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Strategic Event Planning: Partnerships in Action

It’s that time again, as the end of year is upon us, and many are left scrambling to reach their event goals and growth targets. For event planners, the common refrain remains the same: generate better returns on their investments with increasingly limited resources.

What can we do differently in the coming year and beyond to optimize our opportunities for success? �A growing number of forward-thinking organizations are reviewing their strategy with trusted partners who have worked hard to understand their objectives and are invested in helping them achieve their goals. �A common key to their success is to engage in a year-round process, working closely with these partners to develop and pursue a strategic event plan.

Strategic Meeting and Event Management- A Growing Trend

One of the more compelling event planning trends in 2014 has been for organizations to adopt a Strategic Meetings Management (SMM) approach to improve their return on investment. According to Meeting Professionals International (MPI):

Using effective meeting management principles, industry professionals can leverage meeting and event portfolios to drive business performance, design effective and efficient meetings and events, and measure strategic business outcomes to track goal achievement and more effectively design future meetings. Strategic Meeting Management drives meetings to achievable and measurable outcomes, aligned with viable business objectives that drive business success.

SMM has been proven to improve productivity and enhance client relationships. A recent GBTA Foundation survey found that two-thirds of event planners say their SMM strategy has increased cost savings, streamlined the meeting/event planning process, and developed a more effective allocation of their resources, with 67 % of respondents showing an increase in productivity.

HRG Event Solutions: Developing Successful Event Strategies

When Lutheran HealthCare was looking for a company to assist them with planning for their annual gala dinner in Manhattan seven years ago, they chose HRG Event Solutions as their strategic partner. Our team of experts moved quickly to strategize with the Lutheran team in Brooklyn on developing a plan for this high profile event.

As a leading academic and community health care and social support leader in New York, Lutheran HealthCare needed to improve their ability to attract new donors and retain their base of supporters. Leveraging our experience in developing and marketing high profile events with our relationships and knowledge of the New York metro area, Event Solutions worked closely with existing Lutheran vendors and introduced them to new strategic partners to assess all of their options.

The results: Over the past seven years, the event has either met or exceeded their fundraising and attendance goals by expanding their partnerships and creating fresh and exciting themes that have maintained their base of supporters and attracted new constituents.

At HRG Event Solutions, the key to our success is to work as true partners with our clients, sitting at the same side of the table, with the same goals and objectives. Event Solutions develops, plans and manages high profile events for leading healthcare organizations, corporations, not-for-profits, business organizations and higher education institutions.

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About Hospitality Resource Group

Hospitality Resource Group, Inc. (HRG) is a group of three vertically integrated companies, with over 17 years of experience in developing innovative marketing, training and event programs for businesses, education institutions, municipalities and not for profit organizations. HRG clients benefit from our proven ability to ignite market interest, engage consumers, and educate employees on how to manage and lead their companies to build brand equity, increase sales and improve productivity.

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