Konstantina Stankovic
Past President:
Linda Hood
President-Elect: Harvey Abrams
Anil Lalwani
Board Members:
Carmen Brewer
Rafael Delgado
Sumitrajit Dhar
Jill Firszt
Patricia Jeng
Charles Limb
Lawrence Lustig
Beth Prieve
Kelly Tremblay
Patrick Zurek
E&H Editor, Ex-Officio:
Brenda Ryals
Executive Director,
Darla Eastlack
"The Most Extraordinary Museum You'll Ever Hear"
Our March 6, 2015 social will be held at the Musical Instrument Museum in Phoenix.
Join us for an evening of refreshments and fun! Transportation will be provided. Click here for more details. |
2015 TRAVEL AWARDS | Mentored Student, T35 Student, and New Investigator Travel Awards will be offered again for the 2015 Conference.
Students or New Investigators wishing to apply for awards must complete an abstract submission, checking the appropriate category of award sought, before the abstract submission deadline.
Abstract Submission Dates Changed
The abstract submission site for the American Auditory Society's 42nd Annual Scientific & Technology Conference, March 5 - 7, 2015 will open October 15, 2014.
The deadline to submit abstracts will be November 15, 2014.
Ear & Hearing is Going Green!
 Did you know that Ear & Hearing is going green in January of 2015 and will only be available as an online-only journal? Online-only publication is better for you as you get articles:
- faster
- integrated with datasets and audio files (if available)
- accessible forever in a digital format
- available on mobile channels everywhere (including the Ear & Hearing App for iPad)
and no trees are harmed in the production process!
In 2015, only AAS members will be able to choose to keep receiving a print copy for an additional $82.50 payable to the AAS.
Look for 2015 membership renewal information coming in September!
The 42nd Annual AAS Scientific and Technology Conference is scheduled for March 5 - 7, 2015 in Scottsdale, Arizona at the Chaparral Suites Hotel. Once again, an excellent program is planned, featuring translational speakers, the Carhart lecture, a special session, mentored posters, technology updates, podium presentations, general and student/resident poster presentations, and very special awards and lectures. Featured Speakers and Awardees include:
Carhart Memorial Lecture
Brenda L. Lonsbury-Martin, PhD
Life Achievement Award
Richard Wilson, PhD
Translational Research Lecturers
Pediatrics: Christine Yoshinaga-Itano, PhD
Vestibular Disorders: Steven D. Rauch, MD
Emerging Technologies in Amplification: Brent Edwards, PhD
Special Session: Military and VA Research: Advancing our Understanding of Hearing
Lucille Beck, PhD
Marjorie Leek, PhD
Douglas Brungart, PhD
Frederick Gallun, PhD
Young Investigator Presentation
Lina Reiss, PhD
We encourage everyone reading this to put March 5-7, 2015 on your calendars and join us in Scottsdale!
Continue to visit the AAS Website for meeting announcements.
Online registration for the AAS Scientific and Technical Conference in Scottsdale, Arizona is now open. Click here to register for our March 5 - 7, 2015 Conference.
Hotel reservations are also now being accepted. Attendees can call in hotel reservations on the Chaparral's toll-tree reservations number, 1-800-528-1456. Be sure to reference the American Auditory Society 2015 Annual Meeting to secure our special group rate. Reservations can also be made online. Click here to proceed with an online reservation.
AAS - Audiology Online Lectures
The American Auditory Society has teamed up with Audiology Online to offer a series of 1-hour distance education lectures from prominent members of the Society. The purpose is to provide an excellent sampling of the research and clinical work being done by our various members. Upcoming lectures include:
Wednesday, November 5, 2014 at 11:00 am CST
"Changes in Central Auditory Processing Following Acoustic Trauma"
Presented by: Eric D. Young, PhD 2014 AAS Carhart Memorial Lecturer
Click here for more details and to register for this course.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014 at 12:00 noon EST
Presented by: Sharon G. Kujawa, PhD 2014 AAS Translational Research Lecturer
Lecture title and more details coming soon!
Recorded Webinars:
"Ear Drug Delivery Systems"
Presented by: Anil K. Lalwani, MD 2014 AAS Special Session Speaker Click here for more details and to register for this course.
"How Auditory Brainstem Neurons Develop Biophysical Specializations for Temporal Processing"
Presented by: Jason Tait Sanchez, PhD 2014 AAS Young Investigator Presenter
Click here for more details and to register for this course.
We recently completed our 2014 meeting and are pleased that we added another success to a history that builds on many years of a world-class gathering of clinicians and scientists. With the support of a Grant from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders of the NIH, the program included outstanding interdisciplinary Translational Research Lectures and an inspiring Young Investigator Lecture. Another highlight of the meeting was the Carhart Memorial Lecture, a long-standing tradition of the AAS. Dr. Eric D. Young, PhD, presented an outstanding lecture on 'Changes in Central Auditory Processing Following Acoustic Trauma'.
More information about the 2014 meeting along with the full program and all abstracts for podium and poster presentations can be found on the AAS website.