We are more than a roofing company. 

Our Services
Patio and Sliding Glass Doors

5% Off Patio and Sliding Glass Doors
Celebrate Summer with this sizzling deal! Save 5% on all Paradigm and Pella Patio and Sliding Glass doors. 

*5% off is not good with any other offer or discount. Valid on proposals signed between June 1- June 30, 2015. 

Marshall Spotlight: Meet the Staff

Meet Chris Butler. He is an esti­ma­tor and the Vice-President of Mar­shall Roof­ing, Sid­ing, and Win­dows. He resides in Warrenton, VA and provides a free estimates in Warrenton, Fauquier County, Gainesville, and Fairfax areas. Chris has been with the com­pany 22 years, and has been a roof­ing pro­fes­sional for 37 years! His pas­sion for detailexpe­ri­ence, and hon­esty are a few of the rea­sons our clients appre­ci­ate him. When you have an expe­ri­enced and hon­est pro­fes­sional on the job you can trust their advice!
Article: 7 Signs You Need a New Roof

7 Signs You Need a New Roof

Take a look at this article from MSN.com. 
Summer Fun

Grilled Salmon Recipe

Full Recipe:  Grilled Salmon Recipe

Our vision is brought to life with expe­ri­enced esti­ma­tors. Our esti­ma­tors have expert prod­uct knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence with match­ing the
cus­tomer to the
right prod­ucts
. This, along with our sig­na­ture cus­tomer 
ser­vice is what makes us, Mar­shall Roof­ing, Sid­ing & 
a name you can trust.