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Trending: National Conference Features Innovative Meeting Tech Solutions

Technology has continued to evolve as an important resource for sophisticated meeting and event planners. Event Solutions, an HRG company, has been utilizing instant polling technology at our events to facilitate feedback between our clients and their attendees over the past year.

The recent SXSW Interactive conference, one of the world's largest and most innovative events, featured a number of truly innovative technology applications that could revolutionize the meetings and events industry. As Meeting Professionals International (MPI) and other sources predicted, leading technology developers have created new apps that are sure to impact planning and developing more effective meetings, today and into the future. Some of the major breakthroughs introduced at SXSW geared towards today's meeting and event planner include:

Think YouTube meets Slideshare. Whether it's a conference presentation, updating attendees on an upcoming meeting agenda or sharing details of an event location or venue, allows you to record and share your ideas, knowledge or messages online- simply and cost effectively.


Charlie prepares you to get to know people before you see them! With access to your calendar, Charlie knows who you are going to meet in the future. Prior to a meeting, Charlie filters through the web to present you with common traits between you and your connection, breaking news on their company, social updates and more.


The "first social network for maps" offers new features to mobile maps like the ability to view multiple plotted locations (including conference venues or hotel locations) at once. Plotter also lets you crowd source and discover maps from fellow meetings attendees, friends and experts. Finally, a map app that does more than search and directions!


This innovative caller-ID and contact management app allows users to personalize their incoming call screens and address books with a consolidated view of the caller's recent communications and social network updates. Sprezzat helps users customize their incoming call screen, streaming dynamic content from their favorite applications.

Coming Up in Our Next HRG Eblast: Team-Building is Back!

About Hospitality Resource Group

Hospitality Resource Group, Inc. (HRG) is a group of three vertically integrated companies, with over 16 years of experience in developing innovative marketing, training and event programs for businesses, education institutions, municipalities and not for profit organizations. HRG clients benefit from our proven ability to ignite market interest, engage consumers, and educate employees on how to manage and lead their companies to build brand equity, increase sales and improve productivity.

The HRG family of companies includes:

Hospitality Resource Group was awarded the 2011 "Award of Excellence" by the International Association of Conference Centers (IACC).

For more information, please visit us online @ or call (914) 761-7111.


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