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Student Centered
Information for students, parents and prospective students
November 2014
student-walking-hallway.jpg Spring Registration
Spring Registration is going on now! Skip the lines in January and register for classes before you go home for the holidays.

Starting with registration for spring semester 2015, you are required to make payment arrangements at the time of registration. You can still register either within your department, with your faculty advisor or on WebAdvisor.

However, within three business days of registering, you must visit the Cashier's Office in the Student Services Concourse in Light Hall or at the Logan or Perry Campus to sign the Registration Terms & Conditions/Student Financial Responsibility Agreement and review your financial arrangements. If you do not do this within three business days, your schedule will be dropped, and you will need to begin the registration process again.
Holidays Around the World


Holidays Around the World will be celebrated Thursday, December 4 from 4 - 6 p.m. in the Light Dining Hall. 

According to Giles Lee, Director of Co-Curricular Activities, holiday cheer from around the world will be celebrated. Students, faculty and staff will enjoy learning about how holidays are celebrated in different cultures, including Christmas, Kwanzaa, Diwali and Hanukkah. A traditional turkey dinner and festive desserts provided by various groups from on and off campus will be provided and Santa will make an appearance.

This event is sponsored by the Student Center, Dining Services, Diversity without Division and Campus Ministries.
Spring Scholarship Application Deadline This Friday
Several scholarship are still available for spring semester! All currently enrolled Hocking College students should complete the online Scholarship Application by November 28, 2014, to be considered for scholarships for spring semester.

Apply online through the Scholarship Application, which can be accessed through the "Pay For College" area of the Hocking College website. Click on the Scholarships subheading to find additional information and a direct link to the 2014-2015 scholarship application.
Student Center Thanksgiving Hours
The Student Center will close at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, November 26. It will re-open at 6 a.m. on Monday, December 1. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!
Reminder: Nelsonville PD Ending Weapons Storage

Hocking College has been notified by the Nelsonville Police Department that due to liability issues, they will no longer store weapons for Hocking College students.


If you current have a weapon in storage at the NPD, you must pick up your weapon by Friday, December 12, 2014. Contact the Nelsonville Police Department at 740.753.1736 to arrange to pick up your weapons by the December 12 deadline.

Savages are Flag Football Champions
Congratulations to the Savages on winning the 2014 Hocking College flag football league. They finished the season with a perfect 11-0 record.

Record Number Participate in Weightlifting Competition
A record 69 participants came out to compete in Hocking College's 12th annual Weightlifting Competition and 36 participated in the inaugural X-Fit Challenge. Both events, hosted by the Fitness Management Class of 2015 were held Saturday, November 8.

The weightlifting competition was comprised of the best successful lift from a bench-press, dead-lift and squat lift divided by the competitor's body weight for the pound for pound or "relative" strongest. Trophies and certificates were awarded to the top three competitors in the male and female categories. The competitors with the heaviest maximum squat were, Nathan Grimm and Zach Wilson at 500 lbs. and Amanda Hunter at 230 lbs. The heaviest maximum dead-lift was awarded to Nathan Grimm and Zach Wilson for 550 lbs. and Kara Hall-Whitman for 255 lbs. The last category for heaviest maximum bench-press was awarded to Justin Carpenter for 405 lbs. and Allyson Spence and Tori Neer for 125 lbs.

The new X-Fit Challenge hosted nine, four-person teams. Competitors were each required to complete a gauntlet of 21-15-9 reps of the power clean followed by the same number of burpees over a bar. The winning team, with the fastest overall times of 23:29 was True-Fit Athletics from Lancaster, made up of Jimmy Barnes, Andrew Blosser, Brandi Waddell and Brandon Holley.

See pictures from the competition.
Arts, Business & Science Advising Center Now Open
The School of Arts, Business, and Science (ABS) has opened an ABS Advising Center, located in JL361.

The center offers a variety of services with a primary goal to assist ABS students with building block schedules and learning to register themselves online once their academic advisers have approved their SEPs. This will eliminate congestion in the ABS office in Oakley 312, reduce student wait time and empower students by providing the tools to make registration easier.

Hours of operation:
  • Monday: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Tuesday: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and 5 to 6 p.m.
  • Wednesday: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Thursday: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Friday: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Hocking Student Poem Published in Anthology
Hocking College student Marissa Moliviatis recently had one of her poems published in an anthology.  


The book, Wolf Warriors: The National Wolfwatcher Coalition Anthology, is filled with poems and creative pieces regarding mystical creatures.  


Moliviatis's poem was originally written as a class assignment where her peers strongly encouraged her to submit the piece for publication. The poem talks about the aspect of "communing" with the natural world.


The book is available on Amazon. Great job to Marissa, and to her instructor Renee' Williams!    

SEPTA Center Seeking Editor, Layout Artist
The first volume of Nelsonville SEPTA Center resident poetry is slated for release in 2015. Free in Poetry is seeking candidates for Editor and Layout Design Artist to assist with this publication, a community project to enhance literary skills and promote the joy of poetry.

Interested candidates should have editing and/or layout design experience. Candidates will be recognized in the publication with a by-line, as well as media recognition. The experience will compliment a resume/portfolio and references will be given. Positions are volunteer status.

Those interested should contact Gina McKnight, Free in Poetry Facilitator, via email at gmcknight11@gmail.com or call 740.590.3987.
Outdoor Pursuits

Climbing Wall
Monday - Friday: Climbing Wall, 12 - 9 p.m.
Saturday/Sunday: Climbing Wall open, 12 - 6 p.m.
Lead Climbing on wall Wednesdays 7 - 9 p.m.

For more information contact:
Shane West
Coordinator of Outdoor Pursuits

Reminder: Check out imleagues.com anytime for open sports schedules!

Flag Football League

Intramural Flag Football League games will be held every Monday and Wednesday at 5 p.m., 6 p.m. and 7 p.m.


Open Soccer
Monday, Wednesday and Sunday in the Multiplex 6 - 9 p.m.

Open Volleyball
Thursday in the Multiplex 6 - 9 p.m.


Open Basketball
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at the Tennis Courts 5 - 9 p.m., Tuesday in the Mulitplex 5 - 9 p.m. 


Open Soccer
Monday, Wednesday and Sunday in the Multiplex 6 - 8 p.m.

To register a team for Flag Football or any of the open sports, log on to imleagues.com, choose "Hocking College" as your school and create an account. Click on the "Intramurals" tab at the top, click on "Flag Football" or your desired open sport, click the "Register/Sign Up" button and choose create team. Follow the instructions to set up your team, then invite your friends to join!

Follow the Student Center on Social Media!
Twitter: @StudentCenterHC

Any questions, call 740.753.6540 or email hockingintramurals@gmail.com.
Ministries On Campus

  • I-Fuel: Student Center, 7 - 9 p.m., Sundays
  • Campus Crusade for Christ (CRU): Meetings will start soon, watch for details on days and location.
About Us
If you would like to get involved in Student Centered or for more information about anything in Student Centered please contact:

Giles Lee
Prime Minister of Student Activities
Hocking College Student Center
3301 Hocking Parkway
Nelsonville, OH 45701

Follow the Student Center on Social Media!
Twitter: @StudentCenterHC

Hocking College provides a unique, innovative, and quality education in a supportive experience- based learning environment, preparing students for employment and transfer education opportunities, while teaching the value of lifelong learning, promoting diversity and developing citizens who are engaged in their local and global communities.
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Kudos Korner

Kudos on a Successful Hocktoberfest 5K!

Hocktoberfest 5K 
Kudos to Bill Finnearty and the Fitness Management students for hosting a very successful 5K Run/Walk during Hocktoberfest. This year's event had 122 participants.

The 5K participants were also able to receive a post-event massage by Mark Cullen and Jeannie Faulkner's Massage Therapy students.

See photos from the 5K.

Kudos to Our STARS 

Kudos to all of the students recognized at this semester's STARS Awards Ceremony.

The Student Team and Academic Recognition System (STARS) award ceremony, honoring outstanding student and group achievements from the spring and summer 2014 terms, was held Thursday, November 6, 2014.

Check out pictures from the ceremony
Clubs & Organizations
Thinking of starting a new club? Advertise here. Click on the club below for contact information.

Active Clubs:

Grants are available through the Student Center for club funding!
Not seeing your club here? Let us and know and we will add it to the list. Contact Giles Lee
Student Services
 Upcoming Events
  *Located In Student Center unless otherwise stated

If you require special  accommodations
to participate in any campus event, please call 740.753.7107.   
Cross-Cultural Corner

One Hocking Logo


Join us for Holidays Around the World when we will be celebrating  Christmas, Kwanzaa, Diwali and Hanukkah.



Interested in cross-cultural issues? Check out the
Diversity Without Division Facebook Page
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Student Government
Would you like to be a part of campus decision making, make your voice heard on campus, go on trips, attend conferences and trainings, build a resume and gain leadership experience? 

Come to the Student Government meeting, Friday at 12:30 p.m. in the Student Center Lobby.