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Family of Companies
  HRG Famiy of Companies  

"Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing."
- President Theodore Roosevelt

This famous quote is best represented by the tireless employees and volunteers who work for not for profit organizations. And while the importance of their contributions has never been more important, they cannot reach their goals without the resources and funding to sustain their efforts. �Today, fundraising has become even more of a challenge, as contributions to charities have only begun to rebound since the recession of 2008.

According to Patrick Rooney, Executive Director of the American Center for Philanthropy at Indiana University, “it will take another six or seven years to get back to the 2007 peak of $$344.48B in charitable donations.” As corporate giving has declined from businesses forced to do even more with even less, not for profits (“NFP”s) have looked to generate new sources of revenue income to cover their expenses, often competing with other worthy causes for the same dollars.

Not for Profit Partners in Progress

Food Bank for Westchester, Guiding Eyes for the Blind, Children's Health and Research Foundation and Friends of Karen. Sponsors joined Opus, HRG and NFP leaders who came together for this special day. Their ongoing support offer great examples of leadership that has helped our economy prosper by helping� these and other important organizations do well by doing good!

HRG Supports Not for Profits At Year End Events - You’re Invited!

HRG has provided support for NFP�s since its founding in 1997, bringing together the business and NFP community to highlight the need to promote their work that contributes to our quality of life. This fall, HRG will continue these efforts, as we host two very special annual events developed in partnership with Entergy. �On November 18th, the 7th Annual Not For Profit Educational Leadership Summit will bring together leaders from the NFP community who will share best practices and attend training workshops sponsored by our business partners.�On December 12th, our 8th Annual You are ‘Cause’ for Celebration holiday party and networking event will recognize the contributions of the hard working NFP employees and volunteers who deliver important programs and services to our community each and every day.

If you are interested in learning more about joining us or sponsoring these events please call us at (914) 761-7111 or email or�

About Hospitality Resource Group

Hospitality Resource Group, Inc. (HRG) is a group of three vertically integrated companies, with over 16 years of experience in developing innovative marketing, training and event programs for businesses, education institutions, municipalities and not for profit organizations. HRG clients benefit from our proven ability to ignite market interest, engage consumers, and educate employees on how to manage and lead their companies to build brand equity, increase sales and improve productivity.

The HRG family of companies includes:

Hospitality Resource Group has been recognized as a recipient of the
MPI Greater New York President�s Award in 2013

For more information, please visit us online @
or call (914) 761-7111.


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