Quarterly Newsletter Summer 2016
A Message From Your
ACHE of Massachusetts President
Dear Colleagues,
 The board held its first "Open" Board Meeting on June 21st with 6 guests attending who represented various segments and geographical distribution of our chapter. An email invitation was sent to all members of the chapter and there were over 35 responses. The guests were invited to participate in conversation and at the end of the meeting they discussed the value of attending the board meeting and different ways to make the board work more visible to members. I want to thank Donna Powell for reaching out to our guests ahead of time to provide them with an orientation package that hopefully helped them to feel more engaged right from the start. Thanks again to those who took the time to attend. The Board plans to hold open Board meetings in the future. Please see our updated strategic plan and progress report on our website. Have an enjoyable and safe summer. Best regards, Karen Karen O. Moore RN, MS, FACHE President, ACHE of Massachusetts Senior Vice President of Operations and CNO Lawrence General Hospital, Lawrence, MA
Calling all Fellows of ACHE of MA!
FACHE Advancement Opportunity
The Membership & Advancement Committee is organizing a study group for this coming Fall and we are looking for existing Fellows to help give back. Give an hour of your time to assist your colleagues in their effort to become board-certified. All we ask is one hour over a 12 week period to lead or co-lead a conference call on one of the ten knowledge content areas covered on the Board of Governor's exam. All facilitation material will be provided to you, so you do not need to be an expert on the knowledge content area. Your experience of having gone through the process and taking the exam will be invaluable to share with the other members!
Please email your interest to advancetofellow@gmail.com and provide us with any preference of knowledge area you want to disclose. The Membership & Advancement Committee will respond with further information.
On Friday, June 24th we successfully held our annual Spring Conference. With over 200 in attendance, the group learned How to Make Healthcare Work from industry leaders that included Stuart Altman, Andrew Dreyfus, Michael Wagner, Jeanette Clough, Joe Kimura and Karen Tseng. There was great dialogue about what's next for payment reform and strategies on how to create value in healthcare. Additionally, there was a candid assessment on how well we've done at containing costs in healthcare so far.
Keynote Speakers
Stuart Altman, Ph.D, Professor of National Health Policy, Brandeis University Andrew Dreyfus, President and CEO, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Michael Wagner, MD, President and CEO, Tufts Medical Center and the Floating Hospital for Children
Moderator: Jeanette Clough, President and CEO, Mount Auburn Hospital Joe Kimura, MD, MPH, Chief Medical Officer, Atrius Health Karen Tseng, Chief Healthcare Division, Office of Attorney General Maura Healey And Stuart Altman and Michael Wagner, MD
Missed the conference but would like to see the speakers slides? The Keynote presentations can be downloaded from Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ci4pmwjc5k44fmm/AADAx4-3qxmu2lJsGjRVnvcya?dl=0
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Member Awards
At the June 2016 Massachusetts Hospital Association Annual Meeting, the Massachusetts Chapter of ACHE recognized two healthcare leaders for their leadership skills, commitment to developing others, and active participation in local and state hospital, healthcare, and civic affairs.
Senior Healthcare Executive of the Year
Trish Hannon, FACHE, President & CEO of New England Baptist Hospital was honored as the 2016 Senior Healthcare Executive of the year.
Early Careerist Healthcare Executive of the Year Tay Bozkurt, Assistant Chief Operating Officer and Director of Telemedicine for the Burn and Reconstructive Centers of America was honored as the 2016 Early Careerist Healthcare Executive of the year.
David Kinzer Scholarship Award
The David Kinzer Scholarship was presented to Allison Manfreda, a rising second year MBA student at Boston University Questrom School of Business at our June 24, 2016 conference.
Richard Corder, FACHE, MA Chapter Regent & Allison Manfreda
Congratulations to all our award winners!
Early Careerist Network (ECN)
Hello from the ECN Leadership Council! It is hard to believe it is already summer, but I am excited to recap some of the great programs our team has hosted since the last newsletter, as well as share some updates of what is to come! The Greater Boston Food Bank has been a wonderful partner  for our chapter's civic engagement efforts, and we are proud to have worked with them twice already this year! Earlier in June we had sixteen volunteers join us to support New England's largest hunger-relief organization, and we look forward to seeing other chapter members get involved during one of our upcoming community service dates - August 13th, October 15th, and December 3rd! We have also enjoyed engaging our members, students, sponsors, and guests at our most recent networking and professional development events. Networking at Night was held March 29th at Central Wharf Co. where the turnout was great and the energy electric! This was a wonderful opportunity to meet some new faces, as well as old acquaintances, and to take part in conversation about ACHE of MA, the healthcare industry, and more. Our May 19th Panel Series: Technology Innovation Changing the Face of Healthcare Delivery was also a program offering an evening full of excitement. Our panelists were knowledgeable and eager to share their experience and perspectives, as the audience asked insightful questions, keeping the dialogue dynamic! Watch your email and the website for details about a partnership event this fall where Networking and Professional Development plan to team up! A couple of other areas I would like to highlight during this  excerpt are our Mentorship Program and Higher Education Network (HEN). The Mentorship Program's Closing Event was held April 20th, and now the team is actively preparing for the 2016-2017 program! Enrollment is slated to open in August with plans for the formal program to run October through April, and we look forward to joining forces with our chapter members interested in participating as mentors and mentees to make it another great success! The Higher Education Network team is also actively preparing for the fall semester, as they work closely with our Regent, Richard Corder, to connect with program directors and identify student leads at each of our partner schools. If you are a graduate student at one of our partner schools and interested in getting more involved with ACHE of MA, please reach out to ACHEofMAHEN@gmail.com to learn more. As always, I want to thank the ECN Leadership Team for their energy, creativity, and dedication, along with the ACHE of MA Board and our ECN sponsors for their support of our efforts! We hope to see you at an upcoming event! Have a wonderful summer! Ann-Marie M. Panebianco, Lahey Health Vice-Chair, Early Careerist Network
New Sponsor
Welcome to our newest annual sponsor!
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Job Banks - ACHE of MA & ACHE
 If your organization is looking to fill a position, send along a word document with the job description to info@massache.org, and we will post it on our website for free.