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The VBA Voice
The independent voice of Virginia lawyers                       Feb. 13, 2014
In This Issue
2015 Legal Food Frenzy logo Act fast and earn bonus points
Become part of one of the most successful and beneficial campaigns for Virginia's local food banks: the Legal Food Frenzy.

During the previous eight years of the friendly contest, Virginia's legal community provided a total of more than 11.4 million pounds of groceries to food banks around the state.  

Registration is open now for the Ninth Annual Statewide Legal Food Frenzy. Sign up online at legalfoodfrenzy.com. In fact, sign up before Feb. 15 and earn 100 bonus points. Read more...

The VBA Young Lawyers Division collaborates on the campaign with the Office of the Atttorney General and the Federation of Virginia Food Banks. They are planning kick-off events in March in Richmond, Norfolk, Northern Virginia and Roanoke.   

Dues renewal


Thank you for renewing your VBA dues and section memberships for 2015.

Haven't paid yet? Renewing is easy. Just log in and click on the link atop the first page you see after signing in. You can also access your dues invoice from the same page. It's under Invoicing.

While you're logged in, please make sure the employer and contact information we have about you is current.

VBA Online CLE logo  


VBA Online CLE

Your destination

for on-demand

CLE courses.


Newly accredited for 2015! 



Welcome our newest or reactivating members.


January additions 


*Excludes new admittees 


Upcoming events
Feb. 16
VBA Office closed for Presidents' Day holiday

Feb. 26
VBA Leadership Conference
Hunton & Williams, Richmond


March 30-April 10

9th Annual Legal Food Frenzy,

April 17-18
18th Annual Bankruptcy Law Conference,
Duck, NC

April 24-26
YLD Spring Executive Council Meeting,
Duck, NC

April 24-26
VBA Board of Governors Spring Meeting,
Duck, NC

July 23-26, 2015
The Omni Homestead Resort 
Hot Springs, VA 

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Dear ,

It may be cold outside, but activity is heating back up after a hot Annual Meeting. We encourage you to get involved -- or get more involved -- in a 2015 VBA activity, section, division or committee. Wondering where to start? Give the VBA office a call at  804-644-0041 and we'll be happy to make suggestions and introductions.
Annual Meeting elections
Harry M Pete Johnson III Get to know the VBA's 2015 officers and governing board, led by the VBA's newly inducted 127th President, Harry M. "Pete" Johnson, III, installed at the VBA's Annual Meeting last month. Read more...  
Distinguished Service & other awards
Former Chief Justice Kinser Margaret Ivey Bacigal
At the Annual Meeting banquet, former Chief Justice Cynthia Kinser received the VBA's highest honor and Professor Margaret Bacigal was awarded the Robert E. Shepherd Jr. Award. The Young Lawyers Division recognized the dedication and hard work of three attorneys. Read more...
2015 AnnMtg Labor Law biz meet
You ought to be in pictures...
Have you seen our Facebook photo albums from the Annual Meeting? 

Please Like the VBA page on Facebook. 

Congratulate Bankruptcy Law Section
Each year the VBA recognizes the substantive law section with the biggest growth and highest net growth. For 2014, the Bankruptcy Law Section, chaired by Robbie Westermann of Hirschler Fleischer, won both awards. Take a bow!

The section-planned annual Bankruptcy Law Conference will be April 17-18 in Duck, N.C. Reserve rooms at the Sanderling Resort by March 17 for the VBA group rate. Call 800-701-4111. Check out past conference MCLE programming at VBA Online CLE.
Legislative agenda advances
It's crossover week for the short session of Virginia's General Assembly, when each chamber starts considering bills originating in the other chamber.

Our legislative team is closely watching the budget bill and proposed funding for the judiciary. According to the team, of the bills on the VBA agenda, six have been approved in one chamber. Four more were expected to receive floor votes early this week. One proposed House died on a voice vote but a Senate may well pass.

We keep you informed with interactive updates Monday, Tuesday and Thursday throughout the session.
Kelsey joins the Supreme Court of  Va.
In January, the General Assembly appointed the newest justice to the Supreme Court of Virginia. Read more...
What's your favorite '14 VBA memory?
2014 in Review Annual Report We have compiled images from the many notable VBA events of the past year in an annual report, "2014 in Review." [PDF]

Its release is also mentioned in a News item on our website: 2014 in Review: Keeping the Memories Alive.  
Deadline for RFP responses is Feb. 25
Do you know of a real estate broker who specializes in commercial leasing transactions in Richmond? The VBA is seeking proposals. Read more... 
Give to The VBA Foundation
This 501(c)(3) charitable organization accepts donations that in turn benefit the good works of the VBA and related programs.
Member news
  • Daniel C. Summerlin III is the new president of the Woods Rogers PLC. He has been with the Roanoke-based firm for 17 years. Sumerlin succeeds Thomas R. Bagby, also a past president of the VBA, who was president of the firm from 2008 to 2014.
  • Michelle L. Warden, an attorney at Sands Anderson PC in Richmond, has been promoted to counsel.
  • Jeffrey D. McMahan Jr. is an associate with Graybill, Lansche & Vinzani, LLC, in greater Richmond. He previously was with the complex commercial litigation group at McGuireWoods LLC.
  • Michael L. Sterling, managing partner at Vandeventer Black LLP in Norfolk, has been appointed to the board of directors of Eggleston Services. The nonprofit education, training and employment organization for individuals with disabilities offers 33 programs across 16 locations throughout Hampton Road. It provides services to more than 600 individuals each year.
  • Katharina Kristin Brekke Powers, an attorney with Vandeventer Black LLP in Norfolk, was elected president of the Norwegian-American Chamber of Commerce, Mid-Atlantic Chapter, based in Washington, D.C.
  • Katherine DeLuca has been promoted to partner with McGuireWoods LLP. Also at the Richmond office, Katherine Mims Crocker has joined the appellate practice. She clerked for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.
  • Shane Frick is an associate with MG Law in Richmond.
  • ThompsonMcMullan, P.C., in Richmond has hired John P. O'Herron as an associate. He had been a clerk for Chief Justice Cynthia D. Kinser.
  • Anna K. Derewenda joined the Williams Mullen law firm in Richmond as a partner in the tax law section. Elected to partner at the firm are Jenny H. Connors, Patrick A. Cushing, Alyssa C. Embree, Lee G. Lester, Brendan D. O'Toole, Shane L. Smith, Lauren M. Wheeling and J. Nelson Wilkinson. All but Embree and Smith, who work out of Tidewater offices, are based in Richmond.
  • Immediate Past VBA President John L. Walker III is quoted in the Virginia Business article "Disorder in the Court?" in its February issue. The article discusses the judicial appointment process in Virginia and the need for more judges.
  • Last, but certainly not least, a huge thank-you to outgoing section and committee chairs:Jeffrey M. Summers, John Owen Gwathmey, Dennis P. Smith, Christine M. Corey, Paula L. Peaden, Darin Waylett, Alan S. Goldberg, Judge Pamela Baskervill and Katja Hill. And to the outstanding service and dedication of members rotating off the Board of Governors: Thomas R. Bagby, Elaina Blanks-Green, Cyril F. Coombs, Mark L. Esposito, M. Melissa Glassman, Donald C. Schultz, Sen. John Edwards, Judge Louis Lerner and Dean Wendy Collins Perdue.
The Virginia Bar Association is the largest statewide voluntary group for lawyers, judges and law professors.
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