alzheimer's Association's 2012 Walk to End Alzheimer's: Join Us!
- Quote: on "Laughter"
- Alzheimer's Vaccine Trial a Success
- Caregiver Olympics: People Caring For Elderly Parents Complete Gold-Medal-Worthy Feats
- It Takes Two
- Caregiver College
Community Health Fairs/Special Events
- 9/14 Living Longer, Growing Stronger in San Leandro
- 9/29 Annual Walk to End Alzheimer's - 10/24 Flights of Fancy
- Webinar Information
- FCA's Fact sheets
- Caregiver Bill of Rights
Donor Thank Yous

Newsletter Credits
Editors Paige Harvey Michelle Venegas
Production & Graphics Andrea Orvik
Contributors Kathleen Kelly Lana Sheridan Tyler Stanley Paige Harvey Michelle Venegas
Executive Director Kathleen A. Kelly
Board of Directors
Directors Herman S. Brown Claude Everhart Moira Fordyce Ping Hao Jeff Kumataka Jacquelyn Kung Mark Lachman Michael Malewicz F. Burns Vick Debbie Wolter
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AARP Launches 3 Year Ad Council Campaign on Family Caregiving

By Kathleen Kelly, Executive Director, Family Caregiver Alliance
AARP has launched a three-year public awareness campaign on the issues surrounding the growing number of family caregivers in the U.S. Anchored by an Ad Council media campaign, the goal is to both raise awareness and to provide caregivers who may be struggling with care issues a way to find services and support.
With over 42 million Americans now providing assistance to a relative, partner or friend who needs assistance, the issue looms large for baby boomers who are now the typical caregiver. Caught between competing demands for providing assistance to parents, caring for children, paying for college and saving for retirement, baby boomers find themselves in the middle of making many difficult decisions about their own futures and the immediate needs of family.
Family Caregiver Alliance applauds the efforts of AARP to bring more public awareness and attention to this largely hidden issue. Advances in medical care and treatment mean the wonderful gift of longevity. But for many, it may also require the assistance of others to remain in the community. We hope that by bringing the caregiving issue into full public view that we will be able to:
- Have more individuals recognize that, yes, they are caregivers now and will reach out for support
- Increase resources for caregiving families, friends and partners across the states
- Identify and assess the needs of informal caregivers across health and social service systems
Increasing public awareness of these issues is an important first step for identifying informal caregivers as valued members of a team of support for those who need assistance. FCA hopes this positive move will lead to real action in communities, states and on the federal level. Let's make family caregiving something that we all talk about!
- Kathy Kelly
Executive Director, Family Caregiver Alliance
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Light, Sound, & Other Environmental Factors Influence Quality of Life in Dementia
Quality of life is one of the most important things in society today. The same is true for individuals diagnosed with Dementia. Long-term care facilities in Spain have gone the extra mile by altering key parts of the patient's environment.
[Read the article]
Survey: Caregiving Issues a Top Concern for Seniors
A recent study done by the National Council on Aging, United Healthcare, and USA Today shows that seniors are optimistic about their futures, until they find themselves needing help in their own home. The study shows that 13% of seniors, 70+, need help accomplishing everyday tasks.
Davie Teacher-Turned-Caregiver Creates Award-Winning Book Mary Carlton, a special education teacher in Davie, along with her husband began publishing and selling "My Doctor Book: A Personal Medical Records Organizer" approximately two years ago. This book contains pages for medications, appointments, and other medical documents. A new, souped-up, version of this book has received a 2012 Caregiver Friendly Award.
Alzheimer's Association's 2012 Walk to End Alzheimer's: Join us! Every year the Alzheimer's Association holds its annual Walk to End Alzheimer's. This event is aimed at finding a cure and supporting those with Alzheimer's. Participants may choose to walk as an individual or as a team. Often time teams are comprised of businesses, families, social groups, and even religious groups. Alzheimer's is the sixth leading cause of death, and currently, more than 5 million Americans have Alzheimer's disease. Once again a team of Family Caregiver Alliance staff members will be participating in the walk. Please feel free to visit our page and leave your support by signing up to walk with us, leaving a donation, or simply an encouraging word! Fifty percent of what Family Caregiver Alliance raises will come back to us and will used for educational programing!
Laughter. . .
Laughter reduces our stress levels. Laughter provides a physical and emotional release. Laughter takes the focus away from anger, guilt, stress and negative emotions in a more complete way than mere distractions.
Practice smiling and laughing. You may be surprised that real smiles, genuine laughter and merriment may flow.
Today, I will not take myself too seriously.
I will smile every day.
Excerpted from "The Gift of Caregiving", Daily inspirations, Affirmations and Tips. Author Rebecca Sharp Colmer, EKLEKTIKA Press, Inc., Chelsea, MI 48118, Copyright 2011, ISBN: 978-0-9823250-2-55
Alzheimer's Vaccine Trial a Success
A study out of Sweden shows that, for the first time, there have been positive effects for an active vaccine against Alzheimer's. This vaccine is an enormous breakthrough in the search for a cure to Alzheimer's Disease.
[Read this article] Caregiver Olympics: People Caring for Elderly Parents Complete Gold-Medal-Worthy Feats
With all of the excitement of the Summer Olympics still buzzing around fresh in everyone's minds, members of have started a Caregiver Olympics forum. Here caregivers write their ideas for events to be incorporated in these Olympics. These are every day tasks such as bed pan relay, mad bathroom dash, the bathing melody, and many more. To see fun ideas, and to add your own, please visit the link below! [Caregiver Olympics] |
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(For information on or to register for any event below, call FCA's Education Coordinator at 800-445-8106, ext. 317)Fall 2012 "It Takes Two" This FREE, 4-week class (one day each week) is designed to help the caregiver better understand and communicate with their loved one who has memory loss. Caregivers will learn new ways to respond to troubling behavior, and feel more confident and positive about their caregiving role. Location Date/Time San Francisco Thursdays, 10/4-10/25 Family Caregiver Alliance 4:00 - 6:00 P.M. San Carlos Thursdays, 10/4-10/25 San Carlos Adult Day Services 1:00 - 3:00 P.M. Berkeley Wednesdays, 10/10-10/31 West Berkeley Senior Center 1:00 - 3:00 P.M. View details here
"Caregiver College" If you help care for someone frail, disabled, with a chronic illness or cognitive impairment, then it's back to school for you! Our popular day-long program for learning and sharing is free to all, with the following topics presented: - Caregiver Self-Care - Behavioral Issues - Nutrition - Bathing/Grooming/Hygiene/Dressing - Incontinence/Toileting, Dental Care - Transferring Skills Location Date/Time Marin November 10, 2012 Senior Access 10:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. View details here
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(FCA will be participating in the following community health fairs and special events. For information on any event below, call FCA's Education Coordinator at 800-445-8106, ext. 317)
Fall Events
September 14th
"Living Longer, Growing Stronger in San Leandro"
This program will be held from 10:00am-1:00pm at the Senior Community Center. Program will provide seniors with knowledge of resources and services that are available throughout San Leandro.
September 29th
"Annual Walk to End Alzheimer's"
This event will be held at the Mission Creek Park in San Francisco. Check-in will begin at 8:30am and the walk will begin at 9:00am. Participants may choose to walk as an individual or as a team. To register please log on to the Alzheimer's Walk webpage.
August 24th
"Flights of Fancy"
Located at the Marin Exhibit Hall on 10 Avenue of the Flags, this event takes place from 9:00am-3:00pm. This day will include access to many community resources and information for seniors living in Marin County.
For more information, and to register, check the Marin Senior Fair's website.
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At Family Caregiver Alliance we are dedicated to doing everything we can to make sure that you, the caregiver, can receive relevant, updated information. Thus we are offering webinars, online, educational, sessions during which you will be able to get information and even ask questions! Recently, on August 16th, we hosted a webinar titled How To Pay For The Cost Of Long-Term Care Without Going Broke. Click below for our archived webinars.
Family Caregiver Webinars
Fact Sheets:
Do you ever find yourself aimlessly searching the internet for tips and facts for both you and the loved one you care for? Often times the results of internet searches can leave you with more questions and concerns then you had before. Before you turn to a search engine, take a look at our many fact sheets. They range in topics from "Caregiving and Depression" to "Dementia and Driving" and so many more! Check back frequently as we will be adding Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean translations of our most popular fact sheets.
Fact Sheets
Caregiver Support: The Caregiver Bill Of Rights For this, and the next three issues, we will be listing the last 8 rights that you have as a caregiver caring for you loved one. **Please see the Summer 2012 issue for the first 2 rights** Caregiver Bill Of Rights
1. I have the right... to maintain facets of my own life that do not include the person that I care for, just as I would if he or she were healthy. I know that I do everything that I reasonably can for this person, and I have the right to do somethings just for myself.
2. I have the right... to to get angry, be depressed, and express other difficult feelings occasionally.
GIFTS FROM THE HEART |  A quarterly thank you to our donors and supporters . . .
In every edition of Connections, we take a moment to extend a warm thank you to the many generous supporters who make the work we do possible through thoughtful donations to Family Caregiver Alliance.
For over 30 years, Family Caregiver Alliance has offered programs to support and sustain the important work of families and friends caring for loved ones with chronic, disabling health conditions. FCA offers programs at national, state and local levels. The National Center on Caregiving was established at FCA in 2001 to advance the development of high-quality, cost-effective services and policies nationwide. A wealth of caregiving advice, resource listings, newsletters, fact sheets, research reports, policy updates and discussion groups are available free on the FCA website. Visit or call (800) 445-8106 for more information.
© 2012 Family Caregiver Alliance. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this newsletter may be reproduced without the express permission of Family Caregiver Alliance.

785 Market Street, Ste. 750, San Francisco, CA 94103 | 415.434.3388