Table of Contents
| Letter from the Director
Lead Article Topics
- Baby Boomers w/ Aging Parents Need Resources
- Yoga to Improve Caregiver's Quality of Life
- The OTHER Side of 50:
CA Caregivers in Poor
- Proposed CA Budget Cuts Could Affect 12,000
- Quote: on "Family" - The Power of Song for
Those w/ Alzheimer's
Disease and Caregivers - Help for Being a
- Planning Today for Tomorrow legal workshop - Take Time to Smell the Roses
- What's Up Doc?
Community Health Fairs/Special Events
- 5/11 African American Caregiving & Wellness Forum - 5/15 Aging and Disability Technology Summit - 5/16 Annual Alzheimer's Update - 5/19 "Soul Stroll" - 8/29 Four Seasons of Health Expo
- FCA's Fact sheets
- Caregiver Bill of Rights
Research Registry
- Family Caregiver
Interviews and Caregiver Tool Testing (Help Shape This Caregiver Tool!)
Donor Thank Yous

Newsletter Credits
Editors Michelle Venegas Paige Harvey
Production & Graphics Andrea Orvik
Contributors Sean Coffey Kathleen Kelly Lana Sheridan Tyler Stanley Paige Harvey Michelle Venegas
Executive Director Kathleen A. Kelly
Board of Directors
Directors Herman S. Brown Claude Everhart Moira Fordyce Ping Hao Jeff Kumataka Jacquelyn Kung Mark Lachman Michael Malewicz F. Burns Vick Debbie Wolter
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California Budget Cuts  By Kathleen Kelly, Executive Director, Family Caregiver Alliance Dear Friend of Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA), In the Governor's proposed 2012-13 budget, funding for California's Caregiver Resource Centers is slated for elimination. The Bay Area Caregiver Resource Center is a program of Family Caregiver Alliance. We are asking for you to help advocate to sustain the $2.9 million for the CRC's, rejecting the Governor's proposal for elimination. California's 6 million caregivers deserve better. State funding allows us to offer low and no-cost services, providing caregiver information, Family Consultation, respite, counseling, education and training, and legal consultation. We need your help TODAY! Please do one or more of the following: 1. Write a letter and send it to FCA. We will deliver it to your state legislator. Write your own or use our template. 2. Sign the petition asking the governor not to balance the budget on the backs of family caregivers. 3. Call, fax or visit your local Senator or Assembly member. Find a listing of Bay Area Legislators on our website or by visiting 4. Ask your friends and family to Write, Sign and Call. Every voice counts! - Total dollar valuation of unpaid services family caregivers provide in CA: $48 billion.
- Total current dollar amount of state funds for family caregivers: $2.9 million.
- Total public investment per 6 million family caregivers in state: .50 cents per caregiver.
- Total value of family caregivers to their families and society: priceless.
The state wants to spend $0 on caregivers; do you really want this to go unchallenged? Thank you for your support of such a vital resource to our communities. - Kathy Kelly Executive Director, Family Caregiver Alliance |
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Baby Boomers Aware of Aging Parents' Needs, Yet Lack Vital Care Resources and Tools According to a Survey
With the population of the elderly on the rise, and a lack of preparation, the need for caregiving resources are at an all time high.
[Read the article]
A Low-Cost Solution That Can Improve the Demeanor and Quality of Life for Caregivers
Studies have proven that therapy and medications can help with depression and its crippling side effects, but a new study shows that a simple yoga regimen can make an impact as well. A study out of UCLA is now suggesting that the use of yoga, in the form of daily meditation, can lead to reduced levels of depression as well as improve one's cognitive function.
The OTHER Side Of Fifty - California caregivers stressed, in poor health A study done by California Health Institute Survey shows that California's caregivers are more stressed, and have a higher rate of diminished health than the rest of the United State's caregivers. According to the survey, the following things are true of a majority of older caregivers: - More California caregivers juggle work and caregiving.
- More California caregivers are under financial stress.
Proposed Budget Cuts Could Affect 12,000 Caregivers Statewide Governor Jerry Brown has proposed a budget cut that will affect nearly 12,000 caregivers in the state of California. How is he cutting the funding and what are the consequences?
Family. . .
Family relations are not always warm, loving, cooperative situations. Often there is friction among family members as changes occur, and in some families the various family members don't even like each other.
Role expectations are not clear, or people do not agree about what is expected of each other.
Conflicts can develop unless new roles and rules are defined and expectations are clarified within the individual and within the family.
I will do my best today.
Excerpted from "The Gift of Caregiving", Daily inspirations, Affirmations and Tips. Author Rebecca Sharp Colmer, EKLEKTIKA Press, Inc., Chelsea, MI 48118, Copyright 2011, ISBN: 978-0-9823250-2-55
The Power of Song for Those With Alzheimers & Their Caregivers
Many caregivers long for the connections they once had with their loved one/care recipient. That is not out of reach for a group in New York City. Both caregivers and care receivers are bonding in song as a part of the new chorus called "The Unforgettables".
[Read this article] Help For Being A Family Caregiver
Absolutely the easiest thing for someone to say and the hardest thing to accept is the concept of taking care of yourself as a caregiver. It is often hard to see beyond the care tasks that await you each morning. Here are some areas to consider to help you cope as a caregiver. [Read more] |
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(For information on or to register for any event below, call FCA's Education Coordinator at 800-445-8106, ext. 317)Summer 2012 May 9th "Planning Today For Tomorrow" Join us for a workshop that focuses on legal issues facing today's family caregivers. Guest speaker Bruce Feder, an elder law attorney of Kato Feder & Suzuki, will be discussing Medi-Cal eligibility among other things. Please come with your questions and be prepared to gain valuable knowledge. View details here
June 11th & July TBA
"Take Time To Smell The Roses" Two 1-day retreat designed especially for the caregiver to learn, build connections, and relax. These events will be held at Ardenwood Historic Farm in Fremont and Nestldown in Los Gatos. These days will include breakfast as well as a catered lunch for all attendees. View details here August 23rd  "What's Up Doc?" This 1-day workshop explores how to communicate effectively with healthcare professionals. During this workshop, you will be taught how to use more effective communication techniques with health care professionals, and how to use powerful communication tools and techniques in order to be a better advocate on behalf of your loved one. View details here
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(FCA will be participating in the following community health fairs and special events. For information on any event below, call FCA's Education Coordinator at 800-445-8106, ext. 317)
Summer Events
May 11th
"African American Caregiving and Wellness Forum"
This program will be held from 8:30am-2:30pm at the West Oakland Senior Center. Program topics will include healthier eating, advocacy, caregiving resources, Alzheimer's Disease and diabetes. Register for the event here.
May 15th
"Aging and Disability Technology Summit"
From 8:30am to 5:00pm San Francisco's City Hall will be buzzing with technology and resources for seniors. There will be workshops, interactive demonstrations, large video displays, and so much more. For more information visit the SF Healthy Aging website or e-mail or call (415) 355-6775.
May 16th
"Annual Alzheimer's Update"
This event will be held from 8:00am to 4:00pm at the Crowne Plaza in Foster City, Ca. The event will cover topics such as, research advancements, alternatives to pharmaceuticals, and identify service needs for gay, lesbian, and bisexual communities.
May 19th "Soul Stroll" Held at the Coyote Point Park from 9:00am-1:00pm, the event is a screening and resource fair brought to you by the Mills-Peninsula Health Services African American Community Health Advisory Committee.
August 29th "Four Seasons of Health Expo"
Located at the Fremont Multiservice Senior Center, this event takes place from 9:00am-1:00pm. This day will include access to many community resources and information for the promotion of wellness in adults 50 and older.
For more information, check the City of Fremont website closer to the date.
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Fact Sheets:
Do you ever find yourself aimlessly searching the internet for tips and facts for both you and the loved one you care for? Often times the results of internet searches can leave you with more questions and concerns then you had before. Before you turn to a search engine, take a look at our many fact sheets. They range in topics from "Caregiving and Depression" to "Dementia and Driving" and so many more! Check back frequently as we will be adding Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean translations of our most popular fact sheets.
Fact Sheets
Caregiver Support: The Caregiver Bill Of Rights For this, and the next four issues, we will list a total of 10 rights that you have as a caregiver caring for you loved one. Caregiver Bill Of Rights
1. I have the right... to take care of myself. This is not an act of selfishness. It will give me the capability to take better care of my relative.
2. I have the right... to seek help from others even thought my relatives may object. I recognize the limits of my own endurance and strength.
RESEARCH REGISTRY | |  Family Caregiver Interviews and Caregiver Tool Testing
We know there is often a personal financial burden to care for a loved one. We are developing an online tool to make it easier for primary family caregivers to receive financial support from siblings, relatives and friends. Help shape this caregiver tool! We seek caregivers who - Currently care for a family member, locally or long-distance
- Coordinate tasks, care or finances with 2+ family members
- Spend at least $100/month of personal money on care for loved one
- Use the internet regularly at home
[Read more about the study...] |
GIFTS FROM THE HEART |  A quarterly thank you to our donors and supporters . . .
In every edition of Connections, we take a moment to extend a warm thank you to the many generous supporters who make the work we do possible through thoughtful donations to Family Caregiver Alliance. |
For over 30 years, Family Caregiver Alliance has offered programs to support and sustain the important work of families and friends caring for loved ones with chronic, disabling health conditions. FCA offers programs at national, state and local levels. The National Center on Caregiving was established at FCA in 2001 to advance the development of high-quality, cost-effective services and policies nationwide. A wealth of caregiving advice, resource listings, newsletters, fact sheets, research reports, policy updates and discussion groups are available free on the FCA website. Visit or call (800) 445-8106 for more information.
© 2012 Family Caregiver Alliance. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this newsletter may be reproduced without the express permission of Family Caregiver Alliance.

785 Market Street, Ste. 750, San Francisco, CA 94103 | 415.434.3388