 September- October 2013 issue  

How do you develop a reward structure



Do you have a reward structure, is it sustainable, and is it aligned to your overall goals?




If you are updating your reward structure - or if you are thinking about putting a scheme in place for the first time, what are the key things you need to know?


In this newsletter we explore how to go about setting up or updating a reward structure - the things you need to know, and what's best avoided. There's a guest interview too, with a client who we worked with to help them set up a scheme from scratch.


In this issue:


■ Guest Interview: Setting up a reward strategy for a greenfield business


■ Rewarding Tips: The DOs and DON'Ts of setting up a reward structure


Creating a sustainable reward structure


Next newsletter - November 2013    


If you've found something in this newsletter helpful, or there's a topic you'd like to see us cover in a future issue,please drop us a line.

Best wishes
Sylvia Doyle
Reward First ® People Consulting

Guest Interview: Steve Ball, Head of HR for URENCO UK, speaks to Sylvia Doyle about setting up a reward strategy for a greenfield business


What were you setting out to achieve?


Our parent business, URENCO UK, has a long and well-established culture. We were tasked with setting up URENCO ChemPlants. This required us to develop and implement a reward strategy and practices, together with strong people management practices, to deliver the new business model.


Read the rest of the interview here

Creating a sustainable reward structure


According to Charles Cotton, Reward Adviser to the CIPDmost organisations still adopt an approach to reward that is "knee-jerk, short-term, reactive rather than actually going out there and saying ... what as an organisation do we need or want to be successful?".


So how can you establish reward practices that will work for your organisation both now and in the future?


Click here to read the rest of the article


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About Reward First ® 
People Consulting

We are a specialist compensation and benefits consultancy with a proven track record of delivering pragmatic and innovative reward solutions since 2004.

Reward First ® People Consulting is led by Sylvia Doyle  founder and Managing Consultant. 


Contact us on Tel.:01367 710 618 or by Email

Introducing our partners


If you've worked with us, you'll know that we offer a specialist reward service. But did you know that we can also give you access to a much wider range of HR-related expertise - via our network of partners?


Crucially, we only work with trusted partners who share our values - integrity, business focus and commercial acumen - and whose expertise we know to be proven. You can find out more here 


If you're interested in exploring how an integrated approach to your HR needs could benefit you, why not get in in touch.  


News and updates


 Thank you! My 12 year old son and I completed our big cycle ride from London to Paris to raise funds for Diabetes UK last week. A big thanks to everyone who has supported us and helped raise almost £4,000 for Diabetes UK.  
 Hope to see some of you in person at Employee Benefits Live on 26th Sept See Session C5 at 13:20


 My colleague Michael Rose will speak on salary sacrifice on 3 Oct at MHA MacIntyre Hudson. Please get in touch if you would like to be invited.


Next Time 
The topic for the November 2013 Newsletter is on Total Reward.


If there is a topic that you would like covered in a future issue please contact me


Please note that this information is provided as general guidance only. If you need specific advice relating to your requirements, please contact us on +44 (0) 1367 710 618. 

Tel: +44 (0) 1367 710618      Email: sylvia.doyle@reward-first.com
Reward First ® People Consulting Ltd is registered in England. Company No. 5186613