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Introducing Everything DiSC Work of Leaders�

Change has always presented continuous challenges for business leaders who need to evolve their strategies. The key question they face today is how to promote collaboration and guide their organizations to a new level of success in an increasingly dynamic environment.

Strategic Training Solutions
is pleased to introduce Everything DiSC Work of Leaders�, a new leadership training program that provides advanced tools and insights to promote teamwork and enable leaders to direct and lead their organizations more effectively. Working within the framework of Vision, Alignment and Execution, Work of Leaders identifies individual behavioral trends and facilitates teamwork to strengthen these important elements of leadership. Work of Leaders offers new strategies to gain personal insights centered on:

  • Creating a vision of new possibilities for the future through exploration, boldness and testing assumptions
  • Developing alignment by communicating with clarity, engaging in dialogue and providing inspiration to move the organization in the same direction
  • Supporting execution through momentum, structure and feedback to capitalize on the collective talent of a team to enable their leaders vision to become reality
DiSC Work of Leaders� was developed based on over four years of research with over 300 subject matter experts and prominent leaders from over 150 organizations. DiSC Work of Leaders� helps leaders to:
  • Focus on taking tangible steps that direct them to reach desired outcomes
  • Approach leadership as a one-to-many relationship versus a one-to-one relationship
  • Develop an understanding of their leadership tendencies and how these tendencies influence their effectiveness in specific leadership situations

STS is a leading provider and facilitator of DiSC� training, including Everything DiSC�, the third‐generation application that combines online assessment, classroom facilitation, and post‐training follow‐up reports to create powerful, personalized workplace development experiences. The DiSC� profile series provides a unique understanding of how behavioral styles can impact individual and team effectiveness in the work environment.�

Strategic Training Solutions DiSC� training programs include:
  • DiSC� Classic - General Characteristics
  • Everything DiSC�� Management
  • Everything DiSC�� Sales
  • Everything DiSC� Work of Leaders
  • DiSC� Time Mastery

STS was recently recognized and honored as an Inscape Publishing Opal Award Winner. Inscape Publishing, Inc. is a leading developer of DiSC�‐based corporate training and assessment solutions, with a global network of nearly 1,800 independent distributors, major government agencies and Fortune 500 companies.

Strategic Training Solutions, a Hospitality Resource Group company, offers customized training programs, human resource management consulting and organizational development services for small to large size companies across multiple industries.

To learn more about how your team can incorporate DiSC� as a part of your team’s development, or for more information about other STS customized solutions, please contact Laura McNerney at (914) 761-7111, email or visit us on the web at


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