There's something about September. Anticipation fills the air while store shelves overflow with school supplies. Many businesses gear up (including hiring) in September. If you are a parent or teacher, you're in the thick of "back to school" and all manner of hectic. Even if you haven't been in school for years, you may still feel affected by the transition from summer vacation into the "school year." That rhythm is ingrained deep inside us.
And so we gather ourselves up to begin...or begin again.
For some of you, beginning is the hardest part. It feels like a giant leap, too abrupt, too soon, you're not ready. You may not know how to get to that jumping off point or how to ease into the transition. Perhaps you don't see what you already have and how you've already prepared the soil and planted the seeds. Perhaps you're excited and yet, you hold back.
Many people interpret this difficulty as a lack of self-confidence. They think that they must feel "confident" in order to take that first, or next step after a break or setback. What if having self confidence before you begin was only part of the truth but not the whole of it?

"Why is the key always confidence? How come it's never love handles and flop sweat?"
~ Raj, The Big Bang Theory
We all know self-confidence is important. It's one of those concepts we accept but, when asked why it's so important, we realize we aren't so clear about it.
We know that self-confidence seems to get people more of what they want. We want to emulate self-confidence, put ourselves out there face to the wind so we can get more of what we want too. And, we have a sense that self-confidence feels good. At least it looks like it does. Is it surprising that we want to feel good inside and have more of what we want it life? Who doesn't?
Yes Raj, self-confidence is key to success. This study from the University of Melbourne found a correlation between self-confidence, especially if built early in life, and success in the workplace. And sorry, there's empirical evidence that confidence is a romantic attractor (but you knew that already).
Maybe you, lovely reader, have had tons of confidence building experiences in your youth, maybe you didn't. No worries because,
It's never too late to understand self-confidence and learn what it really is, what to practice,and how to practice it.
You can begin by unpacking some of the myths that surround self-confidence.
Here's a mini assignment, should you choose to accept it.
- Ask yourself what having greater self-confidence will bring to your life?
- What specifically would you want it for?
- What would you begin tomorrow if you had it?
You may already know that greater self-confidence is essential for you right now so the following announcement is for you.
I'm offering a 3 class course
Westchester Community College Sept. 26th, Oct. 3rd and Oct. 17th.
If you live nearby, join us!
"Men do change, and change comes like a little wind that ruffles
the curtains at dawn, and it comes like the stealthy perfume of
wildflowers hidden in the grass."
-John Steinbeck
Here you are at the end even as we talk about beginnings. See how we did that? Thank you for reading all the way through and for being a subscriber. If you received this email from a friend, I hope you enjoyed it and I invite you become a member too.
Move Into Change Coaching
Southfield Ave
Stamford CT 06902